Post Chapter 1: Where's Gladion's Father?

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A few months had past. You spent most of your time at the Aether Paradise helping Gladion's family with new projects to protect Pokemon. It was a good way to keep in touch with the islands so you sort of made it a home base. Besides there was alot of added benefits too.  It was a bit surprising to see Neceozma come back frequently. He was interested in what Lusamine was studying when she was researching the worm holes. Although she gave up on it she was still happy to share.

"How did you become interested in all this? It's not exactly a common phenomenon" asked Necrozma. For once, Lusamine had gone quiet and you knew why. It probably brought back a lot of bad memories. "It's...not important" she sighed before excusing herself. Necrozma didn't know how to reply. "It's not you. My father was the one who started the research on ultra worm holes. One day, something went wrong and he disappeared. That's when my mother got obsessed with trying to find him and it kind of drove her insane. It took a long time for her to get better" Gladion explained to him. Necrozma seemed to be in a deep thought, "Disappeared in a worm hole you say" he repeated. He didn't say anything else before flying off into the sky. You looked at Gladion, "What do you think Necrozma is thinking of?" you asked. Gladion shook his head, "Not sure. But if I had to guess, he wants to help my mother. But I'm not sure if he'll be able to find my father. He's been gone a long time" he told you. Necrozma defiantly knew more about how worm holes function. Did he know something we didn't? Gladion did have a point though. If its been a long time, it might be impossible for Necrozma to search for Gladion's dad.

A few days had passed. Necrozma eventually came back. "Do you have a picture of him?" he asked Gladion. So Necrozma did go looking. "My father? I think my mother has one in her office" he said. "Any will do" Necrozma wanted to see. Gladion was a bit hesitant but he went to go fetch the picture. You waited alongside the legendary. "You really want to find Gladion's father?" you asked Necrozma. The legendary looked down at you, "Lusamine has suffered enough, The least I can do is bring back what she lost. I know it cannot change what has happened in the past but it can improve the future" he said. It wasn't a bad idea. The only think is, was it still possible to find a person who has been lost for so long and if the worm holes can warp someone's mind, what about that possibility too? "If you think it's possible then don't stop trying" you encouraged. "Thank you. You are very kind" said Necrozma. Sure it might be easy for you to decide, but how would Gladion, Lusamine and Lillie feel about seeing their father again?

Gladion soon returned with a picture for Necrozma. He seemed awfully quiet. Necrozma gently took the picture from him and stared at it. After he gave the picture back, he flew off without another word. "Gladion what's wrong? Do you not feel okay about this?" you asked. He really seemed bothered. "I'm not sure. I don't really remember my father all that well. I guess I've gotten so used to him being gone" he told you. It was sad to see him so confused. There was no way to tell how he would react until his father really was here. You hoped it wouldn't end in a mess. You had no choice but to wait and see if Necrozma could make this happen.

More days had passed with nothing happening. Gladion had really been quiet lately. Guess the thought weighed heavy on his mind. What about Lusamine? She must be going through the same thing. You have to do something to cheer Gladion up. At least for a little bit. "Gladion let's go  to the beach and Mantine surf" you suggested. That should be enough to get his his mind off of things. Of course he didn't seem to excited about it. "Why?" he asked. "Is it too much to go have a little fun? Please, I want you to cheer up" you begged him with puppy eyes. He sighed, "All right. Let's go" he agreed. You took his hand and raced to  get things ready. "Hey where are you two going?" asked Lillie as you passed her. You halted, "Mantine surfing. Want to come?" you invited. She shook her head, "Oh no. I'm kind of scared to do something like that" she said. "Not even with Hau. I know he's been dying to go surfing after recovering for so long" you tried to convince her. The more the merrier. Certainly Gladion would have fun if Hau and Lillie tagged along. "Well maybe I'll just watch then. I call Hau and see if he wants to tag along. Which beach are you guys going to?" she asked. Only the best beach on Alola. "Hano Beach. Don't be too long Lillie" you told her.

When you were all packed and ready, you and Gladion rode to Hano Beach and got changed into your bathing suits. "I think we were over due for a beach day. Don't you think Gladion?" you told him as you put on sun block. "It certainly has been a while" he agreed as he helped you set up a spot on the beach.  You and Gladion invited your Pokemon out for some fun. There was plenty of room here and you wanted your team to have some fun as well. "Be on your best behavior you guys" you told your Pokemon. They all nodded before going to go play. "We should do this more often. I almost forgot how exciting it was. I'm sure our teams weren't expecting this. Look how excited they are" you pointed out. Gladion smiled, "Yea. It's refreshing to see them all running around on the beach. There's only so much they can do at the Aether Paradise" said Gladion. Well they enjoyed being in the conservation area for sure, but this was surely more exciting. Mudsdale had made itself comfortable in the sand next to your belongings. The heat from the sand must have felt nice. Charmander was right there with Mudsdale relaxing a bit in the sun. Everyone else made a charge to the water to play with one another. "Let's go play with everyone until Lillie and Hau get here" you said. "You're sure thy're going to come?" asked Gladion. "You really think Hau would skip a beach day?" you looked back at him. "Well when you say that. It wouldn't be like him to skip out" said Gladion. Exactly. Silvally had came running over to see if the two of you were going to join the rest of them. "Come on Silvally wants us to play. I'm sure Hau and Lille will be here in no time" you said as you got on Silvally's back. Gladion got on as well and Silvally took us to the water. Luxray and Dragonair had headed a little deeper into the ocean to go swimming. The rest were in the middle of a game of tag. They all got excited to see you and Gladion and invited you two to play.  It took a little bit before you could see Gladion's mood change as he played with all the Pokemon.

After some time of playing tag, Lillie and Hau showed up with their Pokemon. "I hope you guys didn't go Mantine surfing with out me!" cried Hau. You and Gladion walked back to the umbrella to go talk some. "We were just playing some tag as we waited for you and Lillie" you told him. All of Hau's Pokemon made themselves at home with the rest of the Pokemon. "I'm going to go swim for a bit for a warm up. Then we can go surfing" said Hau. Sounds fun. You were down for some swimming. "You going to come Lillie?" you asked her. She shook her head, " No thanks. I-I can't swim" she said. "We're not going too deep. You'll be fine. Besides Wartortle will be there to help you. Right Wartortle?" said Hau. His Pokemon cried cheerfully in response. "Well if you insist" Lillie agreed. The four of you headed into the ocean so the water was no more than to your waist. Most of the  Pokemon who were stronger swimmers came to join you. You could see Sylveon wanted to follow but it wasn't having much luck swimming well. Silvally saw Sylveon's distress and went to go help it. "Maybe Wartortle can give you and Lillie some swimming lessons, don't you think Sylveon?" Hau said. You knew Sylveon just wanted to stay with Silvally but learning to swim would be a good idea. Wartortle liked the idea. "But Hau I can't understand what Wartortle is saying" said Lillie. "Then I guess I'll have to translate for you" Hau replied. "I'll join in too. What better way to swim then to learn from a water Pokemon" you said. Gladion didn't really have a choice but to participate. Looks like you'll be in swimming class for awhile. 

Pokemon Ultra Sun\ Moon: The Wrath of Ultra Necrozma, Stealer of LightWhere stories live. Discover now