Chapter 18 A Shower full of Embarrassment

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A\N I know its been two long since my last chapter. I'm can't so much about my situation but wait. Luckily I was hit with a sudden Gladion fever and I just had to write. don't ask where the idea for this chapter came from. I honestly don't know lol

I would love to hear what you guys think what this chapter will be about just by the title alone. Please humor me if you want.

Arriving back at the Aether Paradise, you got settled in for the long run. You'd be here for a while with Gladion. Although, maybe you could convince Lusamine to let Gladion go with you to that Male City island tournament next week. You doubt Gladion would be able to walk by then. Oh well you didn't mind pushing him around on his wheel chair. "Hey Gladion do you remember when that tournament was in Malie?" you asked him as the two of you relaxed in the Pokemon conservatory. "I think it was next week. The man didn't give an exact date" Gladion recalled. Shoot. You hoped it would've been later. "You are still going to battle right?" you asked. He nodded, "Of course. This wheelchair can't stop me from kicking Hau's butt in a battle" he said determined. At least he's got the right attitude. "I'm glad you still want to battle. I know we'll still have plenty of fun" you told him. Gladion in a wheelchair wasn't going to stop you either. "Speaking of the tournament, they're gonna have a lot of other events too. I want to participate in the contest. What do you think?" you asked Gladion for his opinion. "I think that fits you. You're going to have to practice a routine with your Pokemon for about a minute" he said. How does he know that? A routine? You never really sat to watch a contest before. "Ask my mom or Lillie. They've done contests before" Gladion added. That would explain it. You were sure the two of them would be happy to help. "I'm going to go look for them. I wanted to get started as soon as possible" you said eager. You took Gladion with you to go look for them.

The two of you found them in the kitchen baking something. Although the place looked a bit messy. "Hey what are you two up to?" you asked entering the kitchen. Lusamine turned around, "Lillie is showing me how to bake a cake" she said in a good mood. Lillie looked a bit exhausted, probably from the result of the mess. "First time?" you assumed. Lusamine nodded, "Yea. I know the place is a mess. I'll clean it up" Lusamine answered as she got right to it. Lillie washed her hands and came over to talk and take a break. "I never knew baking could be so messy" she sighed. You smiled, "It can be sometimes. You're bound to make an accident sometime" you told her. You guessed Lusamine made more than an accident. More like a few. "As long as you had fun right?" you tried to lighten the mood. Her mood lifted, "You're right. My mom was having fun. It's good to see her smile" she admitted. "I need to shower after the cake is done. I'm covered in flour now" Lusamine commented as she cleaned the counters. "Speaking of showers" she stopped her cleaning for a second and walked over. "Do you need to take a shower my love? You're still covered in dirt" she asked Gladion. Right we barely got here this morning. Now that you thought about it, he'd need help taking a shower. But Hau is the only guy who would help, but he's not here right now. This is a problem. "You could always take a bath too" you suggested. That would be easier since he wouldn't need to stand. "Good idea (Y\N)" Lusamine agreed. You could tell Gladion was a bit flustered and you kind of knew why. You wanted to say something, anything. So you did. "I'll help him Lusamine. I...don't mind" you offered blushing terribly. Lusamine was surprised, but she was glad you wanted to help him. "I think that would be better. Although I did change your diaper when you were a baby" Lusamine started to go on to a ramble but Gladion cut her off before she could go too far. "Mom I get it" he told her. She smiled and wasn't offended, "Of course my baby. Why don't 'he two of you get that done. The cake should be ready when you come back" she insisted. This was only going to get more awkward as it continued.

You wheeled Gladion back to his room so he could pick a clean change of clothes, then proceeded to the bathroom. Man this was beyond nerve wrecking. The two of you didn't really say much out of embarrassment. "I won't look I promise! >\\\<" you blurted out. You had to get that off your chest. Gladion looked at you, "I know you won't. I trust you" he said. Aw. Hearing him say that made you feel better but not really any less embarrassed. You parked his wheelchair out in the hallway. "I'm not sure if I can carry you" you just realized. Or even drag him for that matter. "Just try. I don't know how bad my legs are anyways" Gladion insisted. He was in pain yesterday, but he's now also on pain killers too. Here goes nothing. You attempted to get a good hold on Gladion as you helped him up. You could feel most of his weight on you as you attempted to help him stand. You weren't sure who was having more trouble keeping their balance. Eventually, you got him to stand up for a few seconds. But that all he was able to do. His legs were still very unstable. You sat him on the floor. "Well that kinda went better than I expected" you replied. "I got an idea. Get the bath ready for me please" Gladion told you. You nodded and prepared the bath, making sure it's wasn't too hot for him. As you waited for the tub to fill, Gladion came in being carried by his Lucario. Why didn't you think of that in the first place? But now came the awkward part. As the tub filled you helped Gladion take his sweater and shirt off, while Lucario held him steady. You couldn't help but blushed madly. You had to remember you were just helping him, that's all. As the tub finished filling, you turned it off. "Don't worry I'll take off everything else" he told you. You relieved, but how exactly would he do that. Well he does have Lucario to help. You nodded and turned around to face the wall. You kept your mind on other things as you waited. "You can look now" Gladion told you. You turned around and saw him sitting in the tub. Lucario was comfortable waiting out in the hallway. "The water's not to hot?" you asked. He shook his head, "I think it's good. The heat actually feels good on my legs" he said. You sat down on the floor and faced the opposite way, so he could have some privacy. It then hit you. You went to the kitchen to ask Lusamine and Lillie about the contest and got totally sidetracked. Opps. You had time, no worries. You and Gladion made small talk to make things more comfortable. Which helped a little. "(Y\N)...would you mind washing my hair for me?" Gladion asked. That question came out of nowhere. You'd never even thought he'd asked you this. Should you? Not like it was wrong. You know what. Sure. Why not. "Okay" you agreed. You stood up and got what you needed from the cupboards. It wasn't hard to tell which bottles of shampoo Gladion used, thankfully. You kneeled behind and him. Just pretend you're giving him a head massage, you told yourself. You covered Gladion's eyes with your hand and used the small cup you found to soak his hair. "You don't have to cover my eyes. I'll keep them closed" Gladion told you softly. You nodded and took your hand away. Something about this whole thing felt oddly relaxing. Were you just being weird?

You poured some shampoo in your hands and warmed it up a bit before massaging it into Gladion's hair. The shampoo filled the bathroom with a clean (shampoo scent of your choice) scent. It smelled really nice. "I love your shampoo" you told him as you continues to massage his hair, releasing the scent more into the room. "I'm not too crazy about it" Gladion replied. "Let me guess. Lusamine picked it" you concluded. He nodded slightly. It still smelt good to you. "Well maybe we should go shop for another scent if you don't like this one" you suggested. "Why?" he asked. He's going to be stubborn about this isn't he? Although, this is Gladion. "It's just a suggestion you don't have to. But I like to have a good smelling shampoo. It makes me feel cleaner" you told him. "If you really want to see what other shampoos there are, I guess it can't hurt" he said. Can't wait until the next trip to the store. After rinsing his hair, it time for him to get out. You held his towel open for him and closed your eyes so Lucario could help him out. As soon as he gave an ok, you wrapped him in his towel. Lucario picked back up and took Gladion to his room. You followed behind them. From the hallways, you could smells the freshly baked cake from the kitchen. You couldn't wait to see what kind of cake it was.

You closed the door to Gladion's room so he could change. You faced the door until he said it was ok to look. He was in some black sweats, once you tuned around. Lucario set him down on his bed so you could help him next. You noticed his hair was still kinda wet so you threw the towel over his head. Gladion took the towel off and though you were just playing around with him. You took the towel from him, "No your hair is still wet" you said and put the towel back over him and dried his hair. You removed the towel from his head when you were done. "Thank you (Y\N)" he told you. You smiled, "No problem Gladion" you replied. You knew what he was thanking you for. Of course you would help him no matter what. Even if it was awkward like as this. After putting on a black tank top, this whole shower thing was finally done. Lucario had brought Gladion's wheelchair and put him in it. "I think Lucario should get some cake for being so good. Don't you think Gladion?" you asked. Lucario seemed to like that idea. Gladion agreed, "Sure" he said. You opened the bedroom door, "Let's go have some cake then. It should be ready by now" you said eager.

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