75 - Hyunjae & Sunwoo (Pt. 3)

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genre: fluff, angst
SUNWOO & HYUNJAE - requested by
length: 3 parts
POV: 1st & reader insert

I'n probably going crazy.

Shaking my head, I headed towards the bus stop.

My heart speeding up like this was probably one of those symptoms. I didn't think much of it.

Then, my phone vibrated.

Hyunjae: Where are you?

Rolling my eyes, I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. He just keeps feeling guilty.

My phone vibrated again, but I didn't bother to check.

A few moments later, someone called me. Assuming it was Hyunjae, I didn't pick up and instead hopped onto the bus.

Multiple times my phone rang, and all those times everyone stared at me.

Sighing, I finally picked up the phone out of embarrassment.

"Y/N, why the hell weren't you picking up?!" A distressed voice shouted from the phone.

"Jeez, Hyunjae, calm down," I exasperatedly said.

"Y/N, your Dad's in the hospital, and I'm not playing around," He snapped coldly.

Shocked, my eyes widened.

"You're joking."

"I just said I wasn't. Now hurry your ass over here before I drag you!"

Hanging up, I quickly left the bus at the next stop and sprinted over to the hospital.

I tripped the moment I began running, causing my palms and knees to get cut easily and bleed out a little bit. Wincing in pain, I stood back up and kept dashing towards the hospital.

Out of breath and a little light-headed, I knew I shouldn't be running, but with news like that? I couldn't help it.

I burst into the hospital, asking for my Dad.

The girl at the front desk told me that he was in the emergency room and no one could be in there besides the doctors. 

I sluggishly trudged towards the seats, plopping right down.

"I visited, and he was there on the ground, fainted," A voice said.

Hyunjae sat down next to me.

Drawing in a shaky breath, I asked, "Is he gonna be okay?"

"I'm not sure," Hyunjae shook his head. "We're going to have to wait. This could be a while since they just brought him in."

I placed my bloodied hands to my face and began to cry, my tears stinging the wounds and causing me to grimace a little.

Seeing these reactions, Hyunjae grabbed my hands and forced me to show him the cuts.

"What happened?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing out of concern.

"... I tripped," I hiccuped, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

"Let me get you some bandages," Hyunjae insisted, going up and asking a bypassing doctor for some without letting me say anything.

He came back with a bunch in his hands and began to paste them onto my cuts one by one.

"I'm sorry," I sniffed, tears continuing to roll down my cheeks.

Hyunjae looked up from his place on the ground on one knee. "For what?"

"For getting mad at you, a-and for ignoring your calls..." I trailed off, feeling guilt weigh my heart down.

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