Book 3: Chapter 32

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"Ryder." Diantha spoke as she offered the golden trophy to Ryder where he stood above her on the podium. A smile crossing his face as he accepted the item. "You have created a strong bond between you and your pokemon. As a trainer you have displayed unparalleled strength through a number of challenging battles. I applaud you." Diantha stated.

"Thank you, Diantha." The crowd roared as Ryder gazed up at the stands a smile crossing his face as he saw Emma in the crowd waving. A small hum came from behind him and Ryder turned hoping to see Jack but only saw zoroark moving towards him. Giving a small chuckle he squatted down and rubbed the dark type under the chin.

"I thank you for coming. I hope your trainer is feeling better soon." Ryder muttered as the crowd continued to roar. Suddenly screams filled the air as the crowd fell into silence and workers started to clear the area.

"What's going on?" Diantha asked. Large black vines surged with red electricity started breaking through the walls of the stadium. Ryder's eyes widened as more vines tore through the arena.

"Is this what Jack saw?" Ryder whispered as he felt the ground below him start to shake. Zoroark knocked him from the spot as a vine rushed up from the ground and slamming down. "Come on."  Ryder shouted as zoroark leapt after him as the two rushed with the others into the tunnels. A large vine tore through the wall as zoroark rushed forward. The shadow shrouding his claws as he sliced through the unknown entity.

"Come on everyone clear out." Ryder yelled as he called out liepard and greninja. The three pokemon took the lead as they guided everyone through the twisting tunnels of the stadium.

"Infernape blaze kick." Emma ordered as the fire type kicked the fallen debris from the door.

"Zoroark, liepard help out infernape." Ryder ordered as they rounded the corner to the exit. Emma smiled at him as the pokemon broke through the door and held it open allowing people to escape the confining space. "Where are the others?"

"I don't know." Emma admitted as they rushed outside their pokemon on their heels. A vine ripped through a building, sending cement and glass falling to the ground. People screamed as they tried to get out of the way of the tumbling stones and buildings.  "Flamethrower." Emma shouted as infernape jumped up sending the fire soaring as it struck the falling concrete, shattering it.

"Aggron catch that stone." Ryder shouted as he threw the pokeball and the steel type rushed forward. Covering a few cowering people the rock type allowed the metal and glass to bounce off his body. Concrete fell on the pokemon causing him to stagger as the people under him rushed to safety.

"Rampardos help aggron." Jack yelled as the rock type knocked the chunks of the building off the iron armor pokemon. Jack sprinted over to Ryder, as more of the vines and building came down around them.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know. I sent Nappy, Shady and Izzy to send word to the others." Jack stated as rampardos stomped over towards them. Recalling the rock type, he released bisharp knowing it would be easier to navigate the area with a small pokemon.

"We have to help those who are trapped." Emma said as the two nodded.

"Greninja, liepard, aggron let's start evacuating people to the center." Ryder commanded as the three pokemon nodded.

"We'll head for the center and help out there if we can." Emma said as she and infernape turned heading off into the carnage. Ryder turned on his heels preparing to leave before Jack grabbed his arm.

"Ryder." Ryder stopped to look at his friend.

"What?" Jack was about to speak when a PA went off

"Giant mysterious creeping vines are overrunning the city. There's been major damage centered around Prism Tower. Avoid that area during evacuation. Again, there has been major damage around Prism Tower. Avoid that area." The PA cut off.

"We got to move." Ryder shouted as he yanked his arm from Jack's grip and sprinted off in the opposite direction of Emma. Jack mumbled under his breath as he looked at zoroark and gave the dark type a nod.

"Follow him. Keep him safe." Jack ordered as the illusion pokemon rushed after the other trainer.

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