Chapter Seven: The New Race

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Maria’s PoV

I was avoiding Louis-san for a week.

When we’re with the others, I talk casually with him. But when alone, I quickly walk away. If I sense him following me, I hide.




GAAAAAAAHH!! \( >w< )/

While I was groaning and messing my hair up, my phone vibrated. I picked it up and only saw a number. I answered it.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Ah, Maria-chan!”

0_o “If this is someone who’s calling me because he has nothing to do, then I’m hanging up.”

“Is that how you ask an unknown caller for his identity?”

“Well, who is this?” I asked. I was having a major crisis and a moment, then you call me and interrupt me with your call?? This better be someone I know...

“Hikaru!” someone said, suddenly changing the deep, calming voice to a girly one.

0___0 Whaaaaaat??!Hikaru-san! Waa! Gomen! Gomen!

“It’s okay…” he said, chuckling. “Anyway, I’m free today and I want to get some fresh air. I have another deadline coming up and I think going out will give me more ideas…”

“Ahh… Wait, why are you saying this to me?

“Oh. Then can you please go with me?” he asked.


“Consider it a date.”

Hikaru’s PoV

“Consider it a date,” I said.

*end call*

"Oh, she hang up on me..." I said, amusement obvious in my voice.

Maria’s PoV

Oh, he called again.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Okay, not a date. Uhmm… hanging out, then?” he suggested.

I sighed. “What time?”

“Around three. Meet me at…”

A date... Now I wonder why it's called a date. A date is the month, year, something like that. Now why is this called a date...?

Okay, before I get side-tracked, I'm going to get ready.

I put on a white buttoned-up long-sleeved blouse then a red skirt, a knee sock, and my flat shoes. Then I put my hair up in a bun at the right side of my head…

 A skirt. A skirt. GREAT.

I got out of the room and walked to the elevator and went to the fifth floor to grab the purse I left there yesterday. I planned on going out without the others knowing... but the others were in the living room.

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