Chapter Fourteen: Easy To Say, Hard To Do: Move On

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Maya's PoV

I was outside squatting down while looking at the flowers covered in white snow.

I recalled what Kaname-san told us...

'Iori had a girlfriend before... He really loved her. Iori loved her so much that he would even give everything he had, has, and will ever have. He's always happy when he's with her. If he were to give her flowers almost everyday, it would be Daffodils, in my opinion...'


The sun is bright when I'm with you...

(A/N: I'm not sure about the meanings, okay? I just search on the internet TT^TT Gomene...)

'But his girlfriend died in a car accident. He's like that when it snows... Depressed... He doesn't want to go out...'

And with that, Kaname-san stopped and left the room.

"He really cares for Iori..." Hikaru-san said.

"Maya, please... Help Iori, too. Kaname can't bear to see him like that anymore. WE can't bear to see him like that anymore..." they pleaded. "The petunia is a proof you can help him."

I sighed.

"What can I do as his friend?" I murmured to myself, lightly caressing the tulips at the garden. "What can I do? Will he even listen to me? I mean, I'm just another stubborn person... I'm a coward. Ugh! WHAT CAN I DO?!"



I looked around and saw Iori-san standing behind me.

He was trying very hard not to run inside again and lock himself in his room. He was in pain.

"Iori-san, why are you out here?" I asked worriedly.

"I should be asking you that instead..." he murmured. "Let's go inside."

"You go first..." I said, looking away. "I need to think."

"I know that they already told you what happened... Why I act like this..." he said to me.

I looked at him again. "I'm being nosy, right? I'm sorry about that..." I said. "I was just worried."

His fists clenched. "I've had enough of those worries..."

"But it's peoples nature to worry for someone when they know he is having troubles..." I said. "Don't you worry for people, too?"

"Leave me be..." he said.

"For once in my life in Japan, I will be sarcastic," I murmured. "You were the one who came out here in the snow and called my name and now you're saying that I leave you be? Wow!"

"Because I'm worried that you might get sick!" he exclaimed.

"See? You're worried!"

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