Ashes to Ashes

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(A/N: From here on out, I will be following canon less to suit my plans for the direction of this story!)

  Limping to sit down, I let out a huff of air while trying to ignore the pain. I had been the first to make a marrow donation as a show of good faith, but now came the time to discuss a new problem at hand. Madi.

  "Do you know how to get rid of Sheidheda?"

  "I can't unless Madi cooperates." Gaia shook her head. "She's even changed the passcode so I can't just take it out."

  "There's a chance we could delete him entirely." Raven raised her chin at me, and I glanced at Roan. We quietly looked at each other before he closed his eyes and nodded.

  "Gaia, you're the one I need the most to agree with what I'm about to say." Worry flashed in her eyes as she tensed.

  "What is it?"

  "Madi is in no state to lead our people." Roan and I glanced at each other again. Taking in a deep breath, I raised my eyebrows before just saying what was discussed in private between the Azgeda man and I. "I plan on taking back the Heda status for the sake of our people. When the triad was in place, I had most of everyone's support both as mother to the Azgeda prince and as the rightful winner of the conclave. I hope it to be a temporary thing until Madi is free of Sheidheda, but....but if that is not possible, I am willing to be Heda permanently."

  Silence filled the room and Gaia's expression went serious.

  "And you need my approval as Flamekeeper."

  "Correct. If this cannot be resolved before the rest of our people come down, Madi cannot be in power. She's too bloodthirsty, too blinded."

  "Too childish." Murphy popped off.

  "And giving her power over an army? We're all as good as dead. These people aren't warriors, they'd stand no chance." Leaning back in my seat, I locked eyes with Gaia. She seemed to be thinking for a few seconds before dropping her gaze to her hands.

  "You may not be a true Nightblood, but...." Her eyes were back on me as she shifted. "you've proven to be a leader to follow."

  "So does that mean I have your support?"

  "You do."

  "And you guys?" I looked at the others, and they each nodded or verbalized their approval. "Then it's settled."

  "So, who wants to break it to Little Miss Homicide that she's been benched?"

  "I'll do it."


  "I hope you don't mind me wanting our 'oath' to be written as well." Russell gestured to the paper and the person sat before it with a pen.

  "No, it's better to have it written. Leaves less room for conflict." I leaned against the chair I stood behind as Russell sat across the table from me.

  "And she's here, why?" He glanced at Gaia, her expression calm as she sat with a straight back.

  "She's the Flamekeeper." Russell quirked up an eyebrow, and I gestured with my head to Gaia. "Basically the second in command, advisor, and high priestess of the faith of the Flame. It's a very important position relating to our Heda."

  "I see. And why is your husband not present?"

  "Roan is king to a country that is no more." I then chuckled. "He's also taking care of our son."

  "I understand." Russell smiled. "Then, shall we get to the terms of our Blood Oath?"

  "First order will be peace between our people, and any crimes committed between the two will be dealt with by both leaders with a mixed jury for fairness of trial."

  "I can agree to that." Russell nodded, and the person with the paper scribbled it down. "And the people of Sanctum will help build your people a similar compound so long as none of yours kill any of us."

  "And until our fields are yielding, we have an open trade. Tech and crafted goods in exchange for food."

  "You have people that can do this?"

  "We have warriors, farmers, hunters, blacksmiths, weavers- We're a very mixed group."

  "I want my soldiers and guard trained in your tactics. We'd always be at a disadvantage without them."

  "Fine. We can also provide protection from the Children of Gabriel until then." I nodded.

  "We'll have a school placed in the compound and give lessons on the native flora and fauna in exchange."

  "I want to make the written oath have amendments, in case something comes up either of us wishes to add or change."

  "How long do you plan for this Blood Oath to last?" Russell questioned out of curiosity.

  "A Blood Oath lasts until it is either broken by one of the parties involved or until death." Gaia explained. "It was not exaggerated in how serious this kind of agreement is."

  "Then we will have amendments."

  "Just know that even though you Primes may be immortal, our next generations will know how to protect themselves. Do not think you can easily wipe us out once I'm gone." I stated while locking eyes with Russell.

  "I was hoping by then, our two communities would have a symbiotic relationship. I'd much rather us get along than for something like that to happen."

  "We will also have to learn of one another's culture." Gaia shifted in her seat. "To prevent any infringements or unintended disrespect."

  "Agreed. To be honest, I am quite curious about that. That language you all speak, I'd like that to be shared as well."

  "No." Gaia replied. "I do not mean to offend, but Trigedasleng allows us privacy and is a part of our culture. We can teach a few of your people to be translators, however."

  "I should explain that English was the language only used by warriors while everyone else spoke the common Trigedasleng, but seeing as you all have English as the main language, Trigedasleng is used when one of you is around."

  "If we are to have peace, isn't transparency key to that?"

  "It's no different than how some of you use Mandarin or French so we don't understand. Transparency is good, but sometimes privacy is also needed. The translators will be enough, and if you wish to be one yourself, that is also acceptable."

  "While we're speaking," Gaia glanced from me to Russell. "this is unrelated to the oath, but we want access to our personal belongings again. Seeing as we aren't prisoners anymore."

  "I'm sorry, but I do not trust any of you enough to let you out until these plans have been put into motion."

  "Then let Gaia go, with guards to keep an eye on her of course, and let her bring our stuff back here." I suggested while knowing she wanted to get Becca's book from the mechanic shop.


  "How'd it go?" Roan asked before kissing my cheek.

  "We got the demands, wants, and exchanges down. They'll have a proper document made to be signed, and once it is and the Blood Oath completed, then it's peace. However, Bellamy and Josephine must come back before construction on the compound actually starts. Josephine also has to be safe or there is no treaty."

  "How do we even plan on letting Bellamy know it's safe to come back?"


  Looking out of the window as a group of guards were nearing with Russell at the front, I spotted Josephine, Murphy, and Bellamy among them. Murphy had been sent out with a search party to get them back, and it looked like they actually returned with an extra head.

  Did they kidnap a Child of Gabriel? It clearly wasn't Diyoza....

  I froze when the extra person turned their head while walking under a light. I could feel the gears slowly turning in my head, trying to figure out how in the Hell this person was here and now. Turning toward the others in the room, I slammed my hand against the table to get their attention before speaking with a level tone that was edged with rage.

  "When the fuck did Octavia come down from the ship?"

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