Chapter 15 To Find, Free and Run

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A\N Sorry I've been lagging late. I had the most crazy week. School started and not only that I'm going to be moving soon and me and my family have 60 days to do it. So you can imagine what a panic and crazy week its been. I will do my best to write and upload on weekends.

Gladion's POV Continued

Approaching the building, I had to make a decision whether to just go through the front or find an alternate entrance. I wanted to do this as fast as possible, but I don't think we can avoid getting caught. But the longer we go sneaking around, the better. "Listen up. We're going through the front door. So try to be as quiet as possible" I told them. The all nodded. Once I felt we were ready, we all headed to the front door. I opened it slowly and as quietly as I could. I let everyone go in first before shutting it behind me. The inside of the place was simple but small. On the left looked like some sort of small office, but it was mostly cluttered with boxes. It isn't like it was used for anything else but storage. Before we were going to move forward, I heard voiced coming from down the hall. I urged everyone to quickly get into the office. We all hid down behind a desk. It was a tight squeeze, but it will have to work. Staying silent, we all heard the voices get louder until they were just outside of the office. "I'm gotta to wash the truck and check the tires. We can't hold the champion hostage if our truck looks and works like a wreck" a female voice said. "Just get it done as soon as possible" an elderly male said. I heard the door open and close. "I better get things packed and ready to move out soon" he said "Now where did I put those keys. I think I left them in the office" he continued. So much for hiding. I got ready for the man to step inside. I would have to be quick to use anything to defend us in such a small space. But he never came. "No. I'm sure I left them in the other room. I just used them a second ago" he said sounding convinced. It didn't take long for the man to retreat back down the hall. We all seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. "That was close" Hau whispered. Once I felt it was safe, I stood up. If that man needed keys, then that could mean most of the rooms were locked. Especially the one with (Y\N) in it. That means we would have to take a detour and steal those keys. That doesn't make this anything easier. Although we could use brute force to knock down the door, but that's if we absolutely have to. "We have to get that key....don't we" Lillie said unsure. I nodded, "(Y\N) is going to be locked up in a room. We need it. But going as a group won't exactly be the best idea. Neither would splitting up" I told them. I knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Hey why don't you ask Weavile to go get it? I mean, it's a really fast Pokemon and that old man will never notice" Hau suggested. That actually wasn't a bad idea. Weavile was small enough to go around unnoticed. But where would that leave us? Might as well knock out two Pikipeks with one stone. "Alright then. We'll have to go checking rooms then, while avoiding the old man" I agreed. I summoned out my Weavile and told it the plan. It understood. "Take any key you find and bring it back to us. Just don't get caught ok. Remember this is for (Y\N)" I told it. Weavile smiled devilishly. I think it was going to enjoy this whole sneaking around and stealing mission. After Weavile set off, it was time to do some exploring.

Leaving the office, there were two hallways to go down. Weavile chased after the man, who went down the main hallway. So it would be safe to go down the alternate hallway. Leading the party, we left the main hall. There were multiple doors. None were labeled and all the see through windows were blocked off. "Try opening the doors. Quietly" I whispered. Everyone went to a single door and tried their luck. Everyone's doors were locked up tight. What were the chances (Y\N) was behind one of these doors?

Your POV

The door handle moved? But why didn't it open? It couldn't That's not possible. How could he have found you? Who knows where you're at? Although, you could see a shadow underneath the door. It was just there. It didn't move. Who was on the other side? You didn't hear any voices. You got up from the bed and got closer. Perhaps you should put your ear on the door to listen, so you did. You didn't hear anything noticeable, but there was something. A Pokemon maybe? Sniff Sniff Sniff Sniff Should you say something? Should you knock? Whatever Pokemon is sniffing around certainly knows you were in here. Might as well risk it. "H-hello?" you replied loud enough for anyone to hear who was on the other side. Everything seemed to stop. You heard nothing for a few moments. Maybe you were hearing things. "(Y\N)?" you heard a reply. That sounded like Hau? But how? (LOL) It didn't matter. If Hau was here so was Gladion. You dropped to the floor so you could talk out of the bottom inch of the door. You were glad this door wasn't securely shut. Thank you old warehouse. "Hau. Gladion. It's me" you said. "(Y\N) thank goodness we found you" you heard Lillie say. So they were all here, but whose Pokemon was sniffing around? "Don't worry (Y\N). We're going to get you out. We just have to wait for Weavile to bring back the key" Gladion told you. You were a little worried about that. Although Weavile is the sneakiest Pokemon you knew and it was Gladion's Pokemon. Surely Weavile would do its best. "Ok. You guys be careful not to get caught" you advised them. "We will" Gladion replied. After you were free, you had to hear how they managed to find you.

Weavile (3rd POV)

Chasing after the old gentleman, Weavile followed quietly making sure to take cover whenever it could. The man entered a room at the end of the hallway. The last door. Luckily for Weavile, the door was left cracked opened. The man wasn't expecting any visitors any time soon. Peeking through the crack, Weavile saw a lounging room with sofas and tables along with some stacks of boxes. Not the best place to sneak through, but Weavile was capable of making it work to its advantage. Sneaking in the room and watching every step, Weavile hid behind the nearest sofa. Watching the man from the corner, he proceeded to take a ring of 3 keys and used one of them to open a box. Bingo! Weavile thought it its head. Those must've been the keys it was looking for. Now how to get them? After opening the box, the man hooking the jingling keys to his belt on his back side. What a perfect place to go up and steal them. But the waiting game must still be played. Biding its time. Weavile waited until eh man sat down in a chair, which had an open back side. Perfect to snag the keys. When the time was right Weavile snuck up careful and unhooked the keys. Finally the keys were Weavile's. Turning around to make a retreat, Weavile was suddenly face to face with the Pokemon Sigilygh. The Pokemon let out a cry and the man took noticed. "Looks like we got a little bandit trying to steal my keys eh? Sigilygh attack!" the man commanded. The flying and Psychic Pokemon attacked with Air Cutter. Weavile dodged the attack and retaliated using its Night Slash for a super effective hit. Grabbing ahold of Sigilygh before it can do anything else, Weavile used its strength to swing the 30 pound Pokemon into the man, knocking them both over. While the two were down, Weavile used this chance to escape.

Gladion POV

It was a huge relief to find (Y\N). She\he were alive and well. Hopefully Weavile can return without causing any trouble. Coming from around the corner, Weavile raced towards us holding the keys. The only factor was, Weavile wasn't trying to be quiet, which only meant it got caught. "Hau be on the lookout. We're going to have company soon" I said taking the keys from Weavile. Hau nodded and summon out his Raichu, "We were going to get spotted eventually, but I'm ready to battle" he replied. There were a total of three keys, it shouldn't take long to see which one works but I better be fast. Luckily, key number one opened the door. I pushed the door open hastily to get inside.

Your POV

Before I knew it, I heard Gladion fumbling to open the door. When he did, he almost smacked right into you. Seeing him was such a huge relief and you wanted to give him all the kisses right now. Behind him followed Lillie and a little girl with her Herdier. You'll have to celebrate and ask questions later. You pulled Gladion aside to where your stuff, "It's locked" you said. Gladion immediately tried opening the lock. Once he did, you were able to reunite with your Pokemon. Thank goodness. You slide your backpack on. "We got company!" Hau shouted. Better hurry up. "Let's go" Gladion told everyone. He took your hand and you all left the room.

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