Chapter 3 Good Nights and Starters

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A\N: I had a good vote for the starters. I could see Gladion with each of them. Though I think Charizard's hot flames fit Gladion best. I was tempted to give him Bulbasaur because Bulbasaur is freakin special to me and is one of my favs but I think the reader fits that best. It also adds a good typing to the team. So apologies if you don't like what I choose.

Please vote for who will battle Brock in the next chapter.

No Haus were harmed in the writing of this chapter!

You heard that there was a museum here in Pewter City, but to be honest you were tired from all the walking. You haven't walked that much in a while. So you decided to call it a night. The four of you got a room at the nearest hotel. "Hey (Y\N) are you gonna cook something cuz I'm hungry?", Hau asked you. Gladion hit Hau's shoulder, "(Y\N) isn't gonna cook at your beck and call" he told him. You giggled, "It's ok Gladion. I also could use some food and I'm sure you could too" you said. Hau rubbed his shoulder, "You didn't have to hit me so hard" he told Gladion. What were you gonna do with them?

You and Lillie went out to the grocery store to find something. You wanted something simple. Maybe some Hamburger Helper. But which box? ( I personally love the Cheeseburger Macaroni, Lasagna and Stroganoff) "What do you think Lillie? Which box shall we get?", you asked her. Lillie looked over the many choices. "How about this one?", she suggesting showing you a box of (Your Hamburger Helper Choice). That will do. "You might want to grab another box. We have two boys to feed remember", you said. Lillie grabbed another box. Next stop was to get the meat and anything else you needed. Before leaving the store, you decided that maybe you should get something to bake. You were sure the boys would love it. A box of brownies will do. You would make cake, but you're not going to be at the hotel for long. After buying the items, you and Lillie went back to the room. When you got back, the boys were seated on the couch watching TV. Of course. "What are you making?", Hau asked turning himself around. You told him the dinner plan. " I can't wait. Will it take long?" he asked. "It'll take longer if you keep distracting (Y\N)", Gladion told him. Hau sat back down properly on the sofa, "ok ok I get it" he said.

With Lillie as your assistant, you got to cooking. It was easy to make thanks to the direction on the box. In no time at all dinner was ready. "Dinner is ready. Come sit down" you announce. Hau wasted no time getting to the table. Once everyone was settled, you began to eat. The food was nice and warm. It felt good to eat. After dinner was done, you got started on making the brownies. The batter didn't take long to make and you were soon able to pop them in the oven. As they baked, the smell of brownies filled the room. So damn good. Once done, you took the brownies out so they could cool. You didn't want to wait, you could just dig in right now. But they were a bit too hot at the moment. Though they tasted better when they were warm. "Staring them down won't make them cool any faster", Gladion said as he stood behind you. "I know, but I can't help it", you said. Gladion pulled you away from the kitchen and to where Hau and Lillie were. They were watching some show talking about the Safari Zone. Gladion sat down on the sofa and pulled you down with him. Pulled you a bit too quickly, making you able to sit on his lap. This was a bit weird. Odd enough, Gladion didn't say anything about it. You made yourself more comfortable and moved yourself on the sofa. Though, you and Gladion's bodies still touched each other's. The change in position make you sat in a diagonal fashion and your legs ended up resting on his lap. (I'm not sure if that explanation was difficult to get or not) Much better. You hugged up to Gladion's arm. ^ ^ He's so warm. It didn't take long to forget about those brownies. After the program, you finally remember the delicious brownies that were waiting. Though you honestly didn't want to move. You could always save them for the morning.

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