Chapter Thirty-eight: When I Opened My Eyes

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Maria’s PoV

Ru-kun was doing my hair in his room.

He said that he’s gonna miss my hair a lot so I admitted defeat and let him style it every day.


“It’s done…” he said.

I looked at the mirror and saw that he styled my hair in a braid with cute hair pins…

“Kawaii~!” I said, smiling at him.

“I’m glad you liked it…” he said, smiling back. He removed the pins and brushed my hair.

“Who wouldn’t like you as their hairdresser?” I asked, humming.

“Thank you for… the compliment…” he said, patting my head.

Ru-kun put down the brush and kneeled beside me. The both of us looked at the mirror.

“So…” I said, looking at him.

“It’s tomorrow…” he murmured. “Tomorrow…

“Mm…” I said, smiling sadly at him.

He stood up and took my hands.

“Please… sleep beside me…” he said.

0//0 “Umm…” I murmured.

The both of us laid down on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

Ru-kun suddenly hugged me. “Ma-chan…” he muttered.

“Ru-kun…?” I asked.

He looked at me. There were tears falling down his cheeks.

“Waa~! Ru-kun! Don’t cry! Please!” I pleaded, wiping the tears away with my hands. “Please… Don’t cry! Aww! Isn’t this supposed to be the other way around?? Me crying while I make you feel guilty?? Waa~! Gaa~h!!

“I’m sorry…” he said, kissing my nose. “I just miss… you already…”

I hugged him back and smiled. “I’m still here. And we have the internet… phones… Facebook… Twitter… Lots of communication stuff…”

He smiled sadly. “But I still… want you here… And I doubt… that you’d call… everyday… You’d be busy… there…”

“Ru-kun, don’t be sad, okay…? I’ll come back…”

“But you’ll be… gone for so long…”

“Time flies past…”

“But not if… you’re missing someone…”

I looked at him. “Promise me you’ll try your best to be happy every single day. Don’t make your brothers and sisters worry! Okay?”

He nodded. “I promise…”

“Wait for me…” I whispered. “You’ll wait for me, right?”

“Even if it takes… forever…” he whispered back.

“I’ll be back before you know it…” I said.

He kissed my forehead. Then my lips.

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