Chapter 36: Forgiveness

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You and Gladion made haste to the infirmary to tell Solgaleo and Lunala. "That devil of a Pokemon is still alive" Solgaleo growled and tried to stand. "Solgaleo you are still not recovered. Although I am in no shape to fight either" admitted Lunala. " I honestly don't think Necrozma will put up a fight after that battle" you told them. "You cannot be so sure that he won't try something" Solgaleo was still skeptical. It was true that this could all be just a trick, but you really didn't think so. Necrozma wasn't in it's ultra form anymore. But how did it end up back in Alola? "I'll keep my distance. I promise. But we have to do something quick, it's already on the news" you said. If someone tries anything, Mt Lanakila could be in big trouble. "Very well. We don't need any humans endangering themselves. Go and put him back in his place if need be" Solgaleo granted you permission.

You took a helicopter up to the mountain and followed the crowd of people leading to the crater. Kahuna Nanu was at the scene with the reporters. "I'd advise you keep the cameras away. For all we known this creature can be hostile" Nanu pushed the reporters away from the crater. You ran up to him. Nanu noticed, he turned to face you. "It's about time you showed up. I'll keep the media away while you go investigate" he said without letting you have a word. Might as well anyways. You held Gladion's hand as you gently slipped down the crater to Necrozma. It looked like it had fainted. You couldn't just leave him here. "How are we going to get Necrozma out of here? I don't think he's gonna budge" you asked Gladion. "I don't know. We might have to wait until it wakes up" he shook his head. You could try throwing a pokeball at it. But what would you do with a monster like this on your team? It be better if it stayed out of anyone's control. A odd shining light came out from your bag, it was one of your Z crystals. Psychium Z. What did this mean? You equipped the crystal onto your Z ring. "I think I want to give Nezrozma some energy" was the first thing to come to your mind. "You want to what!?" said Gladion surprised. "I know its probably not the smartest, but the faster we get him out, the better" you said. "Alright. If you think its best" Gladion went along. You activated your Z ring, sparking the Psychium Z. Z power built up in your body as you performed the pose. With Necrozma in mind, the z power flew over to him. In an instant, he woke up. The Z power absorbing into his core.  "You give me power despite what I've done to your world?You could've rid the world of me while I was fainted. What kept you from killing me?" Necrozma said. " I don't think that would've solved anything. Besides I want to hear why you did it" you requested. "I believe you all are deserving of an answer" agreed Necrozma.

"I indeed live in Ultra Megalopolis. I sat at the top of the tower for many years giving light to that dim world. But when the ultra beasts started to get out of line, I had no choice but to fight. I gave into my Ultra form and fought, but the hordes were too much to handle. They seemed to have multiples by the 100s. I did my best and successfully got rid of them, but at a cost. Shards of my body have been broken and only light could hope to restore it. I did the only thin I could. I took the light from Ultra Megalopolis and made haste to go find more. I left the city in darkness. I went into wormhole after wormhole, each time it was like a part of myself had slipped away. I was so desperate for light, that's all my mind could think of. I had corrupted myself going through wormholes without rest. The warping of time and space, has devastating effects on the mind if used for long periods of time. By the time I found your land, my mind was too far gone and the overwhelming light from this world only increased my hostility to regain my power" Necrozma explained.

By the time Necrozma's story was over, you realized you were quite cold. You didn't exactly expect to be here for long. But it seemed like anything that involved worm holes and beasts were to blame. This could be valuable information for the research center. "I may be more forgiving than Solgaleo and Lunala but they deserve an apology just as much as Alola does" you told Necrozma. "I understand. There's no one else to blame for my behavior besides me. I have alot to atone for. I must return to my home soon and give them back the light I stole" Necrozma agreed. "Let's get back to the Aether Foundation. Lunala and Solgaleo must be feeling better by now" said Gladion.

Upon returning, along with Necrozma, all the legends had a talk. It was odd to not see them fighting. But if Necrozma's mind was corrupt, then it didn't mean it was really bad. But how did it snap out of it? Was it it's return to Ultra Megalopolis for the final battle? It was the only thing that made sense. Eventually, the three legends made an understanding agreement. "If you even face an ultra beast invasion, call upon Lunala and I. We don't want a repeat of what has happen lately" said Solgaleo. "I thank the both of you for your generosity" Necrozma seemed to bow. When everything was settled, but sunset, you all went back to the altar on Poni Poni to see Necrozma back to his home. "I hope to repay the favor to Alola one day. Please do not hesitate to come visit" said Necrozma before disappearing into the wormhole.

Another catastrophe over. Alola was safe again. Hopefully. things like this won't be a reoccurring habit with you as champion. Nothing could possible threaten Alola ever again. Not with the allies you have by your side now.

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