Book 3: Chapter 27

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        "Liepard." Ryder stated as liepard rushed onto the field, her fur still dirty from her last battle.

           "Goodra." Ash shouted as the dragon pokemon opened its eyes. The mucus dripping from its arms as it gave a sweet smile.

           "Night slash." Liepard rushed forward the shadow forming on her paws as she grew closer.

           "Dragon pulse." The multicolored beam flew from goodra's mouth as liepard jumped to the right dodging the attack. Her claws striking goodra a bit as the pokemon stumbled a bit.

           "Play rough."

           "Knock it away with your tail." Ash ordered as goodra swung its tail out, hitting liepard in the side sending her skidding across the terrain.

           "Get close."

           "Ice beam." The ice soared towards liepard as she swerved out of the way, her claws digging into the dirt.

           "Foul play." Liepard leapt up onto goodra as she struck the dragon a few times, before being knocked off.

           "Bide." Ash ordered as Ryder smiled, he was leaving his pokemon defenseless.

           "Play rough." Liepard jumped onto goodra her claws hitting the pokemon over and over again. The red aura surrounded goodra more as liepard backed off, her tail flicking dangerously. The shadow covered her claws as she charged forward hitting the large pokemon multiple times as it covered its face with its arms.

           "Wrap it up, play rough."

           "Goodra." Goodra swung its head backward before the beam soared forward, cutting through the ground and most of the battlefield. Liepard cried as the beam hit her and the bright light cloaked the arena. After a few minutes the light died away leaving liepard unconscious on the ground. Ryder recalled the pokemon thanking her.

           "Greninja." Ryder shouted as the water type stood his arms crossed.

           "Dragon pulse." The beam flew forward as it took the form of a dragon as Ryder gave a small nod and greninja move expertly around the incoming attack.

           "Get close." Ryder ordered as the ninja pokemon charged forward. "Aerial ace." Greninja's hands and feet started to glow as he slammed into the dragon pokemon. After a few hits the purple pokemon staggered before falling to a knee.

           "You can do it goodra." Ash shouted as Ryder smirked.

           "Ice punch." Greninja jumped into the air his right fist glowing as he struck goodra in the arm. Jumping backwards, greninja got out of range as the dragon's tail attempted to strike him.

           "Ice beam." greninja leapt into the air as the beam chased after. The water type swerved around the beam as his fist started to glow again and he struck the dragon type with another ice punch. Goodra fell to the ground defeated as greninja rushed back to his side of the field. Ash gritted his teeth as he raised his arm and pikachu rushed along it.

           "Greninja, return." Ryder stated as he grabbed the pokeball at his side. "Leafeon." The grass type opened his eyes meeting, pikachu's excited look.

           "A clever switch." the announcer said as leafeon flicked his tail glancing at Ryder.

           "Quick attack." Ash shouted as pikachu rushed forward.

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