Chapter Thirty-six: The Way You Are

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Kei’s PoV

Time to surf the internet again…!

Yoshi! I’m going to open my Facebook account, my twitter, my Wattpad…

Too many tabs… --__--“


What is this…?

‘Asakura Fuuto dating Ayasaki Yui’

Ayasaki Yui…?

I opened the link and read the issue.

‘Pop idol Asakura Fuuto was spotted in Akihabara with the uprising star Ayasaki Yui in a café. It’s been rumored that they started dating last Wednesday. They look nice together, don’t they?’

And then there were pictures of them together.


I don’t care…

xDD I turned the computer off then decided to go outside for some fresh air when Ema-nee-chan came and told me about that news.

“Kei-chan!” she exclaimed. “Are you fine about this? Shouldn’t you call Fuuto and ask??”

“It’s fine, Ema-nee-chan,” I said, patting her shoulder. “I’m okay with it.”

“You’re totally okay with him dating another girl…?” she asked, worried.

Am I really okay…?

“Let’s stalk him!” she declared.

“What…??” I asked. “No!”

“Yes! Now come one!”

She dragged me out of the house and we went straight to where Fuuto-kun was holding a concert.

“E-ema-nee-chan… Is this really a good idea??” I asked her, hiding myself in the crowd. Based on my experience since I became related to him, he can always spot me in the crowd and tell if I was looking at him or not. --__--

“Of course it’s a good idea! And besides, you’re a fan, right? You should be here!” she said, dragging me with her.

I don’t know Ema-nee-chan can be so hyper when it comes to this kind of things…


After the concert, we waited outside until Fuuto-kun came out with Yui-san and his manager.

“Fuuto! Let’s go out on a date right now~!” she exclaimed, clinging to his arm.

“Let go of me, you stupid girl!” he said, shaking her off.

“Why? I thought we’re dating~!”

“She’s only flirting with him!” Ema-nee-chan hissed.

“Now we know the truth, let’s go home,” I suggested. I was about to walk away when she got hold off my hand.


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