A Lie Guarded

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(Double update because I had sleep without Insomnia gettin' me ^-^)

  "Is there a reason we're meeting in the embassy?" Kane questioned as guards outside the door let him in.

  "Tell me the plan." Roan said firmly as I was sharpening my sword off to the side.

  "The plan?"

  "It's been 3 weeks since Clarke told me Praimfaya would once again destroy our world. Skaikru asked for time to find a solution. What do you have to show for it?" The Azgeda king questioned.

  "We're still working on it." Kane replied. "Hopefully, with more time-"

  "Enough." Roan cut him off by raising his hand. "Echo." He then called on the spy. She came in with a serious face, leading two Skaikru into the room as they were cuffed and gagged.

  "Stephens, Bellamy, are you all right?" Kane looked at them worriedly. "What is this?"

  "Echo saw your people rebuilding your ship." Roan rose to his feet, resting his left hand on the hilt of his sword. "She captured these two hunting in my woods." He explained while walking towards them. Glancing at Octavia's brother, he didn't seem to be majorly harmed, just a few bruises and scrapes. The other one, however, had a cut across his face and dried blood here and there. "This one says it's a shelter from the radiation." Roan pointed to the more beat-up man. Kane looked from Roan to the two on their knees and back.

  "It's a backup plan, nothing more." Kane replied.

  "He said that, too, just before he told us that you have a Nightblood." Mentally groaning, I could only think one thing. 'What the Hell were they doing now?' "It's a good thing the Flame's been destroyed, or I'd be worried you're planning an ascension." He stood right in front of Kane, his voice dropping to where it almost sounded like a growl.

  "You have to trust me. We discovered that Nightblood helps metabolize radiation. We're investigating ways to create it for everyone, turn everyone into Nightbloods so we can all survive."

  "Blasphemy." Echo piped in. "Nothing they tell us is true."

  "This is." Kane pointed to the ground while raising his voice. "It's not blasphemy. It's-It's science. If Nightblood can save lives, we should use it." There was a quiet pause before Roan nodded to Echo. She quickly nodded back before drawing a blade and slitting the throat of the man that had been called Stephens.

  "No! No! No!" Kane screamed as the man was gurgling and choking on his own blood. Even as I watched Kane run to the man's side, I felt no sympathy as his blood pooled on the floor. However, I knew if it had been Bellamy, it would have been a different story. I never lied when I said my loyalty and trust only belonged truly to Octavia and Roan, but Bellamy was Octavia's brother, and she'd hate me if I let him die.

  "Warriors don't reveal their secrets." Echo stated while coldly looking down at the two.

  "Truth is the first casualty of war. If your motives were pure, you would've shared your plan with me." Roan said as he gazed at Kane. "Our alliance is broken." He then added in a firm tone while looking at the guards that had come in. "Skaikru and Trikru are the enemy." Roan declared in Trigedasleng.

  "What about them, sire?"

  "Hostages." Was his reply, and I could hardly believe my ears. "Find Indra and Octavia. Kill everyone else." His words held more weight as he no longer used English.

  "No. Listen to me. No! No!" Kane called as he was being taken away. "No!" And a guard turned to me, took one step, but stopped as Roan raised his hand.

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