38 - Hyunjae (Part 3)

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genre: angst (kekeke surprised to see the sudden change in genre right?), time-travel
HYUNJAE - (╹◡╹)"
length: 3 part
P.O.V: 1st & reader insert

I awoke in a room. It was dark all around and I could barely see anything. I coughed, dust blowing everywhere as I breathed. It seemed like an unused room, and it had a repulsive stench. I attempted to move around, but I was restrained. I couldn't move and only flex my fingers, toes, and move my head from side to side. "Hyunjae!" I screamed. I was tied to a chair, and the chair was bolted to the floor and wouldn't budge no matter how many times I writhed.

I felt something wet on my forehead trickle down the side of my face. A particular spot in my head hurt like hell itself and I couldn't bear the pain. I broke out into tears. I travel back in time, and everything gets worse for me. Who knew? I assumed things would be easier since I was apparently Crown Princess in this dynasty. Then a person stepped out in front of me. All I could see was the stranger's silhouette and outline of their figure. Nothing else. "Who are you?! What do you want with me?" I shrieked.

Then the person walked into the area where light dimly shone. Goosebumps dotted my arms. "Hyunjae? Is that you?" I murmured, straining to see. "Yes, it's me, Your Highness. You truly are beautiful," Hyunjae exposed himself and he crouched down in front of me, touching my chin and lifting it up. "Why? Why are you doing this?" I cried out. "Why not? You have riches. It's all perfect," he responded without a hint of sympathy in his malicious tone. He twirled a blade in his hands, professionally moving it from one finger to another. "Y-you're not going to kill me, right?" I stammered, my heart galloping at the thought of being killed in an era that wasn't my one by my ex-boyfriend.

"Hm... I'll think about it," Hyunjae grinned at me slyly. "Aw, Princess, you're bleeding," he cooed, wiping off the trail of blood leading down my cheek. "And who's fault do you think it is?" I shot at him.
"How about your own for trusting me?" he thoughtfully tapped his chin with his index finger before gracefully standing up. "Y/N, that's your name right?" He brushed his finger along my pale cheek. I didn't answer, just weakly lower my head. I had no energy left within me to struggle and fight back. "Your name is truly as stunning as you are. It would be fun to keep you around, wouldn't it?" He wondered aloud.

I gulped. Please no. I had to get back to my own time! Breaking up with my boyfriend was better than this. I begged the heavens to let me return to the present time. This was too cruel! "Let me go, and I won't tell anyone. You can have everything I have," I meekly uttered. "That's a pretty good deal. But you'll have a good use staying here," Hyunjae rejected that idea I brought up on a whim. "Boys!" He raised his voice, and numerous men clad in the same clothes as Hyunjae emerged from the shadows and crept stealthily forward. "Yes?" They asked together.

"Do whatever you want with her. But I want her alive," Hyunjae smiled. That smile wasn't warm and loving. It wasn't honey-like and comforting. It was of cold steel. The evil in his eyes burned and I could feel his gaze scorching me. As soon as he turned and exited the room, all of them tackled me at once.

i was going to make this way longer, but i decided it would be way too long for anyone's liking. so here's a spoiler(?) for what WOULD'VE happened after. you would've been captured and held hostage, and Hyunjae treated you unjustly. the soldiers from the palace came looking for you, and found out that you were being kept hostage with Hyunjae. they raided the place you were forced to stay at. they grabbed you and pointed a sword to your neck, threatening them to hand over Hyunjae, their leader, unless they wanted you dead (it was all part of the royal guards' plans). Hyunjae turned himself in so you could live. then you realized he wasn't as bad as you thought, blah blah blah, you fell in love with him, but then he dies :). the end!

i live for angst

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