Chapter 14 Where am I? \ Starting the Rescue

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A\N Sorry it's been a while since I last uploaded. I just had a crazy week and its still warm in Cali

Your POV

What happened? Where were you now? All you could remember was being put to sleep by Ninetales' Hypnosis. You opened your eyes and found yourself in a dark room with barely enough light to see. The room was empty, except for the bed you were lying on and a few other things such as stacks of boxes. You stood up. There has to be a light switch somewhere, right? You followed the walls until you came across a light switch. You tried to flip the switch, but it didn't work. Looks like you're stuck in the dark for a while. Great. You turned around to go back to the bed, when you noticed your backpack sitting on a small table. You almost ran over to grab it, but something stopped your hand from touching it. Huh? You reached out again and felt a glass barrier. Figures. If only you could get one of your Pokemon to help you get out of here. You hit the glass a few times with your fists, but it was no use. Maybe there was something sturdy enough lying around the room. Although, how could you tell if you could barely see a thing.

The door suddenly opened and light came flooding in. A person stood in the doorway, "I thought you'd be awake by now" the voice said. Who was this person? You turned to face them, afraid of leaving them to your back. Behind you stood an older man with his Pokemon. You've never heard or seen that Pokemon before. "Come with me. We have some things to discuss in the next room. Sigilygh, watch them" the man said as he left the room. Sigilygh? What was this things? You didn't want to leave the room, but you had no choice. The Sigilygh urged you out and took you to the next room. In the next room was empty, with nothing but a table. You saw the woman who tricked you, with her Ninetales. They waited on the side. "Sit" the man told you. Not like you really wanted to. You felt the need to flee, but you couldn't leave your Pokemon here with them. You sat down in the single chair. "Do you know why you are here?" the man asked. You would obviously love to know why. You said nothing. "You will be staying with us here for a while. You see with you under our control, we have the strongest trainer of all Alola. With that, nobody can say no to us. If they do, they risk the life of their champion and nobody wants you to get hurt. The people here are too nice for that" the man explained. They're keeping you, the champion, a child, held captive for personal gain? You never thought people could steep so low. True you probably could be the strongest trainer in Alola, but did you really mean that much to its people? You were just one person, would people really do as they say just because they held you captive?

"Don't worry. We will take good care of you while we wait for Alola to supply our demands. The quicker they do, the faster you'll be freed" the man went on. "I believe the police have gotten the ransom video by this time sir" the woman said. Man these people were despicable. You wondered if Gladion was doing anything about this right now. You were sure he was, but could he really be able to find you? As long as these people didn't touch you or your Pokemon, you should be able to handle this.

After the man was done explaining, his Sigilygh urged you back to the room. Here you were again, in the dark. You were probably be in here alone for a few hours. You couldn't just sit here and do nothing. There has to be something in this room. Maybe in these boxes. If you could just find something made of metal, you could break the glass and get your things. Better get to looking.

Gladion POV

Following Jess and her Pokemon to route 10, she led us off the main road. "It's hard to figure out where they went just by looking. Luckily Herdier remembers the way better" the Jess said, allowing her Pokemon to take the lead. "I hope (Y\N) is alright" Lillie hoped. Weather she\he is fine or not, those kidnappers are going to pay for this. "So Gladion, how are we going to do this? Are we sneaking in or not?" Hau asked. The best thing would be to sneak in and save (Y\N) from right under their noses but I wouldn't mind starting a war either. If they're going to face anyone, it's going to be me. "We'll see when we get there" I told Hau.

At first, it didn't look like Herdier was getting us anywhere. But if the kidnappers weren't hidden, then they wouldn't be good kidnappers. "You just need to go through this tunnel and you'll be there" the Jess said as we all stopped. There was no way a truck could've fit through this tunnel. "Isn't it a bit small for a truck" Hau also noticed. Little Jess looked at the tunnel, "Yea, but it was Herdier who found this way. Don't' worry. The truck should be on the other side. I promise" she smiled. Following the truck directly would've been more risky. I'm surprised Herdier was able to find a safer route. "Are you going to go back to Malie?" Lillie asked. "I probably should, but I want to help you guys. You must be saving someone if you're willing to put yourself in danger" Jess observed. She's smart but not sure it was a good idea to bring her with us. "We're saving our friend. She\he's the champion of Alola" Hau explained. Jess's eyes lit up, "I know what they look like. I like her\him. I want to be like that someday" she commented. It was nice to hear that (Y\N) has made an impact on everyone, no matter how old they were. "I can't believe some meanies kidnapped them" little Jess said upset. "We'll get her\him back. I'll make those kidnappers regret taking her\him away from me" I growled. It's been awhile since I've been this worked up. But these people are asking for it.

We all passed through the tunnel and on the other said was the truck, like the girl said. Just beyond the truck was something like a small warehouse. It was old and looked like it was ready to fall over. I could go in by force. Silvally had enough power to break down the walls. But (Y\N) could be held in any one of the rooms. I guess we'll have to try the stealth method first. "We'll sneak in. But if we come across anyone, we'll go all out" I said. Everyone nodded. "Lillie watch over her, ok" I asked told my sister. Lillie nodded. Hau and I will be in the front, so if Lillie needs to run, she'll have time to take Jess with her. "Let's get moving" I whispered moving towards the building. Everyone else followed me in a single line.

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