Book 3: Chapter 37

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Ryder rushed forward, his hands digging into the rocks as he heard a huff behind him as aggron pushed a bigger piece of debris away. Greninja rushed over, as he set to work pushing the remains away. Liepard gave a growl as zoroark struck her sending the dark type flying into the wall, seeming to shock her out of her mental state. The dark power fleeing the pokemon's body as she shook her head, before turning her attention to her trainer.

"Help me!" Ryder shouted as the dark type obeyed her claws extending as she started to dig. A cry escaped leafeon as he shuddered at the hit to the wall, before blinking up at his trainer. Fletchinder soared down, flames wrapping around his body as he struck a heavy stone breaking it into small pieces as the others cleared it away.

"N, can you hear me!" Ryder yelled as leafeon rushed on the debris pile, he was lighter than the others were so he set to work on the higher stuff. The purple haired zoroark gave a groan as he rubbed at his eyes before rushing over to help dig. Ryder didn't pay the pokemon much attention as he kept digging his hands ripping and tearing into the stone as he tried to move it as fast as possible. Blood started to come from small cuts on his hands, but he paid it no mind, his focus entirely on finding his uncle. A small roar breaks his thoughts as zoroark glances at him and Ryder carefully picks his way through the debris towards the purple haired dark type. The edge of his jacket visible on the illusion pokemon's claws as Ryder starts to dig in that area.

A roar echoes across the sky and the vines cease their destruction as they crumble to the ground. Ryder ignores it as zoroark helps him push aside the few pieces of debris before he stops his hand coated in a thin layer of blood that he knows doesn't belong to him. Fear sears through him in a panic as he notices blood on stones that he is digging up, and finally grasped the black baseball hat, blood staining the fabric.

"Please no..." Ryder cried as he kept digging. A hand gripped his shoulder as greninja pulled his trainer away from the rocks. "Let go of me, he might be okay. Let go of me!" Ryder yelled as liepard pushed herself in front of the teenager pushing him further away from the fallen debris. Greninja forced his trainer to his knees as liepard pressed her body against his, trying to focus Ryder's attention on her. Zoroark kept digging, his claws ripping into the stones as leafeon rushed over aiding the dark type.

"Please!" Ryder yelled tears streaming down his face as the two pokemon ceased their digging. "No..." Ryder whispered as an explosion came from Lumiose tower, and he grabbed for the master ball at his side. Calling the dragon type out, he heard it roar as the keystone burned at his neck. His hand wrapped around the object as he tore the beads from his neck, the tears staining his face.

"Rayquaza kill him!" Ryder shouted as he activated the key stone as the dragon cried the streams of light, leaving the stone before encompassing the flying type in a glow.

As... you wish... The dragon thundered as the glowing tendrils disappeared, leaving the mega in its place. The green beast cried as it soared forward the orange streams following after as the monster as the orbs shined from its body. A shrill cry escaped the air as Ryder watched the dragon barely swerve out of the way of Ho-oh. The multicolored bird swooped downwards dodging the legend as the dragon flew off towards the tower. The fire type rushed over towards them, as Auster leapt from the back of the bird's back before sprinting to his son.

"Ryder." Auster whispered as he noticed the blood stained hat in his son's hands. The champion didn't want to look over at the debris that lay behind him, but he did get to his feet gazing in the direction. The champion's face paled before he focused back on his son, who was almost glowing. The aura leaking forward and wrapping around the two pokemon that held him in place. "Hey, Ryder." No response. "Son..." Ryder's attention snapped from the dragon to his father as the teen shook.

"He can't be gone... tell me he isn't gone... please dad..." Ryder whimpered as Auster wrapped his arms around his son, holding him as close as possible. Auster glanced over his shoulder at Ho-oh who was watching him.

"Stop him." Auster ordered as the fire type took to the air with a single beat of his wings chasing after the dragon type. "Hey, focus on me." Auster muttered as he wiped some of the tears out of Ryder's eyes. "Everything's going to be okay."

Aggron started to push the remaining debris out of the way as fletchinder landed on the ground, and it looked up at the three other pokemon around him. A flurry of wings sounded as articuno landed allowing Emma to slide off the ice type's back. She rushed up to zoroark, before coming to an abrupt halt tears threatening to leave her eyes. Another roar echoed as rayquaza attacked Ho-oh as it tried to fight the mega evolution.

"Help him." Emma commanded as the ice type took to the air before she sprinted over to her boyfriend. "Hey..." Emma whispered as she stepped into the others view. "I..." She tried to form the words, but they wouldn't escape her mouth, as they died on her tongue. Her own tears finally fell from her eyes as she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend.

An explosion sounded as Ho-oh fell from the sky hitting a building on her way down as the dragon clamped his teeth down around articuno's wing.

"Ryder, you have to stop him." Auster begged as he watched rayquaza fling articuno into a building, before continuing his search for the Team Flare leader.

"He deserves it..." Ryder muttered as he wrapped his arms around Emma as the girl dug her head into the side of his neck. Auster pushed himself to his feet as he grabbed for a pokeball at his side, he knew he was no match for the dragon but he needed to try. A roar broke the former champion from his thoughts as rayquaza roared, and flinched backwards knocking black smoke from his face. A dark orb flew forward, hitting the dragon again as it cried out in pain.

"You did answer my call." Auster said as mewtwo spun around the hyper beam that tried to strike him. Auster turned to walk over to the gathered group of pokemon, as he felt his mouth go dry and his heart sink.

"Thank you." He whispered to the air.
I'm sorry guys for being such a crappy uploader. But the story is so close to the end I finally got the chance to finish it. Sorry for the long wait.

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