Chapter Twenty-six: Hug Language

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Maria’s PoV


I love pandas…

And L more…

And Louis-san the most…

Wait, that sounds wrong. L! I love you the most, okay??!

“You love pandas, huh?” Tsubaki-san asked me.

“Yup! Ne, do you know the hug language?” I asked him.


“I only made it up.”

“Let’s hear it then~!”


*drum roll*

-If somebody hugs you, it means he need comfort, he trust you, or he’s just happy.

-If you hug him back, it means that you’re telling him you’ll be there, you trust him too, and you’re happy.

-If he rests his chin on your shoulder, he needs a shoulder to cry on.

-If he rests his chin on your head, it means I care for you.

-If he pats your back, it means it’s okay…I’m here…

-If a guy hugs a girl around the waist, it means I love you.

-If he hugs you around the shoulders, it means he needs comfort. Just go back to the first meaning I said.

-If a girl hugs you around your neck, she loves you.

-If a girl hugs you around your waist… just go back to the first meaning I said… Or it means she wants to hug you but you’re too tall for her.


“Aah…” Kaname-san said. “Do you trust me, Maria??”


“Then why aren’t you hugging me?”

“I just made up that language. Words are better.”

“Is there a kiss language??” Tsubaki-san asked.


*drum roll then the triangle*

-A kiss on the forehead means I care for you.

-A kiss on the eyelids means sleep tight.

-A kiss on the cheek means I like you.

-A kiss on the lips mean I love you.

-A kiss on the nose means you’re cute.

-A kiss on the hand means I respect you.

-Kissing somebody’s foot means loyalty.

-Kissing the dirt means I’ve already punched you and you’ve landed on the ground.

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