Chapter 30: Arrival of Necrozma

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You knew what you had to do. Something kind of whispered "Call Nebby". The flute! Did you bring it with you?! You flailed for the instrument in your backpack. However, would this work with only one flute? "Looking for this?" Gladion asked. You turned to see him holding the other flute. At least someone had their head on straight. "I'm sure Solgaleo and Lunala will know what happened up here. Let's call them" you said. You and Gladion went to opposite ends of the altar and played the melody. The altar lit up. A flash of light came out of the center piece and formed Solgaleo's body. A dark purple flash of light flew out afterwards and formed Lunala's body. You put the flute away and ran up to the two beasts. "Nebby! Lunala!" you called for them. They both turned around. "It has been days since I last saw of you" Solgaleo purred. He kept his eyes on you and Gladion, but he looked to be searching for something else. It must be Lillie. "Lillie is taking care of a friend of ours. He was badly injured in a UB confrontation" you told him. The answer satisfied his curiosity. " You called us because of the UBs, no?" asked Lunala. Well that was part true. "My mother came up here not to long ago. She was following a lead on the sightings of a UB up here. However, she disappeared and we have no idea what happened" Gladion said. The two beasts looked at each other. "Now that you speak of it, something is here. Somewhere. I feel its presence" Solgaleo was scanning the perimeter. "Why would it come so close to us?How could we not sense it before?" Lunala was confused. If they were worried, that was bad. "Whatever it is thinks it can out smart us! Hide under our noses! I will not tolerate such an act! Ultra beast or not, it's clearly a danger to Alola. I can sense it's evil intent" Nebby flared up in anger. The tense situation gave you Swanna bumps. You didn't want to be the one at the end of Nebby's anger. Something suddenly shift in the atmoshpere. It was almost like a dark pressure. "Solgaleo the altar! Somethings coming!" Lunala cried.

From the opening portal that summoned the legends, another portal was born. This one looking oddly similar to an UB's portal. The two legends stood in defense. "Face us! Lest we go in after you!" Nebby threatened. Nebby was right about the presence being literally under them. The crack in the air opened wide and spat out something. Lusamine. She was unconscious. You and Gladion immediately started to run to her but Solgaleo stood in your way. "We don't know whats coming next. Stay back" he forced you. Not wanting to test him, you did what he said. Just like Nebby predicted, a black form squeezed itself out of the portal.  Was this truly a Ultra Beasts? The odd creature had a black structured like body and was as big as the legends themselves.It glared at the legends. "I've finally managed to make it into this words. So fresh and full of light" said the thing. "Who are you?!" Solgaleo demanded. "You may call me Necrozma! Stealer of Light! Behold! Watch as I take the light from this world and become invincible! Neither you nor lunala can stop me!" said Necrozma. It lifted it's arms and a power seem to gather. Not wasting a second, Nebby sprung into action. It lunged with a Flare Blitz and stopped Necrozma's actions. "You dare defy me. You are no match for me. But if you offer yourself as a sacrifice, then I shall take it!" it said angered. Solgaleo and Lunala collided with Necrozma. The three of them raced around the altar, attacking one another in a blur of yellow,black and purple. Could they really defeat this thing? Was it really going to steal the light from Alola?

You and Gladion took this time to go check in with Lusamine. She didn't looked to be harmed. . Catching your attention, a painfully shriek rung out. The black form had gain advantage over the purple one. The two collided with the center of the altar piece. It was revealed that Necrozma had Lunala pinned against the wall. Solgaleo roared in protest as it tried to stop Necrozma. Solgaleo ripped the creature off it's partner and stood in between the two. "You can't possible bring me down. You are weak Solgaleo. Give up!" Necrozma growled. It was true that Solgaleo wasn't holding up as well. Especially now that Lunala was injured. "We...won't use this world" Lunala had opened her eyes and gotten back up. "You two are pathetic as the sun and moon itself! However if it weren't for it, there would be no light. So at least you serve some purpose" Necrozma said. Nebby growled,  "The sun and moon light up the dark. You will never win knowing this fact!" he told Necrozma. Necrozma laughed, "You think I am darkness itself?! You are as dumb as you look. I steal the light. I will become the new light of the universe. I will shine brighter and better than the sun or moon them self!" he replied. 

Necrozma's eyes shone. Light was gathered. So beautiful, it reflected the colors of the rainbow. A powerful beam was let loose. The attack cut deep  into the ground as if went towards Solgaleo and Lunala. Both of them dodged barely. "Lunala we have to attack together" Solgaleo told her. Lunala gained some air. She curled her wings into a perfect circle and released Moongeist Beam. Solgaleo had taken the time to charge up his Sunsteel Strike. The attack had hit one after another. A blinding light reflected off of Nercrozma's armor. For a second, you couldn't see anything. When your vision came back, Necrozma was still standing. But looked like the attacks had done some damage, although very little. "Is that the best the both of you can do? I can withstand those attacks for days" it told them. If Nebby and Lunala can't hurt it, what hope did they have in saving Alola?

Necrozma attack Nebby with a Night Slash, sending the legend downward into a crater. Once Solgaleo was out of the way, it attacked Lunala grabbing her tail and throwing her across the altar. Necrozma's assault continued. He had pinned Lunala against the ground. His hand crushing her face. "Now with your help, I will become a God of light" Necromza told Lunala. Lunala shrieked and struggled to free herself, but to no avail. You wanted to do something, anything. A roar rang out. Solgaleo had gotten up, "I'm not done fighting!" he roared. Necrozma was intrigued and amused. He stood up, letting Lunala go free. "Now that one of you is out of the way, I'll enjoy this" Necrozma taunted. Solgaleo and Necromza clashed once again. Flying off in a flash of yellow and black light. You took this chance to run up to Lunala. She was alive, but barely. "Save...yourself" she forced herself to say. "I'm not leaving you or Solgaleo" you told her.

"(Y\N) GET DOWN!" you heard Gladion cry. Lunala covered you with her wing with the rest of her strength. The two lights clashed and were now hurdling back to the altar. The lights crashed in front of you, sending chunks of rock and dirt everywhere. Necrozma had forced Solgaleo underneath it. He was crushing Nebby's head, holding him down. "I've had enough of this. You've proven yourself to be worthless and incapable against my power" Necrozma growled. Necrozma's hand began to glow, "Now become one. Let me take your light" he said. The two beings glowed brightly and became one. Necrzma had encased Nebby in it's own armor. The new beast let out a triumphant roar. "Yes! Now the light of this world will be mind at last!" Necrozma spoke. It had taken over Nebby's body. Who knew what new power it had. Necrozma release a horrible dark aura from its body. The darkness spread far and wide,becoming so thick it was pitch black on a sunny day. By the time the murkiness settled, Necrozma had disappeared with Nebby's body. The world was now dark as night. There was no presence of the moon or stars to clear the air. Necrozma had done it. Taken Alola's light.

Pokemon Ultra Sun\ Moon: The Wrath of Ultra Necrozma, Stealer of LightWhere stories live. Discover now