Thirty-seven: The Bench Under The Sakura Tree

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Maria’s PoV

I’m going to tell them now…


Everyone was currently at the living room, watching anime that Tsubaki-san and Azusa-san voiced in.

I walked down the stairs…

Okay, I’ll tell Masaomi-san alone. And Ukyo-san.

“Masaomi-san? Ukyo-san?” I muttered. “May I speak with the two of you for a second?”

“Eh? That’s not fair!” Tsubaki-san exclaimed. “Tell us!!”

“What is it about, Maria?” Ukyo-san asked. “If it’s something personal, then we’ll talk with you alone…”

I sighed. “It’s nothing personal actually…” I said. “But… I just want your opinion.”

“We might help you with that!” Wataru-chan said.

The other girls smiled at me and told me to go on.

I’ve told them yesterday, and they totally support it. I just need my guardian’s acceptance and I’m leaving next, next week…

“Ano…” I murmured. “I… got the scholarship… for the conservatory in France…”

“That’s great!” Ukyo-san exclaimed.

“Yeah!” Tsubaki-san agreed.

He got up and suddenly gave me a tight hug.

“I’m happy for you~!” he said, smiling.

I hugged him back. “Thank you, Tsubaki-san…”

The others congratulated me—shook my hands, hugged me, or gave me lots of advice.

“But why do you need our opinion?” Masaomi-san asked.

“Well… It made me really happy, getting the scholarship and all but, I don’t wanna leave this place… I don’t wanna leave you guys… This is my home…” I said, looking at the floor.

Someone suddenly hugged me.

“H-hika-chan…!” I whispered.

“Panda-chan, go for it…” he told me. “Go for it…

He let go, but stayed by my side.

Everyone smiled at me. They’re sad but proud ones.

“We’ll miss you,” Kaname-san said.

“And we’re really happy that you think about us, too,” Azusa-san added.

“But we want what’s best for you…” Natsume-san said.

Masaomi-san pulled me into a hug. “Go… And come back with flying colors… Make us proud…”

I felt my throat hurt, but I refused to cry.

No… I’m not going to cry just yet.

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