49 - Hwall (Part 1)

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genre: horror
HWALL - ε-('∀`; )
length: 2 parts
P.O.V: 1st & reader insert

"Hello, Y/N L/N," A voice that was like music to my ears whispered huskily

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"Hello, Y/N L/N," A voice that was like music to my ears whispered huskily. I turned around frantically, searching for that melodic voice with desperation. That voice... It was so soothing; so honey-like that it made me want to grasp it and never let go. It made me feel so at peace, even if I was unfamiliar with it.

Hesitantly, I said, "H-Hi? Who's there?" I looked around constantly, scanning this peculiar land for any signs of movement. It was a wonderful place. Why hadn't I seen this before? There were smooth, rolling hills blanketed with flourishing flowers and blossoming gardens of healthy plants. The trees seemed mystical, with vines grappling the trunks and twirling around it like a graceful ballerina performing. The sky was a perfect light blue, with scarcely any clouds in sight.

The breeze was gentle, and the singing of birds made me break into a smile. I forgot about the strange voice earlier as I marveled the breath-taking sight. It seemed all like a scene from some sort of fantasy novel. I was wearing a puffy gown with thick layers of crystal blue. I admired the intricate designs. "When did I have this dress on?" I wondered. But I didn't care. A mirror popped up in the center, as if beckoning me to look in it. I was a bit reluctant- I never really appreciated how I looked.

But when I peered into the glass, all I saw was the image of a beautiful girl with bright red lipstick and dark mascara. My face was slim, my waist was thin, and I seemed like the dream girl every guy wants. Even my hair was made with such detail it didn't seem like the original 'Me' at all. I was astounded and shocked at this transformation. This must be a dream!

If it was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. The mirror vanished into oblivion, but I didn't mind. My self-confidence was boosted, and I felt content with myself. I twirled around, showing off my glamorous dress to no one in particular. I was basically bragging to myself how good I looked and felt as well. I danced around alone until I felt a hand rest on my shoulders. It sent this tingly feeling throughout my body, and I shuddered, goosebumps appearing on my skin. I turned around, and my eyes widened at the sight of a good-looking male.

He seemed about my age, considering his face and his height. But he definitely was good-looking. I had never seen him before, but I already could tell I could trust him. Or at least I thought I could trust him. I reached up and touched him to confirm he was real, and I almost stumbled back in shock as I felt real, soft skin come in contact with my hand. He smiled brightly, and it made me feel so jittery. "Care for a dance?" He murmured in the same, delicate voice I had heard earlier.

"It's you!" I gasped. He didn't answer but extended a hand. I grabbed it gratefully and we began to dance. I never knew how to dance, and was surprised at that moment that I magically could. This definitely had to be some good dream! Maybe a prediction of my future? I smiled to myself as I thought them. After a good while of silent dancing with intense stare-downs, we broke apart. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N L/N," He said in a sweet tone. I couldn't help but bat my eyelashes at him.

The next thing he said to me was something I would remember for a long time...

"i'VE beEn EXpEctinG yOU, Y/N M/N L/N..."

Everything went black.

My eyes fluttered open. I was breathing heavily. What was that?! Probably my own imagination, I hope. I was still in that enchanted wonderland of beauty, but I was still quite anxious over what just happened. He disappeared, and there were no traces of him left. Except that one voice that rang in my head...

"Better get out."

And then I awoke.

sorry for posting and then deleting ^^;
thank you for so many views!
i know some people stopped reading cause of slow updates buuuuuuut i just don't have any good ideas.
so here's a simple horror imagine!

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