Chapter Seventeen: Homesick Right Now

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Another chapter because school is really really REALLY NEEEEA~R and I might not be able to get here often... ^___^

Sorry about the two chapters in one part.

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Maria’s PoV

“I MISS THE PHILIPPINES!” I exclaimed then lay down on the floor.

“Maria,” Masaomi-san begins to scold.

“Hai, hai!”

“Well, why don’t you tell us about your lives back there,” Natsume-san suggested.

“Ah! Back there, sometimes we eat on banana leaves,” I said. “We use our hands as spoons.”

“Wouldn’t you catch an illness then?” Masaomi-san asked.

“Of course we wash our hands!” Maya said. “And the banana leaves!”

“We’d put the rice and viand on the banana leaves and we’d dig in!” I said.

“The problem is, in our hometown, there are only a few stores that sell mangas and anime goods TT^TT,” I added.

“That must be hell,” Azusa-san said.

“It is… TT^TT”

“In our school, there are only few clubs and most of them are not active,” Joan said.

“No school festivals, but there is one called Tagis Lakas where ball games and some booths are open for fun,” Kei added. “There’s Nutrition month, Buwan ng Wika, etc. But the festivals here are better…”

“That sucks,” Yuusuke-san said.

“Yeah… We wanted our school to have active clubs like I see in anime,” I said then sighed.

It’s been bothering me…

I’ve been remembering those times when I was being negative… Not that I’m not a negative thinker anymore but…

I sighed again.

Kaname’s PoV


Something’s wrong with Maria…

I got a paper then wrote something and passed it to her…

Maria’s PoV

I read the note Kaname-san gave me.


 I felt my throat hurt.

“What… did Kana-nii-san… tell you?” Louis-san asked.

“It’s nothing. Nonsense, like the usual,” I joked, then smiled at Kaname-san.

“Oh… okay…”

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