Book 3: Chapter 23

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"You hear me?" Gladion asked as he knelt beside the door, as he fiddled with the lock pick. Weavile stood beside him as she gazed around the area every few moments. The ice type kept close to her trainer as he worked the tension wrench out of the key hole. Slipping the lock pick and wrench into his pocket, he quietly opened the door.

"Yah, we hear you." N responded as Gladion slipped into the Lumiose tower. Weavile right on his tail as he moved before quietly shutting the door.

"How do we know she was telling the truth?" Gladion asked. He silently crept down the hallway, taking care to stick to the shadows as best he could.

"Jack trusted her. Also it's the best lead we've had in a while." Auster stated as Gladion stopped. His heart nearly skipped a beat as he saw a beam of light, coming from the intersection down the hall. Weavile quickly opened the closest door and the two dove inside. Shutting the door quietly, Gladion put his ear to the door. Hoping and praying whoever it was didn't open the door.

"You're such a liar." A female voice said on the other side of the door as footsteps filled the hall.

"I am not, and see there is nothing down here. The sensors are out of whack." A male voice stated.

"I don't know. They've worked so far, it doesn't make sense. Why would they go off like that?" The female asked as the male started laughing.

"You're overreacting. Come on, we don't want Xerosic mad at us." The male stated as the girl huffed a breath.

"You're right." She said as the footsteps disappeared the way they had come.

"Who's Xerosic?" Gladion asked.

"Where'd you hear that name?" Auster asked.

"There are people here, and it appears there are sensors on the doors." Gladion stated as he opened the door a bit to peer outside.

"It's one of Lysandre's head scientists." Auster said as Gladion flipped out of the room. Weavile sticking to her trainer as she got ahead of him. The sharp claw pokemon moved forward as she stopped at the intersection making sure not to be seen. Gladion gazed around the corner, taking in the empty hallway.

"That makes sense. Right or left?"

"They should both take you to the same place." N said as Gladion went to the left. The dark type moved quietly take care not to make much noise. Her feet softly padded on the ground as her trainer crept behind her. A door hung open at the end of the hall. Gladion and weavile went to the end of the hall and looked inside. A few members of Team Flare were deconstructing some of the buildings, making more room for the machine. Parts of the machine were pulled tight as it seemed to almost fill up the arena.

"I need to get the control system if we want to learn anything." Gladion whispered.

"That's not what you're there to do. You are there to report and come back. Don't do anything crazy." N replied as Gladion clenched his fist together. It reminded him of what his mother had done. Setting the world up to be destroyed so she could have her precious beast. This man, this human being was going to destroy the world. He couldn't sit here and do nothing.

"Weavile, lead the way." Gladion muttered to the dark type as she gazed up at him. With a small nod the ice type, swiftly entered the room. Taking to the shadows of the machine as her trainer followed. The sharp claw pokemon scanned the layout of the room over before moving to a pile of equipment.

"Gladion, what are you doing?" Auster's voice rang through his head. Gladion remained silent as weavile rushed from the hiding spot to another. He followed the ice type before he came screeching to a halt a few moments later.

"What was that?" A female voice asked.


"I thought... I thought I heard something." Footsteps moved towards her as the sound of a pokemon coming out of its pokeball echoed.

"You're crazy." A male voice responded after a few moments. The footsteps grew closer as the faint beat of wings filled the air. A zubat cried as it flew through the air as Gladion pressed himself more into the equipment. Hoping and praying the blind pokemon couldn't sense him. Weavile stared up at the air as she formed a shard of ice in her hand, preparing to attack.

"Zubat, return." the female shouted as the red beam absorbed the poison type. Gladion released the breath he was holding as the Team Flare member walked back over to the others. Glancing around the equipment he could see a few more members putting pieces onto the machine. Weavile looked up at her trainer as Gladion gave a small nod. The two moved swiftly to the next position, closer to the control panel towards the back. While also keeping some distance between the members and the two trespassers.

"What are you doing?" Moon asked finally getting onto the headpiece.

"Shhh..." Gladion whispered.

"Gladion." Moon stated. If he could have glared at her, he would have. Peering around the boxes he saw a man ordering people around. In his hand he held a tablet which he typed things into every few minutes. Fixing his red goggles a bit he walked towards the machine, and up to the control panel.

"The faster we get this done, the better." The man shouted. Gladion took a shaky breath, he wasn't getting closer without an incident.

"This wasn't a good idea." Gladion muttered to himself. Weavile looked up at him before giving a small nod. Gladion bit his lip, debating how to get back to where they entered. He crept to the other side of their hiding place and looked to see where they all were. His heart skipped a beat when he realized all the members were gone.

"Where'd they-"

"Right here." A voice said as he spun to see the group of seven Team Flare members staring at him. The man with the red goggles smiled at him.

"You made a mistake. You were foolish to take on Team Flare." The man snapped as he grabbed a pokeball from his side. Gladion grabbed silvally's pokeball as weavile gave off a growl.

"And you made a mistake messing with me." Gladion said with a smirk.

Hey guys, hopefully I can start updating once a week now. Sorry about taking so long. Hope you are all doing alright and having a great day.

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