Book 3: Chapter 3

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Ryder stared up at the Snowbelle gym, his heart racing in his chest. Liepard gave off a growl as she looked up at him, a smirk of determination on her face. Emma stood beside him as she looked up at the gym as well.

"You got this." Emma stated as Ryder nodded. Pulling the blue hat more over her ears, Emma planted a kiss on his cheek. "Let's go." She said as she slipped her hand into his and pulled him forward. Fletchinder floated after her as the fire type landed on her shoulder. They walked into the gym, the icy arena, making Ryder hold his breath for a moment. Closing his eyes for a few seconds he smiled as Emma pulled away from him.

Taking her seat to the side of the arena, she raised her arm, allowing the fire type to climb on. Once on she lowered him onto her lap, after all he was much too large to sit on her shoulder. She waved at Ryder as a gruff voice echoed across the field.

"You look like your father, boy." The gym leader stated. His blue coat hanging around his body as his arms were free of it. The strap around his neck held the coat in place as he chuckled at the sight of Ryder.

"Thank you sir." Ryder responded.

"I didn't expect to see you here anytime soon." Wulfric chuckled as he grabbed a pokeball at his side. "You ready for this?" He asked as Ryder nodded. A man in a thick coat came sprinting from a door.

"Wait I have to say the rules." The man said out of breath.

"No need, this is the champion's boy. I'm excited to see you fight. It's three on three by the way." Wulfric stated as Ryder nodded. Tossing out his first pokeball, bergmite skated along the ice.

"Liepard." Ryder said as the dark type jumped onto the field. Her claws digging into the ice holding her still.

"Your purrloin evolved then. Good on you. Now then, icy wind." The bergmite skidded forward as the wind flew from its mouth.

"Move." Ryder ordered as liepard dodged the incoming wind. Sliding around the gym was easy for the dark type as she spun around the field.

"You know how to handle yourself on the ice." Wulfric laughed as Ryder smiled.

"Practice. Liepard, night slash." Ryder ordered as the cruel pokemon spun her glowing claws aiming for the ice type.

"Rapid spin." The bergmite spun his movements becoming faster. Bergmite rammed into liepard throwing her backwards. Digging her tail into the ground, she stopped sliding as she glared at the ice chunk pokemon. "Sharpen." Ice formed around bergmite as it created a diamond around itself.

"Liepard, be careful." Ryder stated as Wulfric laughed.

"You most certainly aren't your father. Rapid spin." Wulfric ordered as the ice type began to spin searing right towards liepard. Her tail still stuck to the ground as she watched the pokemon getting closer to her.

"Now, sucker punch." Liepard swung out her right claw as she struck bergmite hard. The pokemon flew backwards as some of the ice around it cracked.

"That was strong."

"Liepard, play rough." Liepard tore across the field closing the distance in a few seconds. Her paws beginning to glow as they struck the bergmite breaking the remaining ice away.

"Knock it off with icy wind."

"Get away from it." Liepard jumped backwards as the ice tried to encompass her. Bergmite stumbled to his feet a bit battered and bruised.

"Rapid spin." Wulfric yelled as the ice type started to spin. Liepard jumped around the pokemon as she swung her claws out knocking the ice chunk pokemon off balance.

"Finish it with play rough." Ryder ordered as liepard tackled the pokemon to the ground. Pinning it her claws swung, hitting the pokemon over and over again. Liepard leapt off the unconscious pokemon as Wulfric called the bergmite back.

"I was right about one thing. You don't fight like your father, you fight like your mother." Wulfric chuckled. Ryder stopped, he had never heard anyone say that before. They always compared him to his father, but no one ever compared his fighting style to his mothers. Wulfric smiled at him as Ryder nodded his head and he called out Avalugg. The pokemon roared as liepard gave off a growl.

"Liepard, return." Liepard looked at Ryder for a moment before rushing to him. Grabbing the pokeball from his side, he called out greninja.

"A water type?" Wulfric asked.

"Don't underestimate us." Ryder stated as the water type readied himself.

"Stone edge." The glowing blue stones tore through the ice, creating almost creating a wall as it went towards greninja.

"Let's go." Ryder said as greninja jumped out of the way of the stones. He sped along the ice, his grip strong as Ryder called out his command. Greninja's hands and feet started to glow as he struck the ice type. The aerial ace threw the large pokemon back a bit as it gave a roar, and regained its footing.

"Avalanche." The cloud formed above the battle area as the pelts of ice flew down. A few hit greninja as he attempted to dodge the attack. Stumbling a bit greninja shook himself off, Wulfric smiled.

"Gyro ball." Wulfric ordered as avalugg started to spin. Soaring towards greninja he jumped out of the way as the spinning pokemon kept on him.

"Greninja, water shuriken at the ice above." Greninja nodded, sending the blades of water flying. Striking a few stalactites of ice, they fell to the ground cutting off avalugg. Stopping his spin the ice type gave a growl as Wulfric laughed.

"Your mother used to use the terrain to her advantage as well." Wulfric stated as Ryder fell silent. A glance from greninja and he pushed himself back into the fighting mindset.

"Dark pulse." Ryder ordered as the black and purple beam flew from the ninja pokemon. Avalugg gave a pained moan as it stumbled for a moment. "Aeriel ace." Ryder shouted. Greninja cleared the distance in a few steps, his hands and feet slamming the ice type around as if nothing. Throwing avalugg into the wall the pokemon got to its feet. It took a step forward before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

Greninja looked back at Ryder as it caught its breath. Ryder motioned for the pokemon to return as the water type skidded back to its trainer. Coming to a halt, Ryder grabbed the ultra ball from his side preparing to throw it. A loud boom echoed as the field was covered in dust and debris from the ceiling.

"The hell!" Wulfric yelled as he called out abomasnow. The ice type gave its trainer a look before swinging up with ice punch. Freezing some of the ceiling over, it stopped the falling roof. A few minutes later the dust settled as Emma jumped to her feet. On the ground sat the ultra ball unopened as greninja and liepard rubbed the dust from their eyes.

"Ryder!" Emma shouted.


So dramatic! Hope you all had a great Christmas. If I don't update on time, I also hope you have a great New Years!

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