Chapter Nineteen: 私たちは 友達です(We Are Friends)!

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I have sore throat... Ugh... *sniffs* ---___--- kung kelan malapit na pasukan eh... Watching Nodame Cantabile right now... I really love this anime~! ^____^

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Maria’s PoV

“Ne, let’s watch anime in my room!” Tsubaki-san suggested to me and Azusa-san.

We were just slacking around the living room.

Yoshi!” I exclaimed.

When Tsubaki-san opened the door to his room…

“Room’s messy…” I commented.

“Really messy…” Azusa-san agreed.

“It calms you, ne~?” Tsubaki-san asks us, cheerful.

“It pisses me off…” Azusa-san murmured. “I’m gonna clean it up while you put on the DVD…”

After that, we were sitting on the floor, eating some potato chips while watching Little Busters!

“I’ve always wanted Kyousuke or Riki to be my older brother,” I commented, munching on a chip.

“I can be your onii-chan~!” Tsubaki-san said.

“I think I’ll pass…”

“Mean… How can you say that so bluntly when you know that I have a thing for little sister?!”

“Yeah, yeah…”

Then that scene when Kudryavka was telling Riki about her Mom and her dreams…

“I remember how my Mom used to cut my anime-watching hours and how it would make me angry…” I chuckled. “Sorry for saying something off topic… Anyway, Kud’s dream and mine are the same. My Dad loves science, and that’s how I came to love Astronomy. My dream was to become an astronaut when I was a kid. Watching this anime made me dream about that again. I would look up at the skies and look at the stars… Sadly, there are only few that can be seen…”

I looked at them. “Sorry for blabbering again…” I chuckled apologetically.

“You have a lot of problems…” they both said in unison.

“When you’re a negative thinker, you find problems in everything…” I said. “It’s confusing but I’ve survived this long…”

I beamed at them for no reason.

“Tell us how you really feel,” Azusa-san said.

“We’re otaku buddies! We’ll understand for sure!” Tsubaki-san exclaimed.

“That’s what’s so great about having otaku friends, huh?” I said.

“Anime has taught me a lot of things… Friendship, love, bravery… It opened another world for me. One where I can be who I am, be whoever I want, and be true. But sometimes I get sad. When I go to bed after watching anime, I get this empty feeling. I want to be in the anime world, to be with the anime characters I idolize so much. Because I know those people would understand me… Unlike the people here, they judge. They do not understand…” I said. “So when my Mom tells me that being addicted to anime is bad, I get angry. When I watch anime, I feel happy. It takes me to a world where I can cry whenever I want, laugh without faking smiles, and be me…”

I looked down.

“Anime is something more for otakus…” I murmured. “They just don’t understand us… Sometimes I would wish that one morning when I wake up, I’d be in the anime world with friends who will protect you… But this is reality, and even your friends don’t understand you…

I’m not talking about Joan, Maya, or Kei… They understand me…

But the others… No…

My parents are good, and for me, the best… But they just don’t understand…”

I looked at them and smiled.

“I blame myself sometimes for letting myself be trapped in the fiction world… But I can’t help but let myself be captured in a place where I know the pain can be cured…” I continued on, looking at the screen. “I can’t help but reach out a hand to the other side of the mirror and wish I was able to stay there beside them. All I can do is cry inside, hoping that a person who knows how I feel would rescue me and tell me that reality isn’t that bad… But hoping wasn’t enough. How would others understand you if you do not open up? But if others do not notice, it means they don’t understand… I’m so confused… I do not know who to blame… Me, or them? Or is there even someone to blame in the first place?”

I sighed then smiled at them again.

“But… as long as I have my friends, I can survive… That’s for sure…”

“Thanks for listening,” I said. “I feel much better now!”

“You can always tell us your problems… Just remember, even if others do not understand, true friends will always try to help you.”

“We’re your nakamas! And we’ll always be here for you!”

I beamed at them. “Arigatou gozaimasu…”

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