Book 3: Chapter 30

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    Unlatching the next pokemon Jack tossed out zoroark as the dark type gave a roar, it's purple hair sparkling.

    "An interesting choice to go against aggron." The announcer stated. Jack smiled as zoroark gazed at its trainer and giving a small nod.

    "Night daze." The pulse soared from zoroark pushing aggron back a little bit and the steel type shook his head.

    "Stone edge." Slamming its hand on the ground the blue stone protruded from the battlefield.

    "Dodge." Jack ordered as zoroark bolted from the spot it was moments ago, the stones following after. "Dark pulse." Spinning the purple and black beam cut through some of the stones as others kept coming.

    "Get after it." Ryder yelled as aggron gave chase after the faster dark type. Cutting off zoroark's path aggron planted himself as his tail turned silver.  

    "Jump." Zoroark slide under the steel types tail before leapt into the air,  bounding off of aggron's head to get higher into the air. The blue stones rushed up fast striking aggron hard and sending the pokemon flying backwards. Zoroark landed with a thud before turning to face the steel type.

    "You alright?" Ryder asked aggron as it gave a small growl before giving a small nod. "Alright, fire punch."

    "Night slash." The two pokemon rushed each other. The two crashed against each other for a moment before zoroark swung around the slower pokemon. The shadow slicing into the side of the iron pokemon before being thrown backwards by the fire. Spinning around the next swing zoroark got distance between itself and the steel type.

    "Dark pulse." Jack called as the beam flew from zoroark's hands.

    "Iron head." Aggron charged forward cutting through the attack as zoroark barely dodged the incoming armor pokemon. Turning sharply, aggron threw zoroark up into the air. "Iron tail." The pokemon's tail started to glow as zoroark fell back towards the ground. Rotating aggron struck zoroark in the side sending the pokemon skidding across the dusty ground.

    "Catch yourself." Zoroark flipped onto its front its claws ripping into the dirt. Coming to a halt the dark type gave off a growl as it roared preparing to charge.  "Focus blast." Jack ordered as zoroark got to its feet the yellow orb forming in its hand.

    "Iron tail." Ryder yelled as aggron rushed forward its breath cutting through the dust filled air. The orb in zoroark's hands grew larger as the steel type grew closer.

    "Now!" Zoroark released the orb once aggron was within a few feet of it, hitting the large pokemon square in the chest. A roar escaped the pokemon as dust filled the air and zoroark leapt backwards away from the dust covered area.

    "I wonder if aggron survived that hit." The announcer asked. The dust settled after a few moments revealing a kneeling battered and bruised pokemon. Trying to push itself to its feet, the pokemon gave a growl before successfully getting up. "I can't believe it."

    "Wrap it up with night slash." Zoroark's claws became covered in a thick shadow as the pokemon moved forward its claws aiming for the steel types chest.

    "Block it." A swing of aggron's tail and zoroark was thrown to the ground. Bruises littered the pokemon's arms, and sides as it got back on its feet. The shadow still cloaking its claws as it dodged the next swing of the tail and slammed into aggron. Knocking the pokemon unconscious, aggron fell to the ground as zoroark panted heavily. A low growl escaped zoroark as it trudged over in front of its trainer as Ryder recalled the iron armor pokemon.

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