Book 3: Chapter 7

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    Emma paced as she looked up at Wulfric as he spoke to Officer Jenny. She wanted to go out and find Ryder but she listened to the gym leader. He told her to stay safe with him while he figures out what he could. Liepard stared out of the window of the pokemon center her ears twitching ever once and a while. Greninja sat beside the dark type as they watched the snow coming down outside. Fletchinder was perched on her bag as he watched the gym leader talk.

    "Anything?" She asked once Wulfric walked back over to her.

    "Sadly no. Don't worry Emma, they'll find him." Emma clenched her fists.

    "How do you know? This isn't the first time he's been taken, we should be out there looking." Emma stated as she started walking towards the doors. Wulfric grabbed her wrist as she gazed up at the much larger man.

    "Don't be stupid. There's a storm out there right now, you'll freeze before you even get anywhere." Wulfric reasoned. Emma knew it was true, but she wanted to go out and search. She wanted to do something and not sit inside praying her boyfriend would come back. Pulling away from Wulfric she walked over to where greninja and liepard sat. Getting their attention.

    "We have to be able to do something." Liepard turned towards her rubbing her head against Emma's arm.

    "Ninja." Greninja stated as he nodded his head. Emma sat there for a moment watching the two pokemon as they looked up at her. Grabbing the pokeball from her side, she recalled fletchinder. Getting to her feet, she took a deep breath as she looked the two dark types over for a moment. Grabbing their two pokeballs from her backpack. They nodded their heads as she recalled them. She gazed over at Wulfric noticing he was talking to Nurse Joy about something as she rushed out of the door.

    Wulfric looked around hearing the door open and close before realizing Emma was gone. Running out the door, he chased after her seeing her standing outside a great ball in her hand.

    "Emma what are you doing?"

    "I'm going to look for him." Emma responded. "I can see better in the sky."

    "That's a flying type, it'll be frozen alive." Wulfric stated as he walked towards her. She looked over her shoulder at him, she was smirking.

    "Can't freeze alive when she is the reason it's all frozen to begin with." Emma stated as she tossed the ball into the air. The red beam flew out as articuno took form, the ice on the pokemon's wings glittering. Landing with a thud the ice type allowed Emma to pet her as she climbed up and onto the pokemon's back.

    "I'll see you Wulfric." Emma said as she pulled the scarf over her nose and mouth. A beat of the legends wings and they were up into the wind. The snow flew around Emma's face as the ice tried to get into her eyes. Pulling herself into articuno, she tried to block the frozen water from hitting her eyes. Zipping the jacket up a bit more she gripped articuno's feathers tighter. As the legend dove down under the canopy of branches.

    Articuno expertly swerved in and out around the trees. The pokemon below her scattering for cover from the incoming storm. Articuno gave a soft coo as another gust of wind broke through the tree branches. Emma cursed as her breath came out as if a fog, clouding her already stinging vision. She had to trust the ice type as she swooped around another tree.

    It wasn't long before she heard the crushing of snow. A hum filled the air as Emma pulled a back on the legends feathers getting her to come to halt. A faint shape moved in the distance as the purr of an engine filled the air. Articuno flew the direction of the noise. A jeep came into view and the ice type landed in front of the struggling vehicle. The vehicle stopped, the snow covering most of its windshield. Emma gripped the pokemon's feathers. The driver's side door opened as a familiar red coat climbed out and dropped down into the snow. A small click and articuno rushed forward. Her wings coming up blocking some of the ice as Ryder rushed around the pokemon.

    Emma lowered her arm, helping him up and onto the legends back. With a beat of her wings, they were off, heading back in the direction of the center. Ryder's arms wrapped around her stomach, making her freezing skin warm. Emma smiled as the center came into view after a few minutes. Landing with a thud the two trainers slipped from the legend's frozen back. Emma recalled articuno as the two rushed into the center as Wulfric ran over to them.

    "First of all. That was stupid, and brash. Second, I can't believe you actually found him. I'll get some blankets." Ryder trudged over to Nurse Joy handing over his pokeballs. Emma called out liepard and greninja. The two pokemon rushed up to Ryder as liepard jumped onto him giving off a happy cry. Greninja wrapped his arms around the trainer as the three fell to the ground.

    "I'm okay." Ryder whispered as he gazed up at Emma. "I'm okay."


Hey guys I'm so sorry for such a late update. I've been sick and unable to sit down and edit, so hopefully everything gets better soon. Hope you're all having a great day.

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