Book 3: Chapter 17

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Ryder recalled, laughing as he brought down the heliolisk. The opponent called out his final pokemon as Ryder clipped the pokeball to his belt. Trevanant formed on the other side of the arena as the pokemon slammed to the ground.

"Liepard." Ryder said as he tossed the pokeball into the air. Liepard gave off a growl as her tail swung behind her dangerously. Baring her teeth, she watched the opponent.

"Wood hammer." The pokemon swung his arms up into the air as a large green tree trunk formed on its hand. The grass type pokemon moved forward as it aimed towards liepard.

"Dodge." Ryder stated. Liepard swerved around the incoming attack as the elder tree pokemon aimed for her.

"Night slash."

"Shadow claw." The trainer shouted as the two pokemon swung at each other, causing the two attacks to make contact. An explosion came as the two pokemon were thrown backwards from each other. Ryder could only smile, this was going to be fun.

*Lumiose Gym*

Allie slipped into the partly open door on the far side of the tower. Furfrou at her side as the normal type trotted alongside her. The dim lit hallway gave her no indication of which way to go. She quietly crept down the hallway as the pokemon at her side was crouched beside her. A door was slightly a jar at the end of the hallway and she stopped peering inside. The gym, field came into view, but a strange machine was being set up inside the building. Allie crouched down a bit as she slipped her fingers into furfrou's fur.

"What are they doing?" She whispered noticing a few people in red fiddling with the machine. Gazing at furfrou, her grip tightened getting the poodle pokemon to growl a bit.

"I know that doesn't belong in the gym. Where's the leader?" Allie asked as she scanned the rest of the room, she could see. "We need to get in there." She whispered as the furfrou looked up at her confused.

"You heard me. Jack said to see if something going on in the tower. I have no idea what's going on, but I know that isn't supposed to be there." Allie said pointing towards the large machine. The pokemon gave off another growl as it grabbed the bottom of her shirt, pulling the girl backwards a bit.


"Fur..." The pokemon growled as he sat down on the ground.

"You have to help." She snapped.


"You... Ugh... why do I even try... You're too stubborn." Allie said as she grabbed the fire starter's pokeball. Calling out fennekin the pokemon gazed up at his trainer.


"Come on." Allie whispered as she walked back to the door. Fennekin on her heels the two slipped into the shadows along the wall. Furfrou jumped to his feet as he rushed to the door watching his trainer. She slunk towards the machine a bit, taking care to remain hidden. Allie moved a bit closer before she heard a voice cut through the air.

"Who are you?" Her heart nearly stopped as he turned to see a man in red call out a skorupi.

"Ember." Allie shouted as her fennekin fired the shots of fire into the bug pokemon's face. Spinning on her heels, she sprinted towards the door as a houndour rushed in front of her.

"Scratch." Allie ordered as fennekin jumped forward scratching the houndour's face.

"Bite." The houndour spun its teeth grabbing fennekin by the leg before throwing him back to Allie's feet.

"Fennekin." She said, picking up the small starter.

"Nice try kid."

"Headbutt." Allie shouted as furfrou charged forward striking the houndour. Throwing him backwards the poodle pokemon stood growling as Allie rushed to the normal types side.

"Irritating child." One of the females snarled before ordering her pokemon to use flamethrower.

"Charge beam." Allie ordered as the beam flew from the furfrou's mouth. Cutting through the flames, a dust cloud covered the field. As the dust started to settle the dark and fire type collapsed to the ground. The team Flare members looked where Allie was only to discover the girl and her pokemon gone.

"Damn it." One of the growled. Allie sprinted down the hallway as furfrou charged into the door at the end of the hallway. Sprinting outside the trainer rushed towards the league arena, she had to tell Jack.

*League Stadium*

Liepard gave off a growl as the trevenant fell to the ground. The dark type threw her head back in a victorious roar as Ryder chuckled recalling the cruel pokemon. He turned to leave the platform as he passed Jack.

"Good luck." Jack nodded as he stopped on the spot waiting for the announcer. Gripping the pokeball in his hand, he walked out onto the platform. The arena rose up between the two as Jack watched his opponent toss out her pokeball. The diggersby slammed onto the ground, kicking up dust as the pokemon gave a roar.

"Let's go sceptile." Jack shouted as the grass starter landed. The forest pokemon met its opponent's eyes before crouching a bit.

"Take down." The digging pokemon rushed forward as Jack smiled.

"Leaf blade." Sceptile rushed forward. The leaves on his wrists starting to glow as he swung up, striking the normal type in the stomach. Lurching backwards the large pokemon used its ears to catch itself. The fingers at the end of its ears dug into the ground keeping its balance.

"Dig." The diggersby jumped into the air.

"Cut it off with leaf storm." The leaves swirled around sceptile before soaring forward. Wrapping around the ground type it gave a cry, unable to reach the ground.

"Dragon's breath." Sceptile spewed the purple flames up into the twister. A scream escaped the pokemon before the swirl faded away, dropping it to the ground. Diggersby gave a pained groan before slowly staggering to its feet. Its trainer called out to it, before the pokemon collapsed to the ground.

The trainer recalled the pokemon as he grabbed the next pokeball at his belt. Jack laughed as he grabbed zoroark's pokeball.


Here's the next chapter guys. Happy Saint Patrick's day!

A Boy and His Dragon Book 3: The Gates of WarWhere stories live. Discover now