Book 3: Chapter 29

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"Today is the day. The final match of the league, and I hope our challengers are ready. Coming out onto the right podium, we have the son of Olympia, Jack!" the crowd roared as Jack walked out and took his position, grabbing the pokeball from his side. He just hoped that Ryder was more predictable then Alain.

"On the left podium we have his challenger, Ryder!" The stadium boomed as Ryder went to his place on the stage. The arena rising between the two, and his heart was racing in his chest. Grabbing the pokeball from his side he tossed it into the air as greninja landed on the ground with a thud. Jack smiled as he tossed out sceptile, and the grass type gave a roar.

"Leaf blade." Jack orders as the leaves on sceptile's wrist start to glow, before he charges forward.

"Aerial ace." Greninja's hands and feet glowed blue as the water type rushed at his opponent. The two pokemon clashed the attacks bouncing off each other as one tried to get advantage. Sceptile swung out catching a glowing blue arm by greninja before the two pushed apart.

"Dragon's breath." The purple flames flew from sceptile's mouth as greninja swerved around the incoming attack.

"Ice punch." Greninja's hands glowed slightly as he swerved around another batch of purple flames. Hitting sceptile in the chest the grass type skidded backwards his claws digging into the ground.

"Leaf storm." Spinning sceptile sent the leaves flying. Greninja got swept up into the tunnel of leaves and sceptile jumped up into the air, the leaves on his wrists glowing.

"Counter it with aerial ace." Ryder shouted as the water types hands started to glow and it caught sceptiles attack. The two fought for a few moments before the vortex around them dissipated. The two starters push away from each other, sceptile lands with a thud. Greninja leaps back into the air as Ryder calls for dark pulse. The purple and black beam soars, slicing through the air effortlessly.

    "Cut through it with leaf blade." Swinging out sceptile crossed his arms in front of him as the beam struck the glowing appendages.

    "Ice punch!" Landing on the ground, greninja advanced on sceptile easily.

    "Dragon's breath." The purple flames coated the ground as some struck greninja. Leaping over the flames he tackled sceptile to the ground as the grass type bit greninja's arm. A yelp came from the water starter as he yanked himself free from the others mouth.

"Water shuriken."

"Dragon's breath." The two attacks barely missed each other as the flames wrapped around greninja.The shuriken hit their mark throwing sceptile backwards, the two pokemon created small dust clouds around themselves.

"Greninja?" Ryder called as the water type leapt out of the cloud and sticking the landing. Sceptile roared as the dust cleared, his eyes locking on the water type.

    "They are both two strong pokemon." The announcer stated.

    "Leaf storm."

    "Get close." Greninja charged forward as he swerved around the vortex of incoming leaves. "Ice punch." the ninja pokemons hands became cloaked in ice as it got close enough to the grass starter. Hitting sceptile a few times the forest pokemon was sent backwards his claws digging into the dirt on the arena.

    "Leaf blade."

    "Aerial ace." The two pokemon crashed against each other.

    "Crunch." Jack shouted as sceptile bit down on greninja's arm The water type shouted before knocking sceptile off itself. "Dragon's breath." The purple flames swarmed around greninja as the ninja pokemon cried again. Stumbling backwards greninja shook his head, shaking some dust off as its bruises became almost glowed against its body. Sceptile was huffing and puffing his own bruises noticeable as the two pokemon faced off once again.

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