Chapter 17 GLADION!!!

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A\N I had to get out this next chapter. I wanted to know what happened too lol. I've changed the girl's name for the previous chapters. Her name is Jess, suggested by EclipseNote. I also put some music from Final Fantasy 15 to better fit the mood. Final Fantasy soundtracks are so good.

"GLADION!" you screamed. SCREECH! The truck suddenly came to a staggering halt. What were they going to do? Sigilygh suddenly had no interest in us and returned to its trainer. You watched as the truck became smaller and smaller as Silvally took you farther away back to the safety of Malie. As soon as Silvally came to a stop, you quickly jumped off and started to run back but Hau stopped you. He literally had to hold you in a Bewear hug to stop you. "(Y\N) calm down" Hau tried to tell you. You wouldn't listen. You didn't want to. Gladion could be severely injured. Who knew what those people were going to go to him. Probably use him as bait to get you back there, those heartless Gengars. (No offense to Gengars) "I gotta go back for him Hau!" you struggled. Silvally stood in front of you and met your gaze. How come it wasn't worried about Gladion? Suddenly, it was almost like you could hear Gladion speaking through Silvally. 'You won't be able to focus and do your best if you're too busy panicking' you heard in your head. It was defiantly something he would tell you. "Alright! Alright, you guys win" you admitted as you ceased your flailing. Hau let you go. Even if you were able to settle down just a bit, your feet told you to go back. "We got to give Gladion some time before we go back" Hau told you. You didn't want to waste any more time waiting. "What if he's injured Hau!?" you raised your now shaking voice. Hau kept calm but you knew he was just as worried. "I know, but this is Gladion. He'd find a way back. Injured or not" he said. You didn't reply. True, Gladion was capable of getting himself out of tough spots. But....... "Come on let's go find Lillie and little Jess. We got to tell them what happened" Hau urged you. At the moment, you didn't want to leave this spot. You wanted to sit and wait right here. You wanted to bawl your eyes out, but the tears didn't come. Maybe you were more terrified than sad. Silvally gave you a gentle push forwards. Why couldn't you be like Silvally? So strong and confident in its friend to know everything will be ok.

Gladion POV

Losing my footing because of Air Cutter, I rolled onto the ground. My nails digging into the dirt. The shadow of the truck came over me quickly and I felt something run over both my legs. The pain hit me hard but that's was when my adrenaline kicked in, making it bearable for now. At first I was stunned to what had just happened. But when I heard the screeching of tires, I snapped out of it. Back in the sunlight, I forced myself back onto my feet. My legs were weak and unstable. My body was sore from hitting the ground so suddenly. I could barely stand, but I had to do something. Even with the boost of adrenaline, my legs couldn't take it. I fell on my knees. Silvally was the only one of my Pokemon big enough to carry me back. I hope (Y\N) and Hau make it back to Malie safely now. For now, I guess I'll just have to defend myself. I saw the two door swing open, "If the police find out we ran over a kid, we're done for" the old man said frustrated. "I say we take pity on him" the woman said "Ninetales put him to sleep with Hypnosis" she said. I tried to reach for one of my Pokemon to help me, but it was too late.

Waking up, I was somewhere else. I was lying comfortably in some grass. Looks like they did take pity on me. As soon as I went to move, the pain shot up both my legs. Arceus that hurt! Looks like I won't be getting up for some time. I stared up at the blue sky for the moment. How long was I out for? Everyone must be worried about me. I need to find a way back to Malie. My thoughts were all over the place. I took a deep breathe. First things, let's find out where I am. I took out my Pokeballs and summoned Riolu and Charmander. "I need you to help me get back to town. My legs hurt and I can't get up to walk" I told them. The two Pokemon looked worried. They helped me sit up, but even that send a shock of pain. For now, I'll have to deal with it. Looking around, there seemed to be nothing but a plain of grass and trees. I could be anywhere. There wasn't any roads close by. Nothing. They probably expected me not to get out of here for a while. "Riolu I want you to go take a look around. See if you can find someone" I told him. The Riolu barked and ran about looking. Charmander stayed by my side. Waiting patiently and protectively. Things did not look good when Riolu came back with nothing. There must be some way to get out. "You two are going to have to help me crawl out of here" I finally said. You have to do what you must. I tortured myself with pain to lie down on my stomach. I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to do this. Charmander and Riolu grabbed a part of my sweater and tried to help me move forward. The two small Pokemon tried their best. But with only having to use my arms, the task was difficult. It was almost impossible to not move my legs. Was taking the constant pain worth trying to crawl? I could barely move forward a few inches anyways. I could lie here and wait but if Riolu couldn't find anything, it could take possibly days to be found. It wasn't long until the pain was finally getting to me and I was about ready to stop. I noticed tears falling down. It was like I became a wreck. I've never been in something like this before. Where was (Y\N)? What was she\he doing? My Pokemon stopped tugging for a moment, noticing my pain. They then tried to urge me by pulling me again. "Stop. There's no use in me crawling anymore. I can't" I told them. For once, I found myself in a helpless situation.

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