Die All, Die Merrily

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  Two days later, the Conclave was held now that the champions had come to Polis. I couldn't even see Roan because of the Azgeda people grouping me with Skaikru once more. I was alone until Octavia showed up, and she tried to take my place, but I convinced her to let me fight.

  "It's time." Clarke said, bringing me out of my head as I rose to my feet. "Hey. You got this." She gave me such a sincere look. "The Viper I know is quick to strike and doesn't stop until she has won."

  "Was your wording a coincidence, or has Murphy's snake comparisons rubbed off on you?" I asked with a flat tone before walking away.

  "Viper of Skaikru, step forward." Gaia called outside. Making my way through the boisterous crowd, I climbed the stage with the chairs under each clan's flag. "Accept the sigil of your clan and fight with honor as their champion." She said while tying a cord around my neck. On it was a dog-tag-shaped piece of metal with the symbol of Skaikru on it. I hated how it felt on me, but the weight of my origins was not something I could so easily throw away. I was from the Skaikru people, and I was their champion.

  Walking to our flag, I let out the breath I had been holding. Roan stood on the stage already, bearing the sigil of Azgeda as I stood next to him. He looked down at me, a hint of sorrow in those blue eyes of his while the rest of his face was unreadable.

  "Ilian kom Trishanakru." The crowd cheered as the man that had destroyed the Ark came up to Gaia. Being the last one, he stood on my other side as Gaia addressed the crowd. "A battle to the death within the walls of Polis. These warriors will fight until only one remains. When that warrior collects all of the sigils from the fallen and delivers them to me, they will be declared the victor. This final champion alone will tell us which clan is meant to survive in the crypt of Bekka Pramheda, and which clans are meant to perish in Praimfaya." She spoke her words clearly. "We honor those who fall by the sword....but follow the One who wields it best."

  "That would be me!" A voice rang out from the back of the crowd, causing heads to turn. Luna was making her way to the front, pushing those out of the way that wouldn't move. "I'm Luna kom Flokru, and I'm the last of my clan."

  "We know who you are." Gaia looked at her. "The Natblida who ran from her conclave."

  "I'm not running from this one." There was a quiet pause before Gaia spoke again.

  "Accept this sigil, Luna kom Flokru, but with your clan gone, who will you fight for?"
  "I fight for no one. I fight for death." She declared. "When I win, no one will be saved."


  Preparing for battle, Clarke decided to do a show of intimidation by doing war paint on my face. However, unlike the others with lines or smears, she made my face look skeletal and my neck completely black. Walking into the hall full of weapons, the other champions and those helping them prepare all quieted at the sight of me.

  "Wamplei don kom op...." One whispered.

  "Wanlida!" Another gasped. It seemed Clarke's idea was working....

  Going to the back where my weapons were laid out, sharpened, and polished already, I began sliding one of the knives into my boot.

  "I almost didn't recognize you, Pakstoka." Looking over to the side, I saw Alquin standing there with her arms crossed. "But those eyes and hair of yours gave you away."

  "Why are you here?" I questioned.

  "I may be Azgeda, but I taught you the sword." She stated while stepping closer. "Don't fight with aggression. Don't reveal your next move before you strike."

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