Chapter 13 Putting On our Detective Hats

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A\N This will be the first chapter in all Gladion's POV. I have a love for detective stuff, so I enjoyed writing this chapter. Next chapter, we will see what the kidnappers have in store for you.

Gladion's POV Continues

"Gladion. Gladion wake up" I heard. Opening my eyes, I saw Hau and Lillie kneeling over me. I sat up sill groggy and collected my thoughts. "(Y\N). We have to save her\him" I said. "Shouldn't we get help first?" Lillie suggested worried. I shook my head, "If the kidnappers find out the police are looking, it will make it much harder to get (Y\N) back. We must try our best to do it on our own" I told her. As much as I would like more help, it's for the best. Lillie looked unsure and frightened. "Don't worry Lillie. We'll save her\him" Hau reassured her. We all stood up, "Let's write down anything we remember. Lillie do you have a notepad?" I asked. She nodded and took it out. "The truck was red, right?" I said. "Yea, red. I think it had a sticker on the bumper.....I think it said 'Ula Ula is the Best'" Hau recalled. I didn't expect him to catch such a small detail, but he sure did come in handy. The more we can remember about the incident, the better. Lillie was writing the notes down. "The woman had a Kanto Ninetales. That's important, isn't it?" Lillie asked. Hau and I nodded. "It will make it easier to identify her. Anything else we need to remember?" Hau asked. "Yea, it took place here in the bamboo forest" I said. After taking a few more moments, "I think that is all we saw. Is there anything around here?" Hau suggested. The three of you looked around. "Hey. The truck left tire tracks" Lillie noticed. We all walked over to look at them, "Lillie, continue to write down any clues we find. Let's follow these tracks" I told them.

Following the track of tires, we were led back to the main road. Looking in both directions to see which way the truck went was meaningless. "It looks like another vehicle past here. The truck could've went either direction" I observed. That didn't make this any easier. "There has to be some way we can tell. Like a dirt mark, right?" Hau asked. He was right. Even if a passing vehicle went over, it shouldn't have got rid of all the tracks. I nodded, "You are right Hau. We need to look for a pattern coming from right here and turning onto the road" I told him. The three of us kneeled down close to the road and searched. After a few minutes of looking for any patterns, Hau found something. "I think I got it you guys" he said standing up. He pointed to the ground behind us, where the tracks were clear. "See the tracks start to turn to the right and if you look closely you can follow it onto the main road. It went right towards Malie City" Hau concluded. I stood up to check what Hau had seen and he was right. I was able to see the pattern of the tracks turning if I followed directly from the tracks we followed. "Hau that's amazing" Lillie complemented him. Don't make his ego expand, Lillie. "Thanks. I saw something similar on a TV show" Hau grinned. So much for his credibility. But that might have just saved us in the long run.

Following the tracks, we were led back to Malie city. The next problem was the road was all concrete. There was no way to track it now. "What are we going to do now Gladion?" Hau asked. Looking around, there was nothing out of the ordinary. "Our best bet would be to ask around. Somebody has to have seen a red truck pass by" I said. Hau nodded, "Right I'll ask people going towards the garden" Hau said. Lillie offered to ask around heading towards the library. That leaves me with people going towards route 10. We all split up to ask around. After asking a few people, it didn't seem like the truck went in this direction. I hope they didn't take (Y\N) to the docks. There would be no telling which island they would flee to. The more I thought about it, the more I became uneasy. What did they want her\him for? How could they do such a thing? Who would want to hurt a sweet person like (Y\N)? I hope Lillie and Hau are having better luck than I am.

"Excuse me. Did you say you were looking for a red truck" a young voice said. It was like somebody had use Flash to illuminate a dark area. I turned around quickly. Behind me stood a little girl and her Herdier. I knelt down to her level. "Yes. It is very important that I find that truck" I told her. The girl nodded, "Me and Herdier saw it go down route 10. Herdier said that something wasn't right, so I followed it. We just came back to go get Officer Jenny" the girl told me. For being so young, she sure is brave. Herdier barked to confirm the girl's statement. I stood back up, "I need to go get my friends. Would you mind showing us the way to the truck?" I asked her. The girl smiled, "Mhmmm. I'm Jess" she replied. I took the girl with me to find Hau and Lillie. We waited in front of the Malasada shop, like Hau wanted. "Hey mister" Jess said wanting my attention. I looked down at her, waiting for her to speak. "You have pretty eyes" she told me. I felt my face heat up slightly. It was like a wave of emotion suddenly hit me. The only other person to tell me that was (Y\N). I have to get her\him back or I don't know what I would do with myself. Not long after, Hau and Lillie appeared together. What has Hau been doing? "Sorry Gladion. We didn't have any luck" Hau apologized. We? I looked at him, almost a glare. "What about you brother? Find anything?" Lillie asked trying to draw my attention. Hau is lucky there are more important things to do. "Actually I did. This girl and her Herdier managed to follow the truck" I said. The girl smiled. Hau and Lillie looked at her shocked. "I say we get moving. The sooner the better" I told the group. "Follow me. Me and Herdier will show you the way" little Jess said before taking off to route 10. We all ran after her.

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