Chapter Twenty-two: It Will Work Out... I promise...

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Maya’s PoV

 Ate Joan, Ate Maria, Kei, and I are watching K-Dramas in our room.

“Ah… January 21 is getting nearer, huh?” Ate Maria said, looking at our little calendar plastered on a little space on our poster-filled walls.

What are plastered on the walls? Posters of anime and KPOP idols.

“What’s on January 21?” I asked them.

“Yeah! What’s on January 21?” Kei added.

“Y-you… don’t know?” Ate Joan stammered. The both looked at each other. “You really don’t know?”

“I thought Iori-san told you already!” Ate Maria exclaimed.


“Iori-san is going to study abroad. He’ll be leaving on January 21…” Ate Maria said, munching on a cookie, wearing a concerned look on her face.

0_0 “O-oh… So that’s why…” I said. “Wha--? ATE! YOU ATE ALL THE COOKIES??!”

“I did not!”

“Tsk, tsk. I’m going to go out and buy some.”

I grabbed my jacket and purse then went to the elevator.

When I got out, I met Iori-san who was carrying some papers.

“Oh! Are you going somewhere?” he asked me.

“M-mm! I’m going to buy some cookies. My sister ate all of it… ---___---“”  I answered. “I’ll be going now!”

“Wait! I’m coming with you. I can’t let my girlfriend go out alone. Wait for me, okay?”

He went outside.

I squatted in front of the flower bed and sighed.

I’m sad… Yes, I am… But not because he’s leaving… Well, maybe because of that, but… Because he didn’t tell it to me earlier… Everyone knows except Kei and me.

We went to the store and bought a lot of cookies. We were on our way home, eating some of them, when Iori-san stops and asks me something.

“What’s wrong, Maya-chan?”


“Something’s troubling you…”

“Nothing is troubling me,” I said, looking away while gulping down some water.

He grabs me by the shoulders and makes me face him.

“Tell me,” he said.

I gave him a smile. “So, what country are you going to stay at to study?” I asked him.

Iori-san freezes then he became sad. He suddenly hugs me tightly. “I can stay here for you…” Iori-san whispers to my ear. “Just tell me. I won’t leave… Just say so…”

I shook my head. “Iori-san, if this is what you want, I’ll support you! ^___^

“But what I want is what you want…”

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