Book 3: Chapter 8

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Jack sat on the bench, the cool air of Lumiose filling his lungs. He looked down at bisharp as the pokemon relaxed on the ground, zoroark lying beside him. Absol sat at Jack's feet and rampardos laid not far away from the bench as it bathed in the warmth of the sun. Grovyle sat up above him on a branch as they waited patiently.

It was weird now, Izzy was nowhere near him. She said that she made a few friends and would be traveling with them. Of course he offered to go, but she knew just as well as he did that he needed to train. The silence it was almost deafening, no chatter of Ryder or Emma or the calls of the pokemon. It was almost too peaceful for his comfort.

"Jack?" A voice cut him from his thoughts as he looked up as the muscular teenager walked towards him. His hair like fire on the top of his head. In his hand he held his backpack as his other held a glasses container. His black glasses seemed to almost frame his face as the dark clothes cloaked him.

"Mark." Jack got up as the two embraced. It had been far too long since they had last seen each other. They traveled together when Jack was on his journey, but Mark wasn't one for battles at the time.

"What are you doing back in Lumiose? I thought you would have gone to the league." Mark stated as Jack shook his head.

"I needed to figure things out. I'm heading now, though. That's why I called you here." Jack started as he rubbed the back of his neck. Mark didn't enjoy battling, but he knew that Mark would be the only one to truly challenge him.

"Let me guess... A battle." Mark said as Jack nodded. Mark huffed a breath as he looked around at the pokemon.

"You got a zoroark, and cranidos evolved." Mark stated. Jack smiled as he touched the ultra ball at his side.

"If you don't want to battle that's fine." Jack admitted as Mark chuckled. Pulling up a pokeball from his side, he spun it getting Jack's attention.

"They would love to." Mark said as he rushed over to the other side of the arena. Jack smiled as he called for zoroark to come to him.

"Show me how you've grown." Jack laughed as he stroked the illusion pokemon. Mark smiled as zoroark took the field his teeth baring as his fur rose on edge.

"Toxicroak." Mark yelled as the poison and fighting type landed on the field. Giving a loud cry it jumped onto its back feet as it bounce from one foot to the other. Jack eyed the pokemon for a moment before smiling.

"Ready?" Jack asked.

"You certain." Mark said as Jack nodded. "Cross chop." Mark shouted as the poison mouth pokemon rushed forward the red of his neck extended.

"Dodge it." Jack said as zoroark danced around the incoming pokemon. Toxicroak's hands struck the ground as it spun to face zoroark. "Night daze." a shockwave escaped the dark type as it hit the poison type. Toxicroak shook his head before rushing forward again.

"Poison jab." Toxicroak swung out his hand glowing as the purple covered his arm.

"Night slash." Zoroark caught the incoming attack as the two were knocked away from each other.

"You've gotten really good." Mark chuckled.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Jack laughed. "Dark pulse." The column of black and purple from zoroark's hands as toxicroak was thrown backwards a bit.

"Drain punch." Mark shouted as toxicroak rushed forward. His fist striking zoroark getting the dark type to slide across the ground. Small dots flew from the dark type returning to the fighting type as it gained some of its strength back.

"You alright?" Jack asked as Absol walked over to his side.

"Sol." The disaster pokemon called. Zoroark smirked as it got to its feet as he growled. In his hand formed the black and purple beam, he sent it flying not into toxicroak but into the ground. Dust started to rise cloaking half of the battlefield. Jack stood there for a moment as he registered what his pokemon had just done. Toxicroak glance at its trainer, before Mark ordered it into the dust.

A beam of colors flew from the cloud as a gardevoir flew from the smoke. Another burst came from a pink ray as it almost struck toxicroak.

"It's an illusion." Mark shouted, but toxicroak wasn't paying attention.

"Night daze." Jack yelled as the shockwave flew. Zipping forward the illusion swung out as Jack yelled for night slash. Hitting toxicroak it skidded along the ground as it slowly got to its feet. The illusion shimmered for a moment as it prepared for another attack.

"Drain punch." Mark said.

"Hold." Toxicroak rushed forward his every step easily covering the distance between the two. "Now." Jack shouted as the illusion released the feint attack. Hitting toxicroak in the chest it sent the pokemon flying past Mark and into a nearby tree. Toxicroak moaned before stumbling to his feet and taking a step forward. The pokemon groaned before collapsing to the ground. Zoroark's illusion disappeared as it walked to Jack's other side.

"Damn." Mark said, recalling toxicroak. "How strong have you gotten?" Jack grabbed the ultra ball from his side.

"Wanna see?" Jack asked as Mark grabbed his next pokeball. Releasing arcanine the fire type howled as the smoke escaped its nostrils.

"Heck yah." Mark laughed.

"Keep in mind you asked for it." Jack said as he looked the ultra ball. "You ready?" Jack whispered as he spun the ball.

"Come on already." Mark chuckled. Jack smiled tossing the ball into the air. The legend's wings opened as it gave a cry its eyes locking onto the arcanine as it landed with a thud. Yveltal raised its wings high giving a shrill cry as it glanced over its shoulder at Jack.

"Wait! What!" Mark shouted as he recalled arcanine.

"Who's fighting?" Jack asked. The legend scanned Mark for a moment before cooing.

"You know what I'm not surprised. Let's see how your legend fairs against this guy." Mark stated as he tossed a different pokeball. Steelix loomed over the ground as Jack smirked. This was going to be fun.


I'm so sorry guys. I've been so sick and I'm still trying to get over it. Sorry for such a late update.

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