55 - Sunwoo & Hwall (Part 3)

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genre: fluff
SUNWOO & HWALL - Requested By
P.O.V: 3rd & name: Park Haemin
length: 3 part

Sunwoo sighed. He knew that Haemin liked him, but he didn't expect her to turn her back on him like this. He ran a hand through his hair. "What am I doing wrong?" He voiced his thoughts, looking over his shoulder one last time to see the disappearing figures of Haemin and Hyunjoon. "I guess I'll wait," He told himself with a shrug, leaning against the painted wall with a sigh.

Haemin was following Hyunjoon. He was looking straight ahead and didn't once look down at her with the affection she was yearning for. He was leading her to the end of the hall quietly. She wanted to tell him that it was her birthday today, but she fretted she would sound too desperate. She tugged at his sleeve, and he finally glanced at her. "What do you want?" He sharply said in a clinical voice. Haemin screwed up her face in puzzlement. Why was he acting so harshly to her? Was it something she did? Maybe she wrote something in her letters that was offensive...

"Um.. Nothing," She broke away from his icy gaze. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach, and she had a feeling that what he was going to talk to her about wasn't going to be too nice at all. "What did you want to talk about?" She inquired nervously as soon as Hyunjoon stopped in his tracks. "You probably won't like me saying this, considering how you like me..." He trailed off, pausing for it to settle in. Haemin held in her breath, bracing herself for any criticism or hurtful comments. 

"But I think that you should stop."

"Stop... Stop what?" Haemin let out the breath she had sucked in and contained. "The letters? I can stop them! It's making you feel uncomfortable, right? I can stop sending them. Maybe I can gift you food or drinks next time," She said. Every time she spoke, her voice grew squeakier and squeakier due to the wavering in her voice and the tears that glistened in her eyes. She knew what he was going to say, but she didn't want to accept it. She was in denial. Hyunjoon shook his head curtly and was about to say something when she chimed in again, "Yeah. They're probably annoying, right? I know. I'm like a clingy monkey. I know I'm a messy eater and how I'm not the smartest, but I can be really nice if I want to be!"

Hyunjoon clamped his hand over her mouth. "So annoying. Like a bug," He whispered. Haemin caught what he said and the tears threatened to spill. "Look. I'm not saying that you need to change anything. All I'm saying is that I don't like you, and never will," He bluntly stated matter-of-factly. "You're too annoying, pestering, and just generally unlikable except for that insulting humor of yours," Hyunjoon pointed out without a hint of sympathy. He was unreadable. Haemin searched through his eyes for any sympathy she hoped he possessed, but couldn't find anything. He shoved her back and slipped his hands into his pockets. "Don't talk to me or give me sappy letters again. It's going to ruin my reputation," He rolled his eyes at her before walking off.

Haemin staggered back into the wall. Her back hit the surface and she slid down, her hands covering her face. How could she be so foolish, chasing after someone she barely knew? She didn't know he could be this cruel and hostile. She believed in the fantasy version of him. She didn't like the reality one bit. She cried quietly in the corner, curled up in a ball. She hoped no one would see her this pathetic. Many knew her for her notorious pranks and also how strong and uplifting she was. She didn't want people to think that she was this weak-willed. She also wished that Sunwoo went home and wasn't waiting for her like he usually did so he doesn't question how the talk with Hyunjoon went.

She was a horrible friend.

She just realized it.

She cast him away because of her pursuing of Hyunjoon. 

Haemin didn't even listen to what he had to say. She abandoned him, just like that. She didn't even hesitate to choose. "I'm such a gullible, horrible person," She whimpered to herself. 

A voice made her jump.

"No you're not."


"Yeah, it's me," Sunwoo laughed softly and he bent down in front of me. "You okay? It seems like you got hit my a train. I mean, you look like that every day, but seriously. You look like you got smashed in the face with a hammer," Sunwoo joked. He tried livening up the mood, but failed to do so. Haemin was quietly sitting there, her sobs diminishing into hiccups and sniffles. Tears continued to trickle down her face, but she obscured any hints of them by hiding her face in her cupped hands. "Haemin... Do you know what I was going to tell you earlier?" He mentioned. He crawled over to sit beside her, their bodies pressed together.

"No," Haemin responded with a shake of her head. "Sorry about that... I want to know." "Happy birthday, first of all. Even if it didn't turn out so 'happy'," He chuckled. "I'm guessing that Hyunjoon rejected you." She flinched, still sensitive about the subject. "Yeah..." She admitted. "That's good," A wide smile grew on his face. Haemin arched both eyebrows. "Good?! You think me being miserable is good?" She hissed at him angrily. He shook his head hastily, raising his hands up in defense. "No! No, definitely not. Just.. The fact that he doesn't like you back is good for me," He tilted his head back until the back of his head tapped the wall. 

"What...?" Haemin was confused. "You see..." He smiled, his eyes focused on the ceiling. "Yeah?" She urged. 

"I like you."

Stay tuned for a bonus chapter!

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