Book 3: Chapter 12

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    Jack looked up at the large arena as other trainers headed inside. A faint smile crosses his face as he pulled at the backpack on his shoulder. Walking up to the woman she greeted him with a smile.

    "How can I help you?" She asked. Jack nodded as he walked towards her, as the person in front of him moved to work with someone else.

    "I'm here to sign up for the league." Jack stated as she woman nodded. Handing him a form and a tablet to sign. Once they were completed, she said that the first announcement would go out tonight. Jack thanked her before turning and walking over to a bench.

    "Jack!" A voice cried as he turned to see Izzy rush up to him. Wrapping her arms around her brother the two embraced for a few moments.

    "How've you been?" Jack asked as his sister pulled away. Reaching into her backpack, she produced a black badge case. Opening it, she revealed the bug and cliff badge. Jack smiled as he ruffled her hair a bit.

    "Izzy." A voice called. Jack looked over seeing two trainers that he had never seen before. The man in a purple sweater, held two tickets. The man with sunglasses on his head slipped his hands into the pockets of his black jeans.

    "Thank you." She said taking one of the tickets for the two. "Jack, this is Nappy." Izzy stated, pointing towards the one darker skinned man. "And that's Shady."

    "Nice to meet you." Shady said as he offered his hand to Jack. Jack took his hand, giving it a firm shake as she girl smiled up at her brother.

    "Pleasure." Jack responded as the two men glanced down at Izzy.

    "We got the tickets, so we'll see you at the hotel." Nappy said as Izzy nodded. The two gave a final nod to Jack before turning and leaving the siblings alone.

    "Where'd you meet them?"

    "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Izzy giggled as she covered her mouth a bit. A few screams erupted from the crowd as a houndoom rushed towards them. It jumped up knocking Izzy to the ground as it licked her face.

    "Houndoom!" Emma shouted as she sprinted after the dark type. She caught her breath as she came to a halt in front of the two. "You aren't supposed to run off like that." She huffed. Jack chuckled as Emma looked up at him. A smile spread over his lips as she rushed forward to wrap the green haired man in an embrace.

    "Good to see you too, Emma." Jack laughed as the two released. Grabbing the fire type's horn, she pulled him off of Izzy allowing the ten year old to get to her feet.

    "Emma!" Izzy yelled as she hugged the trainer.

    "Aren't you two a sight for sore eyes?" Ryder chuckled as he walked up to the group as Jack walked over to him. Taking each other's hand, they gave a small nod.

    "You ready for this?" Jack asked as Ryder smirked.

    "You mean am I ready to wipe the floor with you?" Ryder stated as the dark type trainer laughed.

    "You wish." Jack teased.

    "Boys, behave." Emma stated as she hooks her arm into Ryder's as she pulled the two apart. "Apparently there is a dinner for those who are competing." Emma said as the two challengers nodded.

    "First I should probably sign up." Ryder said, pulling away from the group as he walked over to the table.

    "How've you been?" Jack asked.

    "I've been well. You ready for it all? I mean are you ready for this battle, it can go so many ways. What if you both lose your first rounds?" Emma questioned. Jack hesitated for a few moments before giving Emma a soft smile.

    "Emma that won't happen. You know that we'll be fine." Jack responded as Emma nodded.

    "What did I miss?" Ryder asked as he walked up to the four. Emma chuckled as she slipped her hand into his.

    "Nothing, love." She said kissing his cheek as the four headed towards the space a few other trainers were heading to. Many different tables filled the open area, as a few trainers conversed.

    "Hello, hello." Sycamore said as she walked up to the four of them. "How are you all doing?"

    "We are doing great professor." Ryder stated as Izzy rushed over to a table and grabbed a piece of bread.

    "Excellent I hope you and Jack are ready for battle." Jack chuckled at the statement.

    "We'll be as ready as ever." Jack responded as the professor nodded before going to greet a few more trainers.

    "Ryder!" A red hatted boy yelled as he rushed up to the group.

    "Ash, long time no see." Ryder laughed as the pikachu on the boy's shoulder gave a coo. The three other members on the boy's party were immediately after him.

    "You made it to the league." Ash yelled a bit too excited. Ryder snickered as Jack walked after his sister who had rushed off to get more food. Emma glanced at Ryder for a moment as houndoom leaned against her leg.

    "Did I surprise you?" Ryder asked as Ash laughed. Jack caught up to Izzy as she handed raichu a poke puff. Jack leaned down scratching the pokemon behind the ear getting it to coo as she started to eat.

    "Jack?" A familiar voice said as he turned to face the dark haired trainer as he walked up to him.

    "Alain." Jack said as he met the trainers extended hand. "You ready for a rematch?"

    "I've been waiting for it." Alain responded as the two trainers locked eyes.

    "I won't lose this time." Jack stated as Alain chuckled.

    "We'll see." Alain said as he pulled away from the green haired teenager. Jack watched him leave before turning his attention to his sister.

    "You'll beat him, you know." Izzy said with a full mouth, getting her brother to smile.


Sorry for the late update guys.

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