29 - Jacob

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genre: romance
JACOB - Σ(❛✿)
length: 1 part
P.O.V: 1st & reader insert

There was a beautiful sound of an acoustic guitar and a honey-like voice of a person that captured people's attention at a park

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There was a beautiful sound of an acoustic guitar and a honey-like voice of a person that captured people's attention at a park. Mostly girls swarmed around one male that was sitting on a chair and strumming his guitar, singing into a microphone. His name is Jacob, and he's internet-famous for his voice, guitar skills, and his visuals.

I was walking around the park to exercise when I heard Jacob's voice and his guitar. I smiled. What a beautiful sound. I subconsciously headed towards his direction and where a crowd had begun to form. I squeezed through the tons of girls cheering him on, and popped right in front. "Hey! Get back! You cut in front of me," one of the girls hissed at me, shoving me back harshly with her arm. Jacob quirked an eyebrow at us two but continued to sing.

I bowed my head apologetically. "Sorry miss." I backed up, but ended up crashing into someone else, causing me to bounce forward and stagger. "Hey! You, troublemaker, get out of here!" That person shouted at me. All eyes turned to us because of the ruckus the stranger was creating unnecessarily. I hastily bowed my head again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I weaved my way through the sea of watchers effortfully.

I rubbed my sore spot where someone had shoved me back. "Ow..." I winced before leaning against the thin trunk of one of the pine trees in the park. I continued to hear the sound of the boy. It put me in a trance that I swayed rhythmically to. I glanced over to Jacob, who was not seen due to the mass of squealing girls and interested adults huddled around him. The girls especially kept pushing forward to see him, which resulted in him becoming uncomfortable. He stopped singing and cleared his voice, which got many of them upset and begin accusing each other.

"Excuse me, can you all take one step back? You're way too closed in on me," Jacob kindly asked all of them through the microphone that was connected to a speaker. But none of them budged. I frowned at the scene before me. Why were they so rude? I stepped forward. I wriggled my way to the front, and once I did, I turned around so I could face the audience. I spread my arms out. "If he says to back up, back up!" I proclaimed.

"Little girl, get outta here. No one needs to listen to you!" One of them sneered. I flinched but stood my ground. Jacob didn't say anything and kept silent, observing. "You're not even his girlfriend or anything! You can't tell us what we can or can't do," they blabbered on in a loud voice. Several people joined in the commotion, and others opted out. "W-well, you're making him uncomfortable..." I trailed off, becoming flustered at the angered responses.

I turned my head around and met Jacob's eyes. "Haha.. Sorry..." I smiled at him in embarrassment before lowering my arms and bowing to everyone apologetically and bounding off and away from them. "Er!" I heard Jacob call out hesitantly but his voice was drowned out by the sound of disappointed people that left. I ran quickly. The tips of my ears were red from embarrassment and humiliating myself, and sweat was visible on my forehead.

"Hey! Excuse me!" I recognized Jacob's voice as he caught up to me and planted a hand on my shoulder. "Hm?" I locked eyes with him. I pretended to be aloof, but internally, I was spazzing out because of the scene I had in front of him. I believed he chased after me to make fun of me or to mention how red my face was when people spoke out against me. "Thanks," he smiled brightly at me. "H-Huh?" I stuttered. I didn't predict this. "Thanks for helping me there, even though it didn't really work," Jacob said.

"Oh! Well, it's no big deal. I was just helping someone. Anyone would help someone," I beamed at him. I loved hearing that people were grateful or thankful whenever I helped, because usually, my plans always failed. "By the way, I love your singing!" "Thank you," he nodded to me. "Just a question. How are you so pretty?" He flirted. "What?" I acted as if I couldn't hear him the first time. But in truth, I heard his flirtatious question all too clearly. My face was burning and it made me sweat all over. I avoided his gaze so he wouldn't take note of my red cheeks and tease me. I never heard such a cheesy sentence that was for me.

"I'm saying you're pretty, Y/N," Jacob brushed my hair back. "Wait... How do you know my name?" I flinched away. "I feel hurt that you don't remember me. Has it been that long? In highschool, you had to drop out in the middle of the school year to go to Europe or somewhere with your parents. I never saw you again, until now," Jacob stretched out his arms welcomingly. "Wait a minute. You're THAT Jacob? I completely forgot about you!" I exclaimed, then soon covering my mouth. "Yikes, that was rude. I'm so sorry." "Ha, typical Y/N. Did you miss me?" He stepped closer to me.

I retreated one small step back every time he advanced one step forward. "I-I... It's been so long... I don't know how to feel..." I ducked my head down so I didn't have to see his face. We had been dating during highschool, but with my sudden disappearance, we didn't have a chance to say goodbye or break up with one another. Plus, I didn't have my own phone then (I know, pathetic), so I couldn't continuously contact him while I was attending school overseas. "It's fine, Princess, as long as you're with me I'll feel fine again," he extended a hand forward and touched my cheek.

I squeaked. The fluttering feeling in my stomach I had during highschool when we were dating returned to me at that moment. I shyly lifted my head up. My back bumped into a fence and I frantically looked up. I saw him grinning, showing off his rows of teeth. The sunlight flickering through the leaves of the pine trees highlighted his hair a light brown. I fell in love with him all over again in that spot.

Jacob leaned forward, correcting his position so that he was right in front of me. I could tell he knew I was blushing by the way the corners of his lips tugged up. "You know, I missed you a lot," he said before he kissed me right on the lips.

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