Book 3: Chapter 13

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Ryder rubbed liepard's head as he sat on the chair waiting to be called out to the field. He was second on the list to battle today, and he knew it was going to a long few days. The dark type gave a purr as she moved her head more onto his lap, begging for him to continue. Jack leaned against the wall, watching the screen. Trevor knocked out his opponent's last pokemon.

"Relax." Ryder stated as he noticed how intently Jack was watching the television. Jack glanced at his friend before allowing his shoulders to lose some of the tension that was held in them.

"I'm as relaxed as I'm going to be." Jack admitted as he glanced up at the screen once more. Ryder chuckled as Trevor rushed into the room, the teenager's energy surging off him.

"I won!" Trevor almost shouted as he went over to talk to a friend. A woman walked into the room before scanning her clipboard.

"Ryder, and Kayla." The woman said as Ryder called liepard into her pokeball. The woman guided the two contestants into the hallway before pointing them to their designated areas.

"Good luck." Ryder said to Kayla as she gave a small nod before the two separated. Ryder's heart was thumping in his chest, taking a deep breath, he could hear the crowd as they cheered. He stood at the entrance to the platform as he heard the announcer call his competitor out. Taking a deep breath he calmed his nerves as the announcer called for him. The light of the arena filled the entrance as it opened, allowing him out onto the platform. The arena rose up between the two trainers as the rocky terrain became visible.

Ryder smirked as he saw the arena and he glanced up at his opponent. Kayla grabbed a pokeball from her side called out her delphox stood up the pokemon's wand in hand. Ryder grabbed the ball from his side before releasing greninja. Kayla's expression changed as she saw the water type and she looked her fire and psychic type over.

"BEGIN!" The announcer shouted as Ryder crossed his arms, waiting for Kayla to make the first move.

"Flamethrower." She shouted as the delphox spun the stick in its hand before sending the flames flying.

"Move." Ryder stated as greninja effortlessly dodged around the searing flames. "Dark pulse." Ryder commanded as the black and purple beam flew almost hitting the pokemon.

"Dodge it." The delphox jumped to the right as greninja rushed forward.

"Aerial ace." Greninja's hands and feet started to glow as he hit the fire type a few times causing it to stumble backwards.

"Will-o-wisp." Kayla called as the few flames soared from the delphox's wand.

"Knock them back with water shuriken." Grabbing the water from its legs. The water, sliced through the incoming flames as another shuriken struck the starter. The bruises littered the fire types red and yellow coat as a faint red aura surrounded it.

"Shadow ball." The delphox nodded as the dark orb formed on the pokemon's stick.

"Dark pulse." Ryder shouted as the beam soared before the orb had finished forming. A cloud of dust rose up and settled after a few moments. The knocked out starter laid on the ground as Kayla grumbled before recalling the pokemon. Grabbing the next pokeball at her side, she called out azumarill. Ryder grabbed the pokeball from his belt recalling greninja.

"It appears that Ryder is recalling his greninja. Who will he bring out next?" The announcer said. Tossing the pokeball into the air, as leafeon landed on the ground kicking up dust. His eyes glowing for a few seconds as the dust settled. "It's a leafeon!"

"Ready?" Ryder whispered as leafeon took up an attack stance.

"Defense curl." Ryder's eyes widened as Kayla smiled. Her pokemon created almost a bubble around it before it wrapped around its body.

"The pokemon increased its defense, it's going to be hard for Ryder to break through that." The announcer stated.

"Swift." Ryder shouted. Leafeon spun, sending stars sailing into the water type, pushing it backwards a bit. The aqua rabbit pokemon shook its head as it glanced back at its trainer.

"Play rough." Kayla shouted as the water type rushed forward. Catching leafeon, he was hit a few times before getting away from the bulkier pokemon.

"Quick attack." Leafeon charged forward. Ramming his head into the blue pokemon causing it to stagger backwards a bit.

"Aqua tail."

"Dodge it." Leafeon leapt backwards as the swish of water seared just a few inches away from the grass type. "Leaf blade." Bounding off the ground. Leafeon's tail started to glow as it struck the azumarill in the side, sending it soaring across the ground.

"Bubble beam." the bubbles flew across the field once the water type was on its feet. Leafeon swerved around the bubbles as the struck the ground around him.

"Keep the pressure on, leaf blade." Ryder ordered as leafeon swung down where the water types head was just seconds before. The dust kicked up as azumarill sent bubbles flying into the cloud. The bubbles disappeared into the cloud and no response came from inside.

"Now, shadow ball." Leafeon leapt out from the cloud the black and purple orb already formed in its mouth. The orb flew as Kayla called for bubble beam. The bubbles hit the orb, not stopping it as it struck the aqua rabbit pokemon. Sending it skidding backwards, before collapsing to the ground.

"Amazing!" The announcer shouted as Ryder smirked, one left he muttered.

"Carbink!" Kayla yelled as the jewel pokemon formed on the battlefield. Leafeon rolled his shoulders back as he took a step forward preparing for the next attack.


It's only Tuesday guys. Its getting so busy.

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