Chapter Thirty-four: I Already Know...

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Maria’s PoV

When we got home, Joan, Kei, Maya, and Ema-chan hugged me and we all fell on the floor.

“KYAAA~!!” I exclaimed as we fell.

“We were so worried!!” Ema-chan exclaimed.

“Ate~!!” Maya cried out, squeezing me to death.

“Can’t. Breath!!”

“Waa~! Gomenasai~!!”

We all got up and let me take a shower before breakfast.

I looked at the mirror after taking a shower.

I looked at my eyes that are pitch black…

My heart feels lighter, and I feel the weight on my shoulder was lifted.

I know that someday, the tears will be replaced again and again, and I’ll be hiding them. But one thing I know is…

If ever I break down again…

I know they’re all here for me…

Masaomi-san, Ukyo-san, Kaname-san, Hikaru-san, Tsubaki-san, Azusa-san, Natsume-san, Louis-san, Subaru-san, Iori-san, Yuusuke-san, Fuuto-san, Wataru-chan…

Ema-chan, Kei, Maya… Joan…

They’re all here…

That’s the best thing…

I got dressed and went to the dining room.

They were all waiting for me.

I bowed. “Everyone… I’m really sorry about how I reacted yesterday… I was just losing my mind… I promise I’ll do my best from now on…”

“That’s okay, Maria!” Tsubaki-san exclaimed, smiling. “But do tell what happened between you Kyo-nii yesterday.”

“Ts-tsubaki!!” Ukyo-san exclaimed.

My body automatically went to him and prepared to hit his head.

But I froze…

Should I be doing this…?

I dropped my hand and walked to my sit.

“NO, NO, NO, NO!!” Tsubaki-san suddenly shouted.

He walked towards me and took my hand. He made it hit his head.

“Maria-chan!” he said. “Don’t change, okay??”


“Who said I was changing??” I exclaimed, hitting his head. “It’s just that… I thought I should be kind today because of what happened yesterday…”

“Really??” Tsubaki-san said. His eyes were sparkling. *0* “CALL ME ONII-CHAN, THEN!”


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