Chapter 8 Kiawe's Sick Alolan Marowak

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A\N I apologize for the delay. That project took a lot out of me. For Lillie's egg it's down to either Vulpix, Eevee or a Ralts. I think Ralts is a cute idea. Please Comment on which Pokemon should hatch out of the egg.

Making it to the campsite at the base of the Volcano just in time, you stopped to catch your breathe. Any faster and you would've passed out. You never be on a wild Swanna chase like this. Even if asking Kahuna Olivia wasn't really the most important thing, it was important to you. "I'll go find the Kahuna. You guys stay put", Hau offered then ran off. How does he still have energy? The four of you gathered around the central bon fire that was just being lit. Lillie sat down and put her egg in her lap. It must be some task carrying an egg for a run like that. You and Lana sat down with her as you all waited.

After running all over the campsite, Hau returned with the Kahuna. "I'm apparently a wanted woman these days", Olivia laughed as she walked up to the group. You and Lana stood up. You allowed Lana to speak first. While she was doing that, you turned your attention to Gladion. He had his back turned to the group and was staring into fire. "What's up Gladion?" you asked him. You could see the reflection of the fire in his eyes as he flashed a glance at you. He shook his head, "Nothing" he told you. That's a lie. Though you couldn't think of anything that could be bothering him, so it must be nothing. But that would be a lie too. Gladion has always something on his mind. He could just be tired from running around all day. "Are you tired?", you asked. He took a minute to reply, "Probably" he answered. That means yes. "Well sit down and rest. We're not going anywhere else til morning", you urged him. He gave you no fuss and sat next to his sister.

When Lana was done, it was you're turn to speak with Olivia. "I've heard you got an important question for me Miss\Mister Champion", Olivia said. You nodded and stated your question, "What's the role of being a champion?" you asked. Kahuna Olivia thought about the question, "I never thought of that before. The best thing to do is to help others, both people and Pokemon. Do anything you think is right and prevent others from doing wrong. It's also good to establish an iron fist but not in a cruel way of course. You want to be loved and respected. Not feared" Olivia explained. Olivia was respected, even thought she was a bit clumsy at times. But that just makes her more likeable and relatable. You thanked Olivia for her response, "So what are you doing here Kahuna Olivia?" you asked her. The Kahuna made herself comfortable sitting down before the bon fire. You all sat sown in a group together. "Well Kiawe had contacted me. He said one of his Marowak's wasn't feeling well. So I made my way all the way over to check up on it. You all should join me. I'm it'll be a good experience for you Champion" Olivia said. You'd never had to take care of a sick Pokemon before. Poor Marowak. If Pokemon can get sick like you can, then they probably feel the same way. In that case, you better learn what you can. Especially if you're seeing the Kahuna at work first hand. You nodded, "Sure we'll go" you agreed.

The next morning, the Kahuna woke you all up early. The sun was barely coming up. "Let's get a move on everyone" she said fully awake. Why'd she have to wake you up this early? No use for complaining now. You, Hau and Lillie were practically still half asleep. Gladion was fully awake. How!? You planted your head on his back, right between his shoulder blades. He chuckled, "Half asleep?" he said. It wasn't funny. But you were too tired to do anything about it. "You'll wake up after we have breakfast" he told you. Hopefully.

Lust like he said, some food was all you needed to give you a boost. Although you weren't 100% awake yet. It was enough to get you going. When everyone was satisfied, Olivia led the group up the volcano to where Kiawe was. Stepping foot onto the trial site Lillie noticed something. "Oh I think the egg moved she said. "That's great, Lillie. That means it can't be much longer before it hatches", Hau told her. Lilli was happy. "I'd say it might hatch in less than a few days", Gladion gave his opinion. Seeing another Pokemon hatch was going to be so amazing. "The more it moves the closer it is to hatching", you chimed in. You wanted the egg to hatch already, you were sure you all did.

Kiawe came running up to the group, "I'm glad you can make it Kahuna" he greeted. Olivia smiled, "Glad I could make it. I also brought some help. I'm sure the champion can be of assistance. Now let me check on your Marowak", she told him. Kiawe led the group to a small cabin near the trial sight. Upon entering, one of the Marowaks was lying down. The two healthy one standing by its side. Kahuna Olivia checked on the sick Pokemon. You watched. "Looks like a fever. With a bit of medicine it should be back on its feet in no time", Olivia concluded. Kiawe was relieved, "We don't have medicine up here and I don't want to leave Marowak's side" Kiawe told her. Olivia thought for a second, "I know. Mallow should have some medicine. She always carries some. But she is quite a ways from here" she said. It would be better is the kahuna stayed here with Kiawe. Perhaps you could go get the medicine. "I'll go see Mallow" you volunteered "You should stay here with Kiawe, Kahuna Olivia" you told her. Olivia smiled in response, "That's the response I was looking for (Y\N). I think it's a good idea" she praised. Was that a test? "If you don't mind (Y\N. I want to stay here with the Kahuna. I want to learn more about Pokemon hatching", Lillie said. You nodded, "Sure Lillie. We'll be back soon anyways", you agreed.

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