Chapter Twenty-eight: Expectations

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Maria's PoV



Sensei stood up and put his hands on his hips.

"I thought you wanted that scholarship so much! But why are you doing a lot of mistakes for the past few days??" he scolded, glaring. "PRACTICE! I expected more of you!"

He walked towards the door and slammed it shut.

I sighed.

Oh well...

I tried playing again the piece I was trying to master but ended up making mistakes.

"Why in earth is this piece so happy and jolly??" I hissed, closing the book shut and gathering my things. "It makes me sick... It's completely the opposite of my mood right now..."

I put my things in the bag then walked home.

Ugh... What's wrong with me today...? >_<


0___o? I turned around and saw Natsume-san in his car.

"Natume-san!" I exclaimed.

"Are you going home?" he asked me.


"I'm gonna take you home," he said, opening the door.

"N-no! I can go home myself," I said. "Thank you for the offer, though."

"I insist..."

---___---" Wow, the Asahina brothers sure are... how do I put this in words... "MAPILIT"??

Ah! Persistent. Insistent...

Thank you, google translate xDD

I got in then clamped a hand over my mouth.

"Are you okay?" Natsume-san asked me, worried.

"Car sick..."

He chuckled then opened the windows and turned off the aircondition.

"Arigatou~..." I groaned, looking outside and almost sticking my tongue out like a dog. "Fresh... air~!! I need you~!!"

Natsume-san chuckled more. "Someone who hits my brothers' heads has car sickness. A strong girl with a weird weakness."

>3< "I'm not the only one! Natsu from Fairy Tail has motion sickness but he's strong! And it's what makes me ME."

He smiles then pats my head. "It does..."

When we got home, we went to the living room.

"Chotto matte kudasai..."

I turned around and saw Ukyo-san with a serious and... worried (??) look on his face.

"Your school called, Maria..." he said.


"Your teacher called and said you were doing worse and worse. He wanted me to check on you if you were having problems..." Ukyo-san told me.

/( '__' )\ Um...

"Ah... hehe..." I said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Are you all right?" he asked me.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I know I shouldn't be the one scolding you but... I still have to tell you to do better."

I nodded my head. "I will!"

"Practice... I expect more of you..."

^___^v "Leave it to me~!"

He smiled then left to...

Um... Why was he carrying a knife...?? 0_____0

It was still early so I decided to go to Aoyama!

Hehe... This is one of the places shown in Death Note~!! ^___^

 "Even Ukyo-san... When people know you have the potential, their expectations of you become higher and higher. So when you do bad, they get angry. Ugh... I'm being a negative thinker again..." I muttered to myself, passing a shop filled with fashion I do not get. "But even so, what I just murmured is the true. Being the youngest in class..."

I entered Grade 1 when I was 5 years old. Never tried preparatory, only kindergarten. Up until Grade 6, I maintained my good grades. But when I reached Grade 7, my grades began to drop. Then my teacher talked to me, saying, "What's happening to you?" She told me the teachers were talking about me in the faculty room...

They say I wasn't taking everything seriously.

I was treating education like TRASH.

I admit I wasn't taking things seriously, but I never treat education like trash.

They expected me to still maintain my grades, but I'm still young. I know it's a stupid excuse, but not everyone is like me. Everything was 2 years advance for me. 11 years old and in Grade 7...

Some of you might not understand... This is how it is in the Philippines: Nursery, Kindergarten, Preparatory. Then Grade 1-6... After that, high school. But K12 is now being used, so high school is now Grade 7-12. Then after that you can go to college. 

I sighed.

I'm so lucky that I survived hell...

When I graduated, I thought that that kind of stress would leave me...

But it's still here...

It's still here... And it won't leave me...

The expectations are crushing me... They're heavy on my little shoulders...

I looked up at the sky and exhaled.

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Another update coming today~!! ^__^

Just wait for a miunte. I'm putting it up.

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