Chapter 22: Malie City Festival Pt 3 Contest Time!

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A\N This chapter defiantly took some creativity and imagination, but I did it. instead of using the contest song from ORAS, I choose a different song. I hope it fits the mood for you. I thought it was perfect. It's a good song by the way. Also comment if you love Hatsune Miku too. Cuz I love her so much

Waking up before mostly everyone else, you dressed up to practice with Sylveon. (I'd imagine the contest outfit used in ORAS) After you went over every little thing, it was time to finish getting ready for the rest of the day. You went back to the mansion and found everyone already up and eating breakfast. You joined the group to eat as well. "Your outfit looks so good on you (Y\N)!" Hau complemented "It looks so good Gladion can't stop staring" he added. You looked at Gladion, who was indeed staring at you. He blushed as he averted his gaze. You blushed in return. You were happy he liked it so much.

As the morning passed, it was time to go back to Malie City for the second day of the festival. Round two of the tournament battles won't start until 1pm. Before that at 11 was the beginning of the contest. You were nervous and excited. More so nervous. A lot of people were passing you by, wishing the champion good luck. Right. You did feel the pressure of being campion. But not everyone is good at everything. "Just have fun. Don't worry about everyone else" Lusamine told you. Let's just hope you don't trip.

Arriving back at the festival, it was already busy as usual. "We all better go check in" Hau suggested. You only had about an hour before the contest. It would be cool to go check out the stage. "Hau and I will meet you at Contest Hall after we're done" said Gladion. You nodded and parted ways with the boys. "Lillie I'm surprised you didn't want to join (Y\N) in the contest" said Lusamine. Lillie shook her head, "It's okay. I enjoyed helping with her\his routine instead" she told her mother. It would be interesting to see what Lillie could do on her own. Maybe you could talk her into a contest another time. When you entering the contest hall, everything was so amazing. The reception lobby was all decorated. Along the walls were pictures of other contest winners from specific contest categories. For the festival, you could do any theme you wanted. You and Sylveon wanted to go for cute because what could be cuter than Sylveon. "This brings back so many memories of when Lillie and Gladion used to participate in the kids contest" smiled Lusamine. Wait. Wait. Wait. Did she just say Gladion performed when he was little?! "Gladion entered contests!?" you said shocked. "Of course he did. He was so cute when he was younger. He wanted to try after seeing me perform once" Lusamine explained. You never knew Gladion would've tried performing before. Well, as a kid you do tend to try a lot of different things. If my mother performed in a contest, I guess it would make you want to do it too. "Although, it was mostly me who stuck to it for a little while" said Lillie "I sort of remember participating". You'll have to ask Gladion about it. You can almost picture it now, especially now that he's older. Him in a cute, stylish attire alongside his Pokemon, up on stage performing for the crowd. It almost made you want to nosebleed with delight. (I'll do it if enough people want to see it. Comment down below and I'll make it a post story chapter lol) You walked up to the receptionist, she gave you a clipboard to sign in. You gave it back to her, "Hey, you're the champion right?" she asked. Oh no. "The one and only" Lusamine said embarrassing you further. The lady lite up in excitement, "I can't wait to see your performance. I'm sure I'll enjoy it as much as I enjoy your battles" she complimented. Talk about setting the bar high. "I'll do my best" you told her. The kind lady gave you a ticket with your number. 9. Doesn't look like many people are going to enter, unlike the battle tournament. Oh well. The thought made put your mind at ease.

The three of you waited for the boys to arrive. When they, did there was still plenty of time before the contest started. "Hey (Y\N) do you want to dress up Sylveon?" Lillie asked "They have some cute accessories for your Pokemon in the dressing room". But Sylveon was already cute enough. Well I'm sure there is something to make it look even cuter. You nodded, "Sure. Let's go check it out" you agreed. Sylveon looked eager to try some accessories on. "We'll be sitting inside the show room then" Lusamine told you. Hopefully time would pass quickly so everyone wouldn't have to wait so long. Lillie led you to the dress up room. There were other performers with their Pokemon as well. You saw a Growlithe, Pikachu, Popplio and many others. The whole room was filled with a cheery atmosphere. Sylveon enjoyed it and ran up to the boxes filled with accessories. You and Lillie kneeled down to look for something cute. "Since Sylveon is blue, we should look for something that is blue or even purple so that it stands out" Lillie said sorting through the box. You pulled out a (color) (Fav Pokemon accessory). This would be perfect for your Pokemon. "How about this Sylveon?" you asked showing your Pokemon the accessory. Sylveon looked delighted. You put it on and something about it made Sylveon twice as adorable. "That's perfect" Lillie commented. You smiled. "Now that were finally ready, all we can do now it wait until it's our turn" you said. Sylveon looked as about ready as it could get. You and the other contest performers all gathered together to talk, while your Pokemon partner went to play with each other.

"I can't wait to go out there and perform again"

"Yea it's like the best feeling being in front of a crowd"

Everyone discussed. "How about you dear?" asked an older lady. Everyone looked at you. "Well this is my first time preforming" you said a bit embarrassed. All the girls seemed interested. "I'm sure the young champion will do just fine" the elder lady smiled.

"I bet you'll be amazing on stage"

"Just get up there and do your best"

The group encouraged you. At least everyone here was really nice and understandable. It made you feel better. Lillie went to join everyone else in the audience just as the show was about to start. You felt the knot in your stomach grow as soon as Lillie left. You hope it goes away so you don't embarrass yourself in front of everyone.

The time has come. The contest had officially started. You and the other contestants watched from the TV screen in dressing room. Everyone before you performed so majestically. Was your act with Sylveon going to even do as well?

"Coming up next we have contest number 9. (Y\N) and Sylveon!" the announcer said. The crowd roared. "Good luck dear" the older lady said. You were literally pushed out on stage. With Sylveon by your side you strutted out into the stage light. The crowd was equally as excited just like the other contestants. From on the stage, the crowd seemed much bigger than you thought. No point in trying to find everyone, the bright lights made it almost impossible to see. You and Sylveon took a bow before you began. "Let's do our best okay?" you whispered. Sylveon smiled and nodded. You took out your wand you'd be using and motion for Sylveon to begin. Waving the wand and pointing up, gave Sylveon the cue to use Swift. Summoning its stars Sylveon aimed them all in a straight line towards the ceiling. With another motion from your wand, the star exploded in fire words. The crowd applauded. You were glad your opening went well. But this was no time to relax now. Moving in Sync, you and Sylveon gathered in the middle of the stage. Making circle above you with your wand, Sylveon followed your command. It created more stars and arranged them in multiple circles. Sylveon's manipulation of its Swift was nearly flawless. Not only can they be meant for offense but defense and dazzling too. Sylveon raised the hoops of stars above your head like you practiced. You twirled you wand and put it away for the moment. Opening your arms, Sylveon jumped into them. Gathering momentum you twirled your body around before throwing Sylveon upwards through the hoops. As each hoop was passed, they sparkled brightly. Facing Sylveon you raised your hands up to signal the next move. While reaching the highest peak of your throw, Sylveon called out the moon for its Moonblast. The moon shone brightly and illuminated the audience in a white calming light. The audience applauded with more excitement at your performance. Sylveon came flying down back through the circles of stars, in which they all faded after sparkling in an explosion. You caught Sylveon into your arms. Almost time for the final act. You and Sylveon performed together dancing in Sync. Ignoring the roars of the audience, you thought of nothing but you and your Pokemon for those few brief moment. Sylveon was enjoying the contest immensely. Returning back to your wand, you tossed it toy Sylveon. Catching it in its ribbons, Sylveon lite the wand up in a bright flash of stars. Taking much concentration, your wand now became a star whip. Sylveon tossed the wand back to you and you twirled it around. Not too fast, but enough for Sylveon to be comfortable to concentrate on moving the stars around. The audience loved the trick idea. You threw you wand into the air, the star tail following it swirled around in a spiral before shooting out in multiple directions. Tossing Sylveon back into the air, it caught the wand in its mouth and landed safely on your head. The crowd went nuts wanting more.

Time for the finale. "This is it Sylveon. Let's end it with a dazzling bang" you told it. Sylveon was determined. Using your wand as Sylveon's guide, you pointed out to multiple spots. Following your directions, Sylveon created large stars and put them in place slightly over the audience. Giving another twirl of your wand, you told Sylveon to use Quick Attack. With its speed, Sylveon bounced from star to star. Each time it landed on a star then jumped off, the large star fired off like a fire work over the audience, sending down a shimmer of sparkling dust. After landing on the last star, Sylveon rode it back to the stage, so you could climb on too. In total concentration, Sylveon lifted the two of you up. High enough so you could slide off safely. Holding on to the star tightly, it was time for the last part. Calling for the moon one last time, it appearing behind you. With a flash of white, Sylveon used Moonblast on the star you two were on. The collision lit up the star like a pink Christmas light. Seeing Sylveon was struggling to keep the two of you up, you gave the signal to slide down. Landing safely back on stage, Sylveon caused the huge star to explode just as the moon faded away.

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