How We Get to Peace

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  "I don't care how you make it happen, Clarke. Kill Octavia if you have to. Bring her to me in chains and I'll do it for you, or she can surrender herself, but your red queen doesn't seem like the type." Diyoza said, and I shot Clarke a look, and the blonde knew exactly what my glare meant.

  "Let us worry about that."

  "We have an understanding, then?"

  "....We do."

  "Good. Call me back when it's done, and we can work out the details of your crossing. Over and out." The comm cut off as we looked at Clarke.

  "No way." Bellamy shook his head while leaning on the table.


  "We are not killing my sister, Clarke. I don't care how crazy she is." Bellamy turned around and conflict was clear on his face. "Run the loop. The Rover's charged. We're getting our friends. That was reckless. We had a plan. You agreed."

  "That was before Octavia made Madi her Second- And it wasn't even me that contacted Diyoza in the first place." Clarke stated before glancing at me. "That army marches to war as soon as they find out the eye is down. I can't let that happen."

  "So we don't tell anyone?" Harper questioned.

  "They'll know as soon as we drive away."

  "Oh, who cares? We grab Madi, and we go." Bellamy said before turning to me. "Viper, it's not too late for you guys to come."

  "I care about my own survival as much as the next person, but unlike you, I want humanity to survive. I want my son to be able to have a future." Leaning back on the table while crossing my arms, I glanced around. "Running won't give him that. War won't give him that. If I have to, I will take out whoever gets in the way of that- and currently, that's Diyoza and her men."

  "You'd rather blame strangers than Octavia." Clarke popped off, and I bared my teeth at her.

  "Octavia wants to avoid war just as much as the rest of us. She does as she believes is best for Wonkru even at the sake of herself."

  "If that's true, she would surrender."

  "Surrendering to Diyoza is giving up assurance that our people will be okay. Not even I would surrender." I stated, and Clarke rose her eyebrows.

  "Viper, you wouldn't surrender even if it would save your son's life. You say you want the survival of humanity, but your actions very well could be our downfall."

  "Stop it." And to everyone's surprise, it was Monty that spoke against Clarke. "You know, I don't know what all happened with you guys the past six years, but I'm well aware of what kind of person Viper is, and I've hardly spent any time with her. You have no clue how hard she's trying to prevent this war, to keep us all alive." He turned in his chair and looked at me. "I've almost got it."

  "Are you serious?" I felt a jolt of excitement because I knew exactly what he was talking about.

  "Almost got what?"

  "Algae." Monty pulled out the cylinder from his backpack, and Bellamy sighed.


  "Cooper already gave me permission to show what it can do, and Viper's giving me the time to do so. Cooper's meeting me before the afternoon meal." Monty glanced around, but everyone was looking at me as if they didn't believe what Monty had said. "Look, I've got support from the Triad, if I can just-"

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