2 - Younghoon

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12.17.17 (edited 5.23.18)
genre: angst(???)
YOUNGHOON - (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎)
length: 1 part
P.O.V: 1st & reader insert

It's been several weeks since Younghoon first bothered me

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It's been several weeks since Younghoon first bothered me. I never understood why. He was the school's so-called "bad boy" that got horrible grades, picked on innocent people, and flirted with every girl he sees.

Almost all the girls like him because of his good looks and cheesy pick-up lines. But now he only targets me. He spills milk over me on lunch, rips my homework apart, and completely ruins my reputation.

I wanted to know why. What did I do to him that deserved this mistreatment? I got all A's, was responsible, and the top student in grades. Not to mention I never bothered anyone.

I didn't do anything wrong! I began to feel hopeless after a while, since my parents and teachers would get mad at me for things that Younghoon has done.

If I blame Younghoon, they'll get angry that I'm making excuses.

I walked through the school's front gates, keeping my head down.

I prayed Younghoon wouldn't see me. I entered the school building, terrified.

What would happen today? Would I get my hair yanked? Uniform ruined? Homework torn apart? I arrived at my locker, but suddenly I was pulled back by force.

Was it Younghoon?! I tried fighting whoever was dragging me, but I was weak so I couldn't do so.

"What do you want, Younghoon?!" I screamed out, flailing around.

"Even now you call for Younghoon? We always knew you were a player, Y/N. A nasty, good-for-nothing sl*t. You tricked Younghoon!" A girl's voice sneered. Wha?! Was it one of his fangirls?

"Please! Let me go!" I begged. Several other girls surrounded me. I had been dragged into one of the abandoned classrooms that was rumored to have ghosts in.

I absolutely hated scary stories, so this freaked me out even more.

"Never. We're going to teach you a lesson!" One of them crowed.

"Please! Someone! Help!" I cried out.

"Go ahead and scream. No one can hear you," They laughed at me.

They began to throw things at me that left me injured. Then they closed the door behind them and locked the door with keys they must've stolen from the teachers.

"Light-switch. Light-switch..." I fumbled around for the light-switch.

There were no windows in the classroom, and everything was completely dark. It looked like a haunted house.

I found the light-switched and flicked it up, but it wouldn't work. Some of the ceiling lights flickered, but they wouldn't stay on.

I began crying. I tried using my weight to break down the door, but it wouldn't work.

"Help! Help! Help!" I continued screaming until my throat went dry. How long would I have to stay here? I leaned against the door, crying silently.

"Y/N!!! Are you in here?" I heard Younghoon yelling from the other side. He sounded genuinely concerned.

"Younghoon! Younghoon!" My voice cracked, pounding on the door.

"Here, I got the key!" I heard Younghoon shout, fiddling with the doorknob.

The door finally opened. Even though it was that sick bastard I hated so much, I was glad someone found me.

I was still bawling, shivering so much. Younghoon kneeled down and hugged me tightly.

"I was wondering where you were..." Younghoon whispered comfortingly in my ear. He was surprisingly nice right now... I buried my face into his uniform.

"Ew, see, she's manipulating dear Younghoon!" The same girls that locked me in came approaching us, hands on their hips.

Younghoon glared at them, his expression not pleasant.

"Y-younghoon-oppa, you should 't like this sl*t. She's manipulating you!" One of them said, pointing to me.

Younghoon glanced down at me. I assumed he would believe them...

But surprisingly, he looked back at them with anger.

"You did this, didn't you? You b*tches," he snapped, standing up with me. Terrified, the girls fled.

"We'll get you, Y/N!!" They shouted as they ran. Younghoon stared after them before looking down at me once again.

He touched some of my cuts with his thumb, caressing my wounds.

"If they bother you again, come straight to me."

I nodded. This was the right time to ask him.

"Why do you hate me so much?" I sniffled. "Hate you? What?! I don't hate you! I just..."

He paused. "You make me insane, Y/N." I squinted at him in confusion, wiping away my tears.

"What...?" "You made me lovesick, ok? Made me hurt all over. Ache in the heart. It made me mad. Irritated. Frustrated, even...!"

"Is that why you hurt me?" I hesitated to ask.

"... Yes. And I'm really sorry. I love you. You made me fall in love with you at first sight, Y/N. You probably hate me right now. I understand. But I'll do whatever I can to make it up. Please, give me a chance," Younghoon sincerely said, tucking hair behind my ears. I felt that I could trust him.

"... Okay," I murmured. Younghoon seemed delighted. He kissed me on the cheek. Maybe he changed.

But my opinion about him changed the next day. I was walking into the cafeteria, going to sit beside Younghoon.

I had a bright smile plastered on my face. Younghoon promised to stop all his horrible deeds, and he did. It made me feel better already.

I got my lunch from the lunch ladies and began walking towards his table.

But then I saw him wrapping his arms around a different girl and giving her kisses on the cheek.

I kinda rushed things oops

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