Chapter Four: Shall I Spin The Bottle?

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Those who watch Sket Dance, say AYE!! XD Anywho, this is an edited chapie... EDITED ON MARCH 8! So don't get confused if I changed some things... :P HAPPY READING INSEINES~!!

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Maria’s PoV

“So boring~!” I groaned, lying down on the floor.

“Maria-chan, the floor is cold. You might get sick,” Masaomi-san said to me.

“Hai, hai~!” I said then sat on the couch instead. “What should we do~?”

“Do you want to play games then?” Ema-chan suggested.

“I suck at video games…” I said. “And besides, that game I played with you yesterday, the one with zombies… Do you know how scary it is?! I kept on jumping whenever they appear out of nowhere!”

“Oh, sorry…”

“Why don’t we sing, then?” Joan said.

“You sing, I play the guitar.”

“Okay, no singing. I don’t want to sing alone.”

“Well, why don’t we play a game that will let us know each other better?”

We looked at Iori-san and Kaname-san who were entering the living room.

“That’s a great idea!”

“So… what kind of game are we playing?”


In the end, we decided to play Spin The Bottle.

If the bottle points you, the one who spun the bottle will give you two options: Truth or Dare.

If you pick dare, the one who spun the bottle will make you do something.

If you pick truth, the one who spun the bottle will ask you something. If you choose not to answer, there are consequences which the one who spun the bottle will arrange.

So we all sat down on the floor forming a circle while the bottle is in the middle.

Sitting arrangement: Iori-san, Kaname-san, me,  Ema-chan, Masaomi-san, Joan, and Wataru-chan.

“What are you doing?” Ukyo-san asked, holding a case.

“Welcome home, K-Kyo-nii-san,” Ema-chan said.

“I’m not used to you calling me that but I’m home,” he said.

“We’re playing spin the bottle!” Wataru-chan said.


Joan and I explained the rules to him. Once we were done, he put his suitcase down.

“I see…” he said.

“Would you like to join?” I asked.

“Well, I have nothing to do so I might as well join you…” he said then sat down beside Kaname-san.

Just then, Yuusuke-san came grunting about how hard it is to be in college and everything.

“Seriously, why do I have to stay at school so late...?” he grumbled.

“Need some help, Yuusuke-kun?” Ema-chan said.

“Wha-? N-no! I can do it myself! And who said I need someone to help me?!” he exclaimed.

“I was only trying to help,” Ema-chan murmured.

“Boys…” Joan muttered.

“Yuusuke-san is really a tsundere,” I said. “Tsk, tsk… You can’t hide your feelings forever, you know.”

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