Book 3: Chapter 1

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"It's weird." Emma said as the two walked hand in hand. The snow had started to fall some time ago and it was now starting to cover their path. Emma's red jacket popped against the white snow as Ryder's black one seemed to match the darkening sky. Houndoom walked in front of them, liepard by his side as the two guided their way along the path.

"What is?" Ryder asked.

"Traveling without them." Emma responded as her hand tightened around his.

"Yah, it is." Ryder agreed. "We might have to make camp, unless we find a center soon." Ryder stated as Emma nodded. Houndoom stopped his attention going to liepard as her ears twitched. The two trainers stopped as they moved closer to the two dark types.

"Lie?" Liepard asked, looking at her trainer.

"What is it?" Ryder asked. Liepard looked at houndoom before the two veered off the path. Emma shrugged as they followed the two pokemon into the now partly snow covered forest.

"Do you have any clue what it is?" Emma asked.

"Not one. But mayb-" A pained cry echoed through the trees. Ryder pulled away from Emma as liepard raised her head and took a sniff of the air. Houndoom doing a similar reaction as flames began to fill the fire type's mouth, lighting more of the area. The sun was mostly gone by this point as they followed the pained crying.

"Good boy." Emma said as she gripped the rib like ridges of the pokemon's body. Keeping her footing, she followed on as liepard led them deeper into the forest and further away from the path. Emma bit her lip as the cry was loud enough to hear it clearly. Ryder pushed a few branches of a bush out of his way as they saw what was making the noise.

A rather small teddiursa sat on the ground yanking at a snare around its right foot. Cautiously, Ryder moved towards the pokemon as it took notice of them. Screeching louder it tried to get away from them, only making the restraint on its ankle tighter.

"Hey, it's okay." Ryder whispered. Kneeling down by the pokemon he attempted to pull it back towards him as its claws dug into his hands and arms. Biting his lip, Ryder glanced at Emma as she knelt down and started to undo the snare.

"We are going to get you out of this." Emma stated as she worked at the cord trying to undo the knot. The teddiursa screamed louder as it struggled more in Ryder's grip, trying to get away from the trainer.

"Stop." Ryder said as the pokemon only screamed more. It's flailing, making it hard for him to hold as Emma struggled to get the knot undone.

"I can't get you out if you keep struggling." Emma stated. The teddiursa screamed again before his teeth clamped down on Ryder's arm. He whimpered as he wrapped his good arm around the little bear pokemon holding it as still as possible. Emma was able to undo the wire as Ryder set the teddiursa down on the ground. It started to move before giving a pained cry and falling over. Scooping the normal type up it swung out hitting Ryder in the arm with its claws.

"We're going to help you. But if you want to help us, you can stop biting and clawing me." Ryder said as the pokemon screamed. A loud roar echoed shaking some of the trees and liepard started to growl. Houndoom scanned the area as the two pokemon put themselves between the trainers and whatever the roar was. Ryder pulled an arm away calling out who he thought was greninja.

Lairon looked up at his trainer as Ryder stared at the pokemon for a moment.

"Shit." Ryder whispered. Another roar echoed as an Ursaring came charging out of the woods. Its claws glowing as it swung out and liepard jumped out of its way.

"Lairon iron tail." Ryder yelled. Lairon rushed forward his tail glowing as it spun. Striking the ursaring it was knocked backwards a bit.

"Flamethrower." Emma shouted. The flames that filled the dark types mouth spewed out cloaking the hibernator pokemon. Giving a roar it charged forward again ignoring the flames as liepard jumped forward her claws striking the pokemon again and again.

"Liepard get out of there." Ryder said as the ursaring spun its arm glowing as it struck liepard throwing her off of it. "Lairon iron head." Ramming himself into the normal type lairon pushed the pokemon into a tree. Teddiursa gave a cry as the ursaring roared knocking lairon away.

"Wait!" Emma shouted, running up to the ursaring. "Teddiursa is hurt. We are trying to help it, but it keeps screaming and fighting us. Please!" Emma begged as the ursaring stopped. It stared at her for a moment before noticing the snare wire in her hand. Its gaze shifted to the teddiursa that was scratching and biting at Ryder. The ursaring took notice of its injured ankle. The ursaring calmly walked towards them as it gave off a small grunt. The teddiursa looked up at the large pokemon in front of it, as it calmed down.

"Thank you." Ryder said as he knelt down on the ground and lightly set the teddiursa down. Pulling his backpack off he dug out a potion and sprayed the pokemon's injury. It gave a small cry, but after a few moments the injury went away. Teddiursa jumped to its feet rushing over to the towering ursaring. The brown pokemon gave a nod before turning and heading back into the woods the teddiursa on its heels.

"Liepard." Ryder rushed over to his fallen pokemon as she gave a pained cry. "Emma do you have any potions?" Ryder asked as Emma unslung her bag. Lairon trotted over to Ryder as Emma shook her head no. Grabbing liepard's pokeball from his side he recalled the injured pokemon.

"Where's the path?" Emma asked, noticing the darkness had entirely surrounded them now. The snow was now coming down harder and the wind was starting to blow.

"Houndoom." Emma said, picking up a stick. The fire type flew a bit of fire onto it getting it to catch fire. Emma turned her attention to Ryder as she moved the sleeves of his coat out of the way to look at his arms. Scratches covered them and a few bite marks lined the already raw skin. He winced a bit as she inspected the marks more.

"Do we have a map?" Ryder asked. Emma dug around in her pockets before pulling out her pokedex. Scanning the area Emma closed the device as a gust of wind kicked some snow up into her face.

"Can't find where we are." Emma admitted.

"Lairon, can you knock down the tree?" Ryder asked, pointing to a small tree. Lairon cocked his head a bit before nodding. Spinning it rammed his head into the tree making it start to crack and moan. Braking the trunk it fell between the fork of a tree. Ryder drug his bag over under the fallen tree as he pulled out the tarp for the tent as Emma came over to help.

It took the two trainers a few minutes for them to set up the tent. Recalling houndoom and lairon, Emma laid down beside Ryder. She entwined her fingers with his as he gave a moan. Emma sat up, she drug her bag over to her and pulled out a small roll of bandages.

"It's all I have." Emma stated as Ryder pulled his coat off. Wrapping it around her shoulders, he allowed her to wrap up his partly bleeding scratches and marks. Once they were wrapped Ryder grabbed his sleeping bag unzipping it and laying it out. Emma did the same with hers as the two of them slipped under hers, settling themselves there.

"You're right." Emma gave Ryder a curious look.

"About what?"

"It is too quiet." Ryder stated as she moved closer to him.


I'm so sorry that this was uploaded so late. I got home and became extremely sick and just didn't have the ability to get this uploaded. Sorry again.

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