The Old Man and the Anomaly

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  "Clarke's alive."

  "Fuck." I sighed while dropping the knife I was polishing onto the table in front of me.

  "Look, I know you and her don't see eye-to-eye, but....we need your help, Viper." Bellamy stated.

  "She should really make up her mind because just the other day, you were telling me she was killed and her body hijacked by that Josephine chick. Now, somehow, she's still alive in there?"

  "She's Madi's mother. That's got to mean something to you."

  "She's Madi's mother that nearly got everyone killed more than once, Madi included."

  "Please, Viper." Looking Bellamy in the eye, I thought it over in my head. I hated Clarke, sure, but if I were being honest the fact of what the Primes did to Clarke meant they were fully capable of doing the same thing to Roan and I, and even Enan when he was old enough. Not only that, but it was Bellamy begging me for help- Denying him help might make Octavia upset when she finally came down from the ship.

  "Fine. But I'm not going to go out of my way to help Clarke."

  "Thank you, Viper."


  "Thank God she's still in there. It would destroy Abby." Jordan said, making me scoff.

  "Question is, how do we get Josephine out?"

  "We need Raven. She'll know what to do." Echo stated.

  "Raven's not here." Madi had a bitter tone in her voice.

  "Hey, we're gonna get her back. When the transport ship lands, we'll be waiting in the field with Josephine. Once we're all back on the mothership, Abby, Raven, and Jackson will go to work."

  "What if they don't open the shield and let us out?" Miller asked.

  "If they don't, Josephine dies."

  "That's why they will."

  "What about Delilah? If Clarke's still alive, then she could be, too."

  "It's unlikely." I spoke up when the others went quiet.


  "Delilah went willingly, knowing what was going to happen. Clarke didn't, not to mention we don't even know how she's still alive. It seems like some sort of fluke, and the chance of such a thing happening to both of them is extremely low."

  "Low, but not entirely zero." Jordan crossed his arms, and I raised my eyebrows.

  "True, but don't get your hopes up."

  "If we start asking questions and the Primes figure out why-"

  "They can't figure it out if they're dead." Madi popped off. "Once we kill the Primes, we take over Sanctum. We save Clarke here in the lab that was built for it."

  "Is that your idea or Sheidheda's?"

  "Who cares if it works?" Madi nearly snarled. "I've been surveilling the one named Miranda. We kill her and let them find the body. They'll think it's the Children of Gabriel and panic, locking themselves inside the palace, probably the Great Hall, and that's where we'll be waiting to take out the rest." Madi had a serious look on her face, and I snorted while leaning back in my seat.

  "See, that is Sheidheda's plan because a Madi plan wouldn't be that stupid." The girl shot me a look, and I waved my hand. "The primes are over 200 years old, they're not idiots. They've established themselves as gods among these people and know things we never could simply because we'd never live as long. The people will think it's the Children of Gabriel, the Primes won't because they know that we know Josephine is in Clarke, and you lot would do anything to get her back if there was a chance to. Then the Primes and their people turn on us, and we'd be outnumbered, trapped, and out-resourced. We'd be boxed in."

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