Book 3: Chapter 38

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Rayquaza swooped around the black orb as it tried to crash into him. His teeth barely missed the psychic type before the two were soaring upwards again. A beam of ice trailing behind as Articuno gave chase frost coating her wings, a shrill cry echoing over the city.

A shadow ball flew from mewtwo's hands as rayquaza roared the hyper beam forming in his mouth before breaking the ball as the genetic pokemon dove out of the attack. Ice rushed upwards hitting the side of the dragon as articuno spun out of another hyper beam.

Articuno cried as she swooped around mewtwo. The two dove behind a series of buildings, separating them from the dragon type. The two pokemon rushed upwards, forming their attacks. A dragon pulse was enough to throw them backwards as the wind trails around them trying to catch their descent. Articuno tried to correct herself as her wings clipped the side of the building, getting a small cry to escape her. Leaves rushed upwards to stop her fall as the leaf storm held her in place allowing her to correct herself. Mewtwo felt a pair of arms wrapped around his upper body as they caught the edge of the building, coming to a halt in their fall. Mewtwo looked up at Greninja as the water type held him in place before floating out of the pokemon's grasp.

"Ninja..." Greninja gestured towards rayquaza as he started scouring the city, searching for his prey. Mewtwo glanced down at articuno as the sceptile helped the ice type to the ground, an absol sprinting up towards the legend. Mewtwo flew back up into the air another orb forming in his hand before roar echoed from the flying type as he sent a dragon pulse soaring towards the other legend. Mewtwo didn't have the chance to block the attack as it raised its arms, trying to stop the attack from injuring it badly. A bang sounded in front of mewtwo causing it to lower its arms as yveltal swooped upwards a cry escaping its mouth.

Mewtwo watched the dark type pokemon for a few seconds before nodding and rushing up beside the other legendary.

"We must do something." Mewtwo stated aloud as the flying type gave a call in response. Yveltal called back as it soared upwards, getting above the dragon, oblivion wing forming. The black and red beam soared downwards as rayquaza spun into dragon ascent ripping through the attack with ease. Yveltal dove as rayquaza rushed after and mewtwo formed another orb in his hand. The dark type swerved around mewtwo as the psychic type landed the shadow ball in rayquaza's face momentarily knocking the dragon aside.

A roar ripped from the beast's throat as a noise caught the legends attention. A helicopter, marked in red, soared into the air. Rayquaza spun dragon pulse forming in his mouth as he fired, aiming towards the helicopter. Mewtwo threw another shadow ball as it hit the side of the attack breaking it apart. A black and purple beam flew from Yveltal and it stopped some of the attack. A flash of pink fills the space between the helicopter and the attack as the shield blocks the dragon pulse. Mew's eyes cease their glow as the pink pokemon glances at the fleeing helicopter, the red hair of Lysandre visible as he stares outside of the helicopter watching the legends.

"Enough." Mewtwo soared in front of rayquaza as the dragon roared wishing to pursue the helicopter. Rayquaza growls before swinging his head striking mewtwo throwing the psychic type out of the way as the dragon rushes forward catching the tail rotor. The people within the vehicle, scream as they lose control and yveltal dives, his claws sinking into the dragon's head knocking the machine from rayquaza's teeth. A pained cry escapes rayquaza as yveltal keeps up his assault and mewtwo and mew catch the helicopter with psychic. Mew pulls the passengers from the vehicle one by one taking them to safety. Lysandre growls as he gets on the ground, wishing he still had control of Zygarde.

Yveltal spirals downwards as mew soars forward a pink bubble catching the dark type before it crashes into a building. Mewtwo rises off the ground a bit, his eyes glowing faintly as rayquaza roars a challenge before zooming downwards the hyper beam forming in his mouth. 

"We do not need to fight." Mewtwo shouts as he raises the shield around himself and the humans below him. The attack hits, pushing him downwards a bit as the dragon's attack was stronger than he anticipated.

He... can not... be allowed... to live... The words ring through mewtwo's head.

"We cannot kill without a reason." Mewtwo called back as teeth clamped down around the shield cracking it. The humans behind him screamed in fear as mewtwo pushed more power into the defense.

Reason... reason! This human took everything from us. Nearly my master's life and now my friend is dead... that is my REASON! Rayquaza smashed through the shield as mewtwo felt the teeth wrap around his raised right arm as he was thrown through a building. Glass fell around the psychic type as he shook his head before flying out of the room he was thrown into. A black of a hyper beam tore through him as mewtwo was thrown backwards further into the building as he crashed through room after room.

Screams filled the air as mewtwo forced himself up off the ground, ignoring the bruises and cuts that liter his body. He rushed back preparing to attack as Rayquaza is slammed into a nearby building. Mewtwo blinks as reshiram roars her claws tearing into the sky dragon's side, sending him deeper into the building. A blast of purple, blues and white soars forward as reshiram dodges the attack, taking to the air with a few beats of her wings. Rayquaza is after the vast white pokemon as they start their dangerous dance through the air. Mewtwo looks to where the humans were finding them gone as he floats out of the hole he created.

Articuno soars forward diving between the two fighting legends catching rayquaza's left arm in her ice beam. Greninja leaps from the ice types back as ice coats his hands and he strikes the sky high pokemon in the chest before using the dragon's body to ricochet backwards, catching reshiram's arm and pulling itself on the white dragon's back. A column of white power flies from the ground as it strikes the Hoenn legend. The pokemon on the ground growls it's white feathers on its head splaying upwards. The leafeon at its feet forms a shadow ball as mewtwo matches the attack.

"You are fighting?" Mewtwo asks as the sceptile lands beside them, the absol trotting after with the bisharp. A purple haired zoroark almost smirks as it crosses its arms, a raichu rushing in front of the dark type electricity surging from its' cheeks. An elekid and galvantulla came to halt beside the rest of the group, a fletchinder swooped down above the group. A mega houndoom trotted up an infernape at its side as the two fire types let the fire escape their mouths. A battered lucario landed on the ground a vaporeon sliding off the fighting types shoulder and a noivern settled behind them with a thud. A weavile sprinted forward skidding along the ground with grace as a lycanroc came to a halt a mimikyu in its arms.

"You wish to fight?" Mewtwo asks as rayquaza notices the gathered pokemon below. A roar escapes him as the ice cover his body breaks. "Then let's fight."

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