Chapter 26 Worm Holes Again?

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The tournament was officially over and you were happy to have finished the battle. At that point, it could've been anyone's game really. But taking on a mega evolution was a big jump for you. However, it wouldn't be the last you've seen of a mega. You were sure Gladion was going to train his Lucario. The last festival day was done, you were relieved. It was really fun but exhausting. The whole city seemed to please with the festival and all the battles\performances. Next time the festival came along, you want to defiantly do it again for sure and maybe you can get Gladion to do it with you.

After having a conversation with the mayor about the tournament, you took your leave with everyone else at the end of the day. "That was fun wasn't it guys?" asked Hau. You and Lillie nodded in agreement, "All the festivities were certainly exciting" Lillie commented. "I hope they have another festival soon. It was fun to be with you guys" you said. "Yea me too. Next time we'll go on a bunch of rides like they have at the fair and maybe the next tournament I'll be able to kick Gladion's butt" Hau added. "Keep dreaming" Gladion told him. "You guys don't need a tournament to battle you know" you said. "I know but doing it in front of a crowd is a whole different feeling" said Hau determined. That was true. You could feel everyone's excitement pour down on you. "Still. I know your Pokemon will enjoy it. Or are you two just Torchicken to train with each other" you smiled. "Train with Gladion? I wouldn't mind. I don't think we've ever trained together before" admitted Hau. You looked at Gladion for his response. "I can't really say I know how Hau trains either" he said. "Well looks like you two got some training to do" you urged them. It would be interesting to see how their methods would mix together. There's always new methods to learn from one another. You were curious what they can learn from another. Even though you knew they were friends, they were just so opposite sometimes. "Tomorrow will be a good day to train, now that we're not doing much" you mentioned. Although, you just wanted to get some rest from the busy weekend. You got ready for bed once you got back to the Aether Paradise. It felt so good to lounge around in your pajamas for the rest of the night. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen for a few days. Knock on Sudowoodo.

The next morning while you were on your way to the kitchen, you caught Lusamine talking to some people you didn't recognize. You couldn't hear much upon passing except 'worm hole'. Were the Ultra Beasts at it again? What were these people telling her? "I'll be sure to look into it right away. Don't you worry" you heard Lusamine comfort them. That was weird. When you arrived in the kitchen, Gladion and Hau were already awake. "Good Morning you two. Nice to see you guys up and early" you told them."It's a nice day today. We should all do something together?" said Hau cheerfully. Gladion didn't oppose the idea. "Okay what did you two have in mind?" you asked. Gladion looked at you with his emerald eyes, "I want to train. That tournament has really got me thinking" he said. You kind of figured he would say that. "Sounds like a plan. We can't allow ourselves to get rusty at battling can we?" you agreed. "Nope. Not after Blue's Alakazam wiped the floor with us" Hau said in a happy tone. Thankfully he didn't seem hurt by the loss. It was almost like Gladion. They respond to loss by training harder and getting better than sitting like a stick in the mud. "Okay then. I'll go tell Lillie and you two can meet us at the conservatory. There's plenty of room to train there" you told them.

Once we were all dressed and ready, the four of us went to train. Well, Lillie just watched mostly. "Lucario ready to train?" Gladion asked summoning his Pokemon. Lucario came out of its ball and nodded. "Hey Gladion, let's do a double battle" Hau suggested out of the blue. Gladion looked at him for a second, "Alright. Sounds interesting" he agreed. Hau jumped for joy, "Yes. I choose you! Vaporeon and Squirtle!" Hau cheered. Gladion called out his second Pokemon, Charmander. Even though battling two water types put Gladion at a disadvantage, he wasn't the type to back down. "I'll be the referee then" you took the role. Gladion and Hau gave themselves room for the battle. "Ready! Go!" you started the battle. "Squirtle use water gun on Charmander! Vaporeon use Aurora Beam on Lucario!" Hau took the first move. "Charmander jump on Lucario's shoulders. Lucario use Extreme Speed to dodge the attacks!" said Gladion. Charmander jumped on its partner's shoulder as Lucario nimbly dodged both attacks from Hau's Pokemon. "Now Charmander use Fire Fang on Squirtle! Lucario keep Vaporeon busy with Aura Sphere!" Gladion took the next attack. Charmander Leapt off of Lucario and attack with Fire Fang. Lucario provided support and fired an Aura Sphere at Squirtle's partner. "Squirtle Withdraw! Vaporeon counter with Water Pulse!" Hau countered. Squirtle retreated into its shell, causing Charmander to bite it. Charmander didn't like biting down on the rough exterior. Vaporeon's Water Pulse collided with Aura Sphere, creating an explosion of water and blue light.

"Sorry but I must interrupt the battle. I have something important to say" Lusamine suddenly entered the area. The boys halted the battled. We all walked up to greet Lusamine. Her face wasn't happy. Could it be about what you heard this morning? "What's going on Mother?" Lillie easily read her mother's worry. "I am afraid there have been sighting of worm holes. Which mean more beasts could be running around" said Lusamine. Just battling one was enough. Hopefully, the plan would be to stop them before anything else can happen. You wouldn't want another victim to be taken over like they did to Lusamine. "We should look into this right away" Gladion said quite forward. Lusamine nodded, "I agree. I would like you all to take part in this. We can cover more ground this way" she said.Looks like the champion can't get a moments rest. Lusamine took you back inside to show you a diagram on the computer screen. It was difficult for you to read. "I had some investigation from some Aether workers and the results came back positive. There have been reports from people of more sighting of the worm holes. If you don't mind splitting into groups of two, so we can look into them more thoroughly" Lusamine explained. You had dibs on Gladion! "Hau I'm counting on you to watch over Lillie or you'll be resting at the bottom of the ocean with the Relicanth" threatened Gladion already setting up the teams. His way of showing affection for Lillie's safety when it came to Hau was quite dark. But he's only being a big brother. Hau chuckled nervously. "Don't worry. She'll be safe with me" Hau reassured him. "Let's set out as quick as possible" you said. Lusamine gave you the locations of the sighting. "What are you going to do mother?" asked Gladion. "You four won't be alone on this search. I have a third location to investigate" said Lusamine. This must be more serious than you first thought. "Stay safe everyone" Lusamine gave us good luck before we all went to prepare ourselves.

Once everyone was ready, we all set out to our specific locations.

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