Chapter Thirteen: First Snow

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Maya's PoV


I woke up early on December 23...

I stood up then opened the curtains...




"ATE~!! GISING!" I shouted, making them jump.

"WHERE'S THE FIRE?!" my Ate Maria exclaimed.

"No fire!" I said. "But there's snow!"

"Ah... Wake me up when it's 8 in the morning and-- WHAT??!"




We all looked outside of the window in awe as the snow flakes fall to the ground.

"Let's go outside!"


We grabbed our jackets and ran outside.


"WAA~!" we all said.


"OI! Get inside! It's cold!" we heard Ukyo-san shout from the front door a few minutes later.

"Aww..." we groaned as we went inside.


“Don’t go outside wearing only your pajamas and a jacket,” Ukyo-san scolded as the elevator went up.

“Ugh, I’m going to be sick…” Ate Maria muttered.


As we stepped out of the elevator on the third floor, we saw Louis-san getting out of his room.

“No work today?” Ukyo-san asked.

“Mm… It’s snowing…” Louis-san commented.



Then I saw my sister starting to go in our room, hand clamped on her mouth.


“Are you… okay, Ma-chan?” Louis-san muttered.

“Hai… I’m fine, Ru-kun…” she said. “Please excuse me.”


Hmm… Those two…

*evil grin appears on my face*


After the four of us took a bath and changed into warm clothes, we went to the fifth floor to eat breakfast.


“Good morning,” the four of us greeted Ema-chan, Masaomi-san, Wataru-chan, Ukyo-san, Kaname-san, and a girl wearing a red dress sitting on the couch.

“Ate, who is she?” I asked Ate Maria.

“Who?” she asked.

“The girl sitting beside Kaname-san.”

“Ah… That’s…!

She was like 0______0 when she saw the girl.


“Maria-chan!” the girl said. “Don’t forget about our date tomorrow, okay?”

“Date? But she’s a girl!” Kei said.

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